Great place to work, Wonderful people to work for. THUMBS UP.
The place is a joke. Ran horribly. The old ladies that have been there forever are rude to new employees and run them off. The union does nothing for you and is very weak. All of managment is very "clicky". Scheduling is very unfair and favourable to certain people. Oh, they recently found cockroaches in there.think about that when you eat your next English muffin from McDonalds or any store. They pay good though lol
The place is a joke. Ran horribly. The old ladies that have been there forever are rude to new employees and run them off. The African American supervisor on second shift has relations with female employees which gives them perks. The same people have weekends and holidays off leaving the same people to work holidays and weekends. They will fire you if you dont show up because of weather, even if roads are closed. They dont care about you, your family or anyone's safety. Good place to work if you have no family or values or wanna get some married a$$. the culture on second is crazy, drug use and sexual adventures are prevalent inside the plant and out. Oh, they recently found cockroaches in there.think about that when you eat your next English muffin from McDonalds or any store.