Museu que relata a história do fabrico do vidro e cristal na vila de Līvāni com uma bela exposição de itens que mostram a evolução ao longo da história até ao encerramento da fábrica. [read more]
intresanta vieta kuru var ieteikt apmeklēt. . Ļoti jauka privāta kolekcija, un sirsnīga un sarunā ieinteresēta ekspozīcijas vadītāja. 👍🤗. [read more]
Tas ir mana novada muzejs un es vienmēr ar lielu prieku dodos uz šo vietu. Tur ir silti un mājīgi,tur strādā brīnišķīgi cilvēki. Tur vienmēr ir kāda jauna izstāde. [read more]
Sēlija viesītes novadpētniecības muzejs is a museum, located at Viesīte, Viesītes pilsēta, LV-5237. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 116 334 for more detailed information. [read more]
Paula Stradiņa skola is a museum, located at Peldu iela 2, Viesīte, Viesītes pilsēta, LV-5237. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65 245 549 for more detailed information. [read more]
It's fun. And they make it feel like home. . [read more]
Good place for huge parties 100+. Nice owner and good staff. Good and tasty kitchen, not bad sauna (been in one of 8). Small problem in one of the houses, you can't open windows :( so In the.. [read more]
Ļoti interesants gida stāstījums par Alunāna dzimtu, iespēja iejusties aktiera lomā uzspēlējot teātri uz nelielās muzeja skatuves un fotosesija ar pārğērbšanos to dienu tērpos. [read more]
Nice looking place. The cafe has baby chair and kids activity corner with some puzzles. There are multiple dining rooms and also a hall for some event. [read more]
This place is also known as the "Latvian Versailles" and the reason is obvious when you look at the gardens or at the palace itself. This place is a rare gem, surrounded by nature in the middle.. [read more]
Mazs omulīgs muzejs,izstades bieži mainas. Приятно видеть творческий подход работников музея, их старания в сохранении и реставрации поместья. . [read more]
Wonderful castle, gives you feeling as someone lived here recently. Curious history of building and some interesting collections inside. Nice cafe inside. [read more]
Varu salīdzināt ar citām LVmuižām un pilīm. 1. Teicama apkalpošana; 2 Teicama masāža; 3 Interesants piena muzejs 4. Skaista apkātne. - Nav nevina ejoša TV - nummuriņā.. [read more]
The exhibition has temporarily moved to just behind the Freedom Monument so don't head to the location on Google maps. It's a small exhibit but it does detail very well the struggles of Latvia.. [read more]
A nice little museum for history junkies and art snobs. Plan your visit for two hours, however it is worth stopping by even if you have 40 minutes to spare. [read more]
Нормальное место. . [read more]
Small but many interesting cars and stories to be explored here. Recommended to take guide who will explain interesting stories from cars presented there. [read more]
Laba vieta uz viena no Talsu pakalniem. Jaunatklājums. . Atpūta visai ģimenei. It gave nice feeling and also exposition was grate. . [read more]
Ļoti skaista vieta. Ir apskatāmi seni rati, ragavas un citas senlaicīgas lietas. Patīkama daba ar daudz kalniem un pauguriem. . Nice vibes. Events here has some kind of good aura. [read more]
Очень красивое место , расположено на доминирующей высоте над городом. С него прекрасный вид на окрестности. . Iesaku. Gan vēstures izzināšanā, gan saistībā ar Raini. [read more]
A beautiful place with a castle from 14th century. What is awesome about this place - they have a tavern/restaurant that has the environment from the same century. [read more]
A unique museum and would recommend visiting to understand and see the difference in how people used to live. Feel there could be more information explaining the exhibits though, a brief summary.. [read more]
Aizvedu tur savus ārzemju kolēģus. Visi bija apmierināti. Jauka vieta atpūtai kopā ar ģimeni. Vienmēr kāda interesanta izstāde. . Bieži vien ir jaukas izstādes!. [read more]
великолепный музей мастера Олега Аузериса. Шикарные работы, где каждая работа имеет свой идею и смысл. Ювелирная работа в нескольких техниках из белёного и золочёного золота. [read more]
Интересно! Но далеко ехать от Елгавы!. Augstā līmenī izsmeļoši. . Eksponātu dažādība. [read more]
Vietējie stāstīja, ka drupas palēnām tiek papildinātas ar koka konstrukcijām, kā tornis un jumti. pēdējā no tām ir grīda, lai daudz vienkāršāk ir piekļūt drupu iekšpusei arī cilvēkiem ratiņkrēslā. [read more]
Modern and well laid out exhibition. You can get as much as you like out of it: just check out the nice cars or go into details. It's great for children and adults, there's really something.. [read more]