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City Hotel Veliko Tarnovo / City Hotel Veliko Tarnovo is a lodging, located at ul. "Hristo Botev" 15, 5000 Veliko Tarnovo Center, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. They can be contacted via phone at +359 62 600 291, visit their website www.cityhotelvt.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
ul. "Hristo Botev" 15, 5000 Veliko Tarnovo Center, Veliko Tarnovo
Added by Jopie, at 12 June 2016

Opening Hours

  • Monday Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 hours
  • Thursday Open 24 hours
  • Friday Open 24 hours
  • Saturday Open 24 hours
  • Sunday Open 24 hours

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7 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    03 October 2017

    Good value for money and a central location.
    The first impression you get when you look at the hotel facade and entry is to go back. Rundown is a heavy understatement for how awful it looks. The inside is however surprising: modern and spotless clean, with excellent service. If you're looking for something very close to the city centre it's definitely an option worth exploring given the decent price. The only awkward thing is the shower that has no tub so it can get a bit slippery.

    Also worth mentioning is the excellent breakfast at pub downstairs.

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  • Anynomous
    23 August 2017

    Great place and nice staff. Very clean and stylish

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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2017

    Bathrooms are nice, beds are nice. The location is good. The only downside is how finding the entrance can be a bit tricky. Also, the clock in my room was ticking very loudly.

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  • Anynomous
    11 April 2017

    Localizat in centru cu o amplasare buna.La circa 2 km de Cetatea Tsarevets cel mai important obiectiv turistic din Veliko Tarnavo. Pret corect in raport cu conditiile oferite si gradul de confort.Este situat la etajul 4 intr-o cladire, constructie destul de noua si de moderna.La parter se afla City Pub unde se serveste dimineata micul dejun care este bun si diversificat inclus in pret.Exista lift, Wifi gratuit, camerele sunt curate si dotate cu aer conditionat, tv, frigider, amenajate modern.In fata hotelului exista cateva locuri de parcare (insuficiente) care in weekend (sambata si duminica) sunt gratuite.In cursul saptamani trebuie platit in intervalul orar 9-17, 1 BGN/ora.Primesti un talon razuit cu ziua si intervalul orar care este obligatoriu sa-l pui in bordul masini la vedere.In caz contrar, ti se blocheaza rotile sau ti se ridica masina numaidecat.Am fost cazata 2 zile pe perioada weekend-ului de Florii.Am mers fara rezervare.In prima seara am stat intr-un apartament ( „ New York”) extrem de bine ingrijit, amenajat modern, conditii confortabile.Punctul forte fiind sufrageria, cu panorama superba asupra orasului. In apartamentu „ New York” mi-a placut ca-n intreg apartamentul se respecta si imbina armonios tematica.M-a costat 52 Eur. A doua zi insa intrucat apartamentul era rezervat ne-au mutat intr-o camera tripla care a costat 38 Euro. Am fost cat se poate de dezamagita.Vederea camerei era in spate, intr-un fel de curte interioara.In plus, camera era sufocant de mica.In mod normal fiind o camera de 2 persoane in care au mai „ trantit” un pat pliant (extrem de incomod) pentru cea de a treia persoana.Ne-au lasat un sul de hartie igenica inceput, insuficient si fara rezerva pe care n-au binevoit sa vina sa-l schimbe.Il recomand dar trebuie sa va asigurati inainte in ce camera veti fi cazati.Conditiile difera de la apartament la camera de parca ar fi vorba de 2 hoteluri diferite. Celor cazati aici li se recomanda Restaurantul Ego unde se mananca bine, oferta este variata si vi se face un discount de 10 % .Personalul este amabil dar cu rezervele aratate.

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  • Anynomous
    03 October 2016

    We stayed there twice already and everything was great.

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  • Anynomous
    30 September 2016

    Неплохой бюджетный отель рядом со старым центром. Чисто, аккуратно, комнатки маленькие, для того, чтобы лечь поспать и ехать дальше — есть всё, что нужно. Внизу рок-бар, у них даже автографы ACDC на мотобаке есть. Все байкеры Велико Търново там!

    P.S. Отель на верхнем этаже, музыку не слышно ;)

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  • Anynomous
    19 June 2016

    Perfect hotel with a nice location.

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