Общественная организация. [read more]
アフガニスタン=ウズベキスタン友好橋(アフガニスタン=ウズベキスタンゆうこうきょう、)は、国境を接するウズベキスタン・スルハンダリヤ州のテルメズとアフガニスタン・バルフ州のハイーラターンの間を流れるアムダリヤ川に架かる鉄道道路併用橋である。この橋は1982年にソビエト連邦によって建設された。この鉄道道路併用橋はウズベキスタンとアフガニスタンの国境を結ぶ唯一の経路であり、西120kmの地点にはアフガニスタンとトルクメニスタンの国境がある。1997年5月にはターリバーンがマザーリ・シャリーフを支配域に置き、北アフガニスタンに居住するターリバーンの抵抗勢力をウズベキスタンへと追放しようとした際に友好橋が閉鎖されたが、2001年12月9日に運用が再開された。2010年1月にはウズベキスタンからアフガニスタンのマザーリ・シャリーフまで橋を通過する鉄道の敷設が開始され、2011年12月に完成した。外部リンク Hairatan-Uzbekistan Rail Project, Afghanistan railway-technology. [read more]
Недорогой хостел. [read more]
Termez Airport is an airport serving Termez, a city in southern Uzbekistan. It is used as a base for German Air Force C-160 "Transalls" which are part of the German ISAF-contingent. [read more]
Hurmatli foydalanuvchilar! Ushbu sahifamizda Siz axborot-kutubxona sohasidagi yangiliklar, ilg'or ish tajribalari bilan tanishib borasiz. [read more]
O`zbekiston Respublikasi Axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiyalarini rivojlantirish vazirligi Surxondaryo viloyat hududiy boshqarmasi. [read more]
У нас вы всегда найдете уют и комфорт, все лучшее для Вас дорогие Гости! With us you will always find coziness and comfort, all the best for you, dear Guests!. [read more]
Learney, Innovatsion o'quv markaz. Biz sizga til kurslari, korporativ o'qitish, evropada ta'lim olish xizmatlarini sifatli va zamonaviy tarzda ko'rsatamiz. [read more]
A Ponte da Amizade Afeganistão-Uzbequistão é uma ponte rodoviária e ferroviária na fronteira Afeganistão-Uzbequistão. Liga os dois países na região de Darvaz, cruzando o rio Amu Dária,.. [read more]
Termez Archaeological museum as a spiritual and ducational place was built owing to the independence and personal project and initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. [read more]
This page About historical Termez (Old name BACTRIA) WEBSITE:termiz. zn. uz phone: +998905210515 OPEN FOR YOU. [read more]
интересное в НЕВРОЛОГИИ, СОМНОЛОГИИ - медицине сна. . [read more]
Surxondaryo viloyati Iqtisodiyot va hududlarni kompleks rivojlantirish bosh boshqarmasi. [read more]
Сурхон Дори-Дармон МЧЖ, located at Узбекистон Республикаси, Сурхондарё вилояти, Термиз шахри, С. Саодат кучаси,.. [read more]
El Puente de la amistad Afganistán-Uzbekistán es un puente internacional construido sobre el río Amu Daria que conecta la ciudad uzbeka de Termez con la ciudad afgana de Jeyretan, en la.. [read more]
I am a student and business trener at YOIH my name's tima I study at Termiz State University. [read more]
ООО АКС-Сурхан, located at Город Термез. ул. T. Сайдалиеа. 36. , Termiz. They can be contacted via phone at 998935320110 for more detailed information. [read more]
Zapraszam do polubienia Strony :)po raz drugi będzie ona istniała , ponieważ została usunięta z nie wiadomo jakich przyczyn. :). [read more]
Yubileyniy супермаркет / Торговый центр YUBILEYNIY / Yubileyniy савдо маркази. [read more]
"Сурхон тонги" публикует статьи и новости об Сурхандарьинской области. [read more]
Termez is a city in the southernmost part of Uzbekistan near the Hairatan border crossing of Afghanistan. It is the hottest point of Uzbekistan. It has a population of 140,404, and is the capital.. [read more]
Malika Termiz is a restaurant, located at Termez, Termiz. They can be contacted via phone at +9989158816588 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Qurilish Mollari Dòkoni is a home goods store, located at Dzharkurgan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 91 228 82 28 for more detailed information. [read more]
Baysun, located at Baysun. [read more]
Abbos Service is a movie rental, located at Baysun. They can be contacted via phone at +998 93 638 99 99 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sportzal&Bodybuilding is a gym, located at Baysun. [read more]
Very clean and comfortable beds. Also we enjoyed the good WiFi after many days in the mountains. We also had very good and complete breakfast. And finally we could use the washing machine for free. [read more]
Khodzhabulgan, located at Khodzhabulgan. [read more]
Minor, located at Minor. [read more]
Yangiobod, located at Yangiobod. [read more]
Yakhtiyul, located at Yakhtiyul. [read more]
Sherabad, located at Sherabad. [read more]
Kokil Dara Khanagha, located at Termez. [read more]
Исторечная места. Sodiq uralov xayrulla ugli. Мне нравится. [read more]
Очень красивое место Термеза всем советую посмотреть!!!. Qirqqiz maqbarasi IX-X asrlarda qurilgan. [read more]
sherobod, located at Sherobod, Surxondaryo , Uzbekiston, Akķürgon. [read more]