In memoriam Drobė is a museum, located at Muziejaus g. 1, Naujasodis 54470. They can be contacted via phone at +370 646 45354 for more detailed information. [read more]
Užsisakėm 2 picas, pagamino tikrai greitai , truko apie 30 min, picos pilnos ir joms tikrai nieko netruko, ačiū labai skaniai pavalgėm. Tikra pica ne expres pica!. [read more]
LAIMĖS NAMAI is a movie theater, located at Ramybės g. 1E-1, Kaunas 47163. [read more]
Picos vertos dėmesio. Kaino ir kokybės santykis tikrai džiugina. Trūkumas tai tik toks kad klientas nedaug vietos atsisėsti. Man labai patinka čia gaminamos picos. [read more]
Roltas is a painter, located at Savanorių pr. 393, Kaunas 49359. They can be contacted via phone at +370 631 19911 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Labai skanios picos kol siltos. Budavo anksciau pasitaikydavo akmenuku. Idomu is kur jie. . . Pastaruosius metus akmenuku nepasitaike. 5 uz skoni. Good pizza. [read more]
Moving Service Solutions-NOKETA is a moving company, located at Lygybės g. 21, Kaunas 51379. They can be contacted via phone at +370 650 26649 for more detailed information. [read more]
Skanu buvo, ne skûpus esa, jei kaška Papildolmai ušsisakai. Bet tik 4 Žwaigždes doudu, nes Padaveja man biški per dauk Maivosi. Bet taip, Virukai skanei iškepe Pizza 🍕 :-). [read more]
Tarptautiniai pervezimai is a moving company, located at Rasytės g. 24-44, Kaunas 48118. They can be contacted via phone at +370 686 98878 for more detailed information. [read more]
Man čia skaniausios picos. Studentiška ir Akapulko išvis tobulos. Eilinį vakarą užsakymą įvykdo per 15 min, penktadienio vakarą tenka palaukt, ir tai tik įrodo, jog paklausa didelė,.. [read more]
If you're looking for something different and new(and if you're vegetarian or vegan) this place is perfect for you!. Food is delicious, cheap and vegan, music is good, this place differs from.. [read more]
Ecxellent Party Place! Very nice people. Good Drinks, but Look Up If there is a Party. Sometimes this place is is closed. But If there is a Concert or DJ it IS really really cool. [read more]
In the past, I have eaten a 'good enough' pizza that left me pleased, but this place left me craving to get more of it the next morning :)))) Now i can say that Mamma is the BEST pizza in.. [read more]
Puiki perkraustymo komanda, kuri auga dienomis. Visiems labai rekomenduoju!. [read more]
DJANGO is a night club, located at Rotušės a. 29, Kaunas 44281. They can be contacted via phone at +370 608 07400 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The Cinema is quite expensive for Lithuania. However, the seats and the view are excellent. The movies are in English with Lithuanian subtitles. As foreigners it is recommandable to go here. [read more]
Bar in basement. Prices are normal for bar. There's smoking room, so you don't need to go outside. Dj events are optional. More info on facebook page. [read more]
A nice nightclub for college students to have fun at. . A good place for night out. [read more]
Šauni erdvė praleisti laiką. [read more]
Good niche cinema, very hipster. Nice people, good vibes. Įdomus repertuaras ir labai patogios kėdės. Viskas tarpukarinėje atmosferoje. [read more]
Rokenbau is a museum, located at Laisvės al. 72B, Kaunas 44249. They can be contacted via phone at +370 657 58487 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The "content" of the museum itself is amazing, I love the idea that the exhibited buildings form a kind of artificial villages, and that they are quite far away from each other, so it is not.. [read more]
L. Truikio ir M. Rakauskaitės memorialinis muziejus is a museum, located at E. Fryko g. 14, Kaunas 44229. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 223205 for more detailed information. [read more]
The video presentation is something you really have to ask the staff to show you. Although it is a little too dramatized, it still depicts many dramatic moments in the history that we should.. [read more]
UAB HEFAS is a moving company, located at Technikos g. 4A, Kaunas 51211. They can be contacted via phone at +370 686 35793 for more detailed information. [read more]
Best about this place would be the pizza, which you can get around the clock. Usually I walk in during the mid night or early mornings to grab a pizza or kebab. [read more]
Dorcas UAB - Lithuania Truck Rentals, located at Garšvės g. 16, Kaunas 45474. They can be contacted via phone at +370 698 15777 for more detailed information. [read more]
Aš ten statau savo spektaklius. The best acting class. [read more]
UAB Kaunas Logistics Agency is a moving company, located at Taikos pr. 90, Kaunas 51181. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 454255 for more detailed information. [read more]
A. Kleišmanto firm two Sapphires " is a jewelry store, located at Kurpių g. 13, Kaunas 44287. They can be contacted via phone at +370 37 227780 for more detailed information. [read more]
Skaniai gamina, greit aptarnauja. Gera vieta dienos pietum ir netik. . Gražus interjeras, skanu, bet galėtumėte patobulinti desertus. . :). [read more]
Not all that fancy but it's very cheap to get in and quite interesting and entertaining for the price. . Buvo labai įdomi paskaitą apie baltų kultūrą iki Maskvos kurią skaitė prof. [read more]
KoyaRelo Movers (Moving Company in Kaunas) is a moving company, located at Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 32, Kaunas 44301. They can be contacted via phone at +370 614 78240 for more detailed information. [read more]
Puiki vieta užsuku kai einu pro šali idomios parodos buna nemokamai apsilankimas. . Oceniam starówkę kowieńską jako ciekawą. . Čia ne tik galima įsigyti meno kūrinių, bet taip pat vyksta parodos. [read more]
Įdomūs pasirodymai, tikrai geras teatras. [read more]
Puikus muziejus su originaliais eksponatais. Labai jauku, gera čia būti. Jausmas, tarsi būtum svečiuose pas Vaižgantą. . [read more]