口感與一般腸粉不同,多了一點Q勁,沾醬也很特別,有花生醬、甜醬、淡味醬油(?),製作是用蒸籠布將粉漿蒸好以後,整片刮下來,很大一份,大概是台灣菜市場抽屜式廣東腸粉的兩倍。老闆娘非常客氣,我們三個人只點一份雞蛋腸粉還是笑咪咪的,不斷為了等待太久對我們說抱歉。內用只有兩桌,有冷氣,外帶的人更多,粥品貌似也是強項,下次還想再試。. [read more]
咕嚕肉, 大雞湯翅, 南乳雞翼, 鱔, 上湯豆苗, 個鱔好好食 We ordered sweet and sour pork, large chicken shark fin soup, red bean curd chicken wings, steamed eel w/ black bean sauce (highly recommended) and veggies. [read more]
跟家人的回憶!. 2017年 6 月 30 日 結業, 老細退休唔做. . . . Chinese yum cha breakfast, beef balls is a must to try. [read more]
We ordered one chicken red and one beef green curry. They were both delicious and full of flavour. The clay pot seafood rice was also good. Salmon was a bit spicy. [read more]
Si Tou Ieng Kit Certified Accountant is an accounting, located at 澳門南灣大馬路619號時代商業中心15樓H, Av. da Praia Grande No. 619 Edf. Comercial Si Toi 15 Andar H. [read more]
FRESH 特色甜品店(信託分店) is a meal takeaway, located at 283-325 Av. da Longevidade. [read more]
劉蛋小食 is a meal takeaway, located at MacauR. do Conselheiro Borja, 163號號. [read more]
譚豪柱醫務所 is a doctor, located at Macau肥利喇亞美打大馬路 / 荷蘭園大馬路 / 荷蘭園正街20號. They can be contacted via phone at +86 28331899 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Centro de Medicina Desportiva is a doctor, located at 220 Av. dos Jardins do Oceano. They can be contacted via phone at +86 28810896 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務良好,食物不錯,中午粵式飲茶,晚上任食火鍋$198。. 菜比想像中好吃!值得推薦!. 비지니스관계로 가게됨. 장소는 평범함. . . 음식은 맛있었음. . [read more]
Kiang Wu Hospital Taipa Clinic is a hospital, located at 78 R. do Pai Kok. They can be contacted via phone at +853 8295 4001 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jade Shop is a clothing store, located at 26-34 R. de Afonso de Albuquerque. They can be contacted via phone at +853 6308 1160 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sodaa Boutique is a clothing store, located at 2 R. da Barca. [read more]
Near Bershka and foodcourt, any discount but the price is just the same as Stradivarius Indonesia. Maybe if there wes Big Sale it would be cheaper. . [read more]
A place to visit especially if you're with children when travelling to Macau and it's very affordable for only 10 MOP. We were able to see the pandas but they were sleeping. [read more]
green cross vet is a veterinary care, located at Macau, block 5 rua de Aveiro. [read more]
吳醫生醫術很好. [read more]
中僑 is a shopping mall, located at Macau. They can be contacted via phone at +853 2835 6115 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Love the old vintage vibes of the ice cream place. Clean and tidy. Not the most comfortable chairs because it is an old place. Quite yummy ice cream - I love ice cream and I think it's pretty good. [read more]
有足球場,游泳池,停車場等等. 還有隔離常滿的停車場. [read more]
酒店性价比较高,酒店内设施齐全,隔音还可以,酒店位置也不错,对面就是公车站,可以直达外港码头,新马路,黑沙湾,妈阁庙等,离口岸近,坐免费大巴方便,从酒店步行到大三巴只需30分钟(可搭乘3号公交车到大三巴),步行至关口只要10分钟。酒店虽然不大,但房间挺温馨的,舒适干净。 服务很好很周到,能够为旅客着想,很贴心。. [read more]
La HISTORIA del. . . . . POSADA MARINA INFANTE Macao. La AMISTAD y el buen SABOR siempre perdura en el TIEMPO gracias marcel. [read more]
