villa yg terbaik saat berkunjung ke sarangan, view bagus lgsung arah ke telaga, diluar dan didalam kmar bersih nyaman, suasana tenang, fasilitas luar biasa, bawa anak dn keluarga sangat.. [read more]
Kost surabaya pusat yg MURAH, aman, nyaman. Dekat Jalan pasar kembang, raya arjuna, Diponegoro, Raya Darmo, Urip Sumoharjo, Basuki rahmad, embong malang, dan Kedungdoro (Pusat bisnis di surabaya). [read more]
Wonderful hotel with traditional stuff dand heritage. Very artistic and antique hotel. The famous about this hotel is about the painting of the lady. The hotel service is very good, the staff.. [read more]
Lovely hotel, beautiful place to stay. I have found a new "FRIENDS" at my room (you can call them GHOST) and they so friendly, a cute young boy and old woman also teenage boy, wow. [read more]
Villa Danesh memberikan kenyamanan bagi para tamu yang mau berlibur ke kota Batu atau Malang Raya karena lokasinya yg dekat dengan tempat-tempat wisata. [read more]
Tempat nya bersih, ramah dan nyaman bgt. [read more]
Home stay keluarga mutiara panderman G-5. [read more]
Alamat udah beberapa kali diperbaikin ttp aja banyu urip 😂. [read more]
Maybe currently it's the best hotel in Ponorogo. The hall usually used to be wedding party place. So the parking lot often crowded. Not easy to notice from street due it's location that must.. [read more]
Menginap 3 hari dalam acara Peatihan SPM di Hotel Tampiarto dapat menyenagkan dikarenakan tempatnya damai, tentram dan indah berkualitas. Dipusat kota, hotel lama tp cukup nyaman. [read more]
Good place to stay. Breakfast was good. The bathroom with bathup. . Classic looking hotel. I had a Sunday service here, the side parking really helps. [read more]
Yg bagus dr tempat ini adl : view belakang nya pegunungan dan lereng perkebunan sayuran Fasilitas : mushola luas, ada lantai atas untuk pertemuan rapat/ besar. [read more]
Hotel Criton is a lodging, located at Jl. Sawo No. 34, Kejuron, Madiun, Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur 63132. They can be contacted via phone at +62 351 464629 for more detailed information. [read more]
Penginapan Putra Boyan is a lodging, located at Jl. Malik Ibrahim No. 17, Kebungson, Kec. Gresik, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61119. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-3225-0076 for.. [read more]
Kamar bersih, pelayanan bagus. [read more]
Bangunan yang berbentuk rumah panggung. Berdiri di atas tanah yang miring. Menghadap pemandangan sawah dan alam yang menakjubkan. . Tempat yg nyaman saat week end dg pemandangan G. [read more]
puri indah blok al is a lodging, located at Puri Indah, Suko, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61224. They can be contacted via phone at +62 878-7856-321 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lokasi yang sering di gunakan untuk transit dan oper bis dari daerah Trenggalek - Tulungagung - Kediri menuju Solo Yogya maupun sebalik nya. Warung kopi, warung makan, pusat oleh oleh, toilet,.. [read more]
Easy to notice from highway and near with mosque. it's so comfortable for guests and the service is so good. [read more]
Stayed here for a month. It's pretty small but everything seems fine. The food are pretty nice, as long as you don't pick the wrong ones (i like the nuggets by the way). [read more]
Cari villa buat liburan bareng keluarga ato kerabat, disini ajha, hawax nyenengin. Terletak tepat di depan jatimpark, lokasi strategis. Sangat nyaman ditempati. [read more]
Biasa tempatnya,ndk trll mewah. Tp cukuplah utk anak kos,murah,sejuk dan nyaman. . This my home Kost putri. . . . . [read more]
enak tempatnya, nyaman. Penasaran ama kosnya. . . . Bagus penghuninya cantik cantik. [read more]
Catering Suramadu Surabaya is a lodging, located at III No 27 3 No 27, Jl. Kedinding Lor Kedinding Lor Gg. Anggur A, Tanah Kali Kedinding, Kenjeran, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60129. [read more]
Tempat yg nyaman utk menginap beberapa hr utk kegiatan lomba. Homestay yg nyaman dan dekat dgn pusat perbelanjaan. Mantap dan bersih. . . . Menyenangkan. [read more]
Tempatnya nya nyaman. . . Disediakan buka puasa gratis selama Ramadhan dan ada ceramah agama nya juga untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang Islam. Pondok & masjid sunnah di kota Pasuruan. [read more]
Melati/Harto is a lodging, located at Jl. Hangtuah No. 05, Ngemplakrejo, Panggungrejo, Kota Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67114. They can be contacted via phone at +62 343 81929 for more detailed information. [read more]
CV. Karya Cendana Indonesia is a lodging, located at 1/6a, Jl. Kyai Satari, Rungkut Menanggal, Gn. Anyar, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60293. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-3308-9666 for.. [read more]
Terminal Kota yang memiliki transit untuk dalam maupun luar provinsi di Lintas Selatan Banyuwangi. [read more]
Good hotel. It is located in by-pass street which is quite difficult to find because the street is very crowded. So you need to watch on Google maps and look around. [read more]
Nice and comfy hostel. Receptionist was nice and friendly, and service was great. Facilities such as bed, dining room and toilets were all clean. They provide lockers, hairdryer, and basic.. [read more]
Tempat nyaman,harga bersahabat,dekat dengan kota pamekasan,pokoknya ngak mengecewakan. [read more]
Deket destinasi plus mau makan wes nyanding dpn villa. . . Mudah, Murah. Harga murah, ruang lumayan, pelayannya ramah. . Tempat nyaman dekat dengan tempat perbelanjaan oleh2 khas sarangan magetan. [read more]
good service, friendly & comfortable. but sometimes the waiter and the receptionist are not in place. Cozy,nice place and view. . but lack of parking lor. [read more]
Sangat cantik untuk di pandang Sangat enak untuk di huni. [read more]
Saya senang sekali menginap di Mador. Kamarnya nyaman, ACnya dingin, tiap ranjang di sekat dengan dinding yang terbuat dari triplek yang cukup tebal. Masing masing ranjang ada lampu dan colokan. [read more]