Not the easiest place to get into
Everyone is usually polite, friendly, knowledgeable and efficient.
I got let go from here for discrimination there forklift drivers are drunk while driving and there sorters smoke on there lunch breaks and one guy even gets cooked out and slams a 12pack in the bathroom. 7 to 10 bathroom breaks and he still working there.. and the supervisors and safety people are aware this is going on. They cater to a certain. Group in there.all while they are around dangerous equipment huh??
Great service and pricing! Better than some of the other I've used in the pass. Won't mention the blue guys who were not customer base at all!
I am the pastor of a small community church. When I started a year ago, the church had been subsisting without any full time staff for oversight and was run by volunteers. In that vacuum, WM began charging over ten times what they charge for a new contract at our service level. In one year, the church paid $14,000 for a service which should be no more than $1,200 per a quote received for a new contract with WM. Our new public contract will be less than $200 per year. There was never any notification of these charge increases, no justification, and no right of refusal. Absolutely shameful.
Waste Management is an exploitative organization.