Sports Dept is unwilling to talk to parents and interested students. Disappointing!!!!
I am a Canisius graduate of 2013 and I do not regret going to this school. To get the most out of this school, you have to know certain people. These people are the professors, your classmates, and maybe the staff that make the food ;).
In all seriousness, the classes were small and the professors were willing to help. This college has resources at your disposal so do not be afraid to use them. Now, it is an expensive school so keep that in mind, but the programs are fantastic.
Just keep in mind that it is near the East Side and some neighborhoods are not so good. During the day you will be fine walking through them but at night I would keep an eye out and check your surroundings if you are walking around them. Other than that, have fun!
This was the only college that would give me a degree, and I tried 6! Thanks Canisius!
Amazing school, the campus is nice, everything is easy to find. Friendly professors and staff. Class sizes are small, that's one of the things that I love about it.
Went here for my Master's degree and was incredibly disappointed in the program. It was in the business department and I did not feel like I received anywhere near my money's worth.
Great school. Lived off campus for 3 years. Had a great time. The surrounding areas can be a little sketchy but overall safe
Very nice college for locals and for out of State as well as International students! I have a family member and friends who went there.
I went to Canisius for a 4 year triple major and I really enjoyed it. The classes are small and the professors actually care. It has a great business program, but there are a lot of gen-ed prereqs that you need to take which is somewhat of a shame. Highly recommend getting involved with groups and clubs though. Networking is one of the best things you can do. You will have some professors taking attendance, and I know, sounds a bit weird for college (especially because you are the one paying), but it only furthers the fact that the professors care. All of the professors have their doctorates and many have real-world business experience which is a big plus. Since graduating, I still keep in-touch with a few professors. You'll get as much out of it as you put in. If you try and sit back and be invisible, you won't get as much out of it. If you're actually active and participate in class, you're going to have a good and positive experience. I would recommend Canisius. Have made many life-long friendships with students as well as professors. Get involved though!