담배를 피냐고 물어서 안핀다고 받은방인데. . . 담배냄새가 난다. . . 이냄새는 방에서 나는건 아니고 에어컨을 타고 오는 냄새같다. 하지만! 이점을 빼고는 좋다 가격도 저렴하고 위치도 좋고 방도 매우 청결하다 마카오에 익숙하다면 묶어도 좋을만한 호텔! 옛샌즈도 육교만 건너면되서 샌즈카지노 푸드코드에서 밥먹기도 좋고 게임하기도 좋다. [read more]
Sets the bar for five star service! Every detail attended to - spent three nights and had a wonderful time. The restaurant was outstanding - thanks for the separate Vegetarian menu! I ended up.. [read more]
Stayed there a few times. Loved it. Spacious, quality, natural wood. Like the old fashioned style. It's being renovated most of 2018, and is out of operation, hope they keep the old style, not.. [read more]
環境舒適 招牌煎焗排骨仔 甜甜酸酸好味道 鳳城春花肉 內有韭菜臘肉豬肉 不油膩 好味 招牌風味雞 味道一般 清蒸筍殻魚 一斤半重 蒸得剛剛好 正 清炒皇帝菜 是日冬至 送紅豆沙湯圓糖水 及 生果盤 以上消費 $1200 一定有下次. 何処に向かうのも便利な位置で何気に部屋も広くて小綺麗!来月6回目のマカオ旅行者. [read more]
台灣旅遊找小姐加賴:wowo21 可視訊選妹裸聊 台灣旅遊找小姐加賴:wowo21.. [read more]
Really big hotelrooms. Checked in yesterday night for 750hkd. Check in was really uncomplicated. Rooms are a little bit retro styled but ok. Big bathroom. [read more]
Just have stayed here recently and I understand the well deserved Forbes recommendation. Everything from groundfloor lobby till front desk feels just so slick and warm. [read more]
非常有水準的點心,賣相和味道相當不俗。. The dim sum served are all fantastic! It's a rare 5 stars I would rate for a restaurant. . . . [read more]
We stayed here for 2 nights in Macau. Big rooms, good view, professional staff, great casino. Walking distance to all other major hotspot hotels and casinos. [read more]
The hotel has a good location in the city. It has a lot of nearby shops, restaurants and other hotels with casinos. It is like a good 20 minute walk to Senado Square and Ruins of St. [read more]
九龍城德朗邨德珮樓30/3009黃永良/趙秀玲!三個大人一細路!一個女!穿背包男/女有車匙!一對母子!她們是沒有得改變!星期一日!中秋節!瑞午節!重陽節!鬼節!清明節!聖誕節!平安夜!補假!新年!這家人無原無固!日日都滋擾我九龍城德朗邨德珮樓30/3009傷殘金!要去滋擾令有原因!有固定收入!但!送給!我的禮物!子宮出血!小便出血!大便出血!子宮移位!心律不正!我每月要去何文田博愛看中醫!政府每個月比錢她!可需要用這生活费去滋擾我!有手有腳!有仔有女公養!和丈夫有工作做!不需要再比滋援她!這些手練是捐出來做慈善晚宴及籌款晚宴!幫大陸山區兒童!捐出比老人院!送给比老人家!我有這些物品,可以捐出來做善事,親手制造,出心出力為善致樂,歡迎機構洽談,我自己做的。有興趣的話可以聯络我及留言愛心(介指)愛心(手練)及愛心(練咀)(電話繩)(结婚喜興我可以捐出)我回到香港!好唔開心!好辛苦!我一D生樂趣都沒有!我在香港經常比她滋擾黃永良! 趙秀玲!三個大人一细路!一個女仔!穿背包男/女有車匙!一對母子!有沒有辨法可以幫我!我在香港!好辛苦!好疲倦!妳們可否幫我!子宮出血!小便出血!大便出血!子宮移位!不育!生不到BB!心律不正!令我留下了一個美好傷痛的巴痕!何華漢區議员梁婉婷區議員一起滋擾我!有沒有辨法可以幫我!我好唔開心!這家人什麼人!都唔怕!妳們有沒有辨法!幫手!九龍城德朗邨德珮樓30/3009在厕所!大廳!廚房!睡房!裝下手提電話!厕所!廚房!睡房!裝下cctv!星期一日!中秋節!瑞午節!重陽節!鬼節!兒童節!聖誕節!清明節!補假!新年!唔開門!平安節!假辦關燈!黃永良/趙秀玲!三個大人一细路!一個女!穿背包男/女有車匙!今天說初口我殘肺癈雞!她唔比我睡眠!星期一日!紅色假期都唔可以!我一回家就滋擾我!有工作做!走小販!生果金!傷殘金!有綜緩!有缓助金!有舖頭!有仔女公養!有丈夫公養!. [read more]
A great place to shop in Macau with great quality products both local and from abroad, nice choice of food at the 8th floor which is great if you are looking to broaden the offer available at.. [read more]
教區青年牧民中心 is a church, located at Macau, Rua do Padre Joao Climaco. [read more]
Giordano is a clothing store, located at Macau, 澳門路氹連貫公路威尼斯大運河購物中心837號鋪. They can be contacted via phone at +853 2857 6136 for more detailed information. [read more]