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Paradise Valley Farm and Petting Zoo of Cleveland Georgia

2912 Paradise Valley Rd, Cleveland, Georgia 30528


Paradise Valley Farm and Petting Zoo of Cleveland Georgia is a zoo, located at 2912 Paradise Valley Rd, Cleveland, Georgia 30528. They can be contacted via phone at (706) 348-7279, visit their website www.minilivestock.com for more detailed information.

Visit our petting zoo, check out our adorable mini livestock for sale, take a tour and more!www.minilivestock.com www.northgeorgiazoo.com Bringing People and Animals together.

Tags : #PetBreeder, #PettingZoo

Location :
2912 Paradise Valley Rd, Cleveland, Georgia 30528
Added by Jopie, at 28 January 2019


From April to the end of November we are open to the public on Sat and Sun. However if you are interested in purchasing animals then we do take appointments. We specialize in beautiful, healthy and friendly animals.

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4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    26 March 2019

    Hey all, after our original Instagram account was hacked, we had to make a new one. Follow us at ParadiseValleyFarmGA.

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  • Anynomous
    21 March 2019

    ATTENTION: If you are following our Paradise Valley Farm Instagram account, please unfollow. That account has been hacked. We are in the process of reporting it and getting it taken down. We will open a new account soon. Thank you!

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  • Anynomous
    03 March 2019

    The babies are coming!! This years baby season has started out strong with some adorable baby goats. Plus some pretty cute livestock guardian puppies!

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  • Anynomous
    04 February 2019

    Did you know that Harlequin sheep are naturally hornless? We're getting ready for Baby Season 2019! We can't wait for our kids and lambs to be running around playing and being silly. What's your favorite part of baby season?

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