Detailed historical information by knowledgeable volunteers. Rooms beautifully maintained in original state
Ons enthousiasme werd gewekt door Rob Hoogestijn werkzaam als gids in Huis Doorn. De rondleiding was erg interressant en het huis in originele staat vol met de authentieke spulletjes is zeer de moeite waard.
Lots to see and great tour guide. This guy wasn't just rich, he was unbelievably rich.
A visit is an adventure: you are exposed to the european history eith a focus on German Kaizer willhelm-II between 1920-1941
He brought expensive variety of art items as well ad jewellery and drcorated the house wisely.
Home of Kaiser Wilhelm II from 1918-1941. The volunteers in each room have a wealth of knowledge, be sure to ask them your questions!
Covered by the national museum card.
Very friendly staff and building and items are in stellar condition.