Name:Barkamal AwladOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:Barkamal AulatName Ru:Баркамал аулат. [read more]
Name:Эгам Кебабчи (Шашлычник)Phone:+998912592310Amenity:RestaurantCuisine:KebabName En:Egam KebabchiOperator:Эгамбарди МатсапаевAddr.. [read more]
Name:MCHJ "Platinum Muynak"Landuse:IndustrialName En:LLC "Platinum Muynak"Name Ru:ООО "Platinum Muynak". [read more]
Name:Магазин "Мамажан апа"Shop:Convenience. [read more]
Name:РРЛ-13 6-го филиала "ТТТ Узбектелеком"Office:CompanyAn office of a private companyName Ru:РРЛ-13 6-го филиала "ТТТ Узбектелеком". [read more]
Name:РТПЦOffice:CompanyAn office of a private company. [read more]
Name:SaidbekAmenity:CafeName Ru:Саидбек. [read more]
Name:Qanliko'l Rayoni Majburiy Ijra Byurosi BolimiOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName Ru:Бюро.. [read more]
Office:NgoAn office for a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO). Name Ru:Ходжейлийский УПП общество глухих. [read more]
Name:Most Otryad №14Place:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Мост отряд №14. [read more]
Name:QoybaqPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Койбак. [read more]
Name:Остановка маршрутки №1 на кладбищу кораблейHighway:Bus StopName En:Bus No. 1 To Ship Cemetery. [read more]
Place:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:свх. Сов. Каракалпакия. [read more]
Name:ГУП ЭЛЛИККАЛЪАДАВСУВМАХСУСПУДРАТEmail:Elqduk@minwater. uzPhone:03615852010Office:NgoAn office for a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO). [read more]
Name:Чупан остановкаHighway:Bus StopName En:Cho'pon Bekati. [read more]
Name:ПродуктыйShop:ConvenienceName En:Oziq Ovqat Do'koniOpening Hours:Mo-Su 07:00-23:00. [read more]
Name:НафосатAmenity:RestaurantName En:NafosatName Ru:Дом торжествAlt Name:Тантаналар уйиAddr Street:SaxtiyonAddr Housenumber:427. [read more]
Name:Ўзбекистон Республикаси Бош прокуратураси ҳузуридаги Мажбурий ижро бюроси Мўйноқ.. [read more]
Name:Ўзбекистон Республикаси Бош прокуратураси ҳузуридаги Мажбурий ижро бюроси Қўнғирот.. [read more]
Name:Амударё тумани Пенсия ЖамгармасиPhone:+998615151622Office:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName.. [read more]
Name:Кладбище кораблей. Муйнак. Name En:Cemetery Ships. Muinak. Name Ru:Кладбище кораблей. Муйнак. Tourism:ViewpointA place worth visiting, often.. [read more]
Name:Гулям сувShop:Variety Store. [read more]
Name:Караузякский районный телекоммуникации Караузякский районный телекоммуникацииPhone:+99 861 465-43-52Office:TelecommunicationAn office for a telecommunication companyName Ru:UzMobile. [read more]
Name:АО "КАРАКАЛПАК ПОЧТА" Караузякский отделениеPhone:+99 861 465-43-51Amenity:Post OfficeName En:JSC "KARAKALPAK POST" Karauzyak BranchName.. [read more]
Name:JayhunAmenity:CafeName Ru:Жайхун. [read more]
Name:Управление здравоохранения Караузякского районаOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or.. [read more]
Name:Отдел внутренних дел Караузякского районаAmenity:PoliceName En:Department Of The Interior Karauzyak DistrictName Ru:Отдел внутренних дел Караузякского района. [read more]
Name:Ma'mleketlik Qa'wipsizik XizmetiAmenity:PoliceName Ru:Служба Государственной Безопасности. [read more]
Name:Qurban (Ferma) AwilPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Курбан (Ферма) аул. [read more]
Name:Арак шарап дуканыShop:Wine. [read more]
Name:Restoran 2Amenity:RestaurantName Ru:Ресторан 2. [read more]
Name:РОВД Нукусского районаPhone:+99861 226-45-39Amenity:PoliceName En:District Department Of The Interior Of Nukus DistrictName Ru:РОВД Нукусского районаAddr Street:улица Кан Алексей. [read more]
Name:Автозапчасти СветланаShop:Car PartsName En:Automobile Spare Parts Svetlana. [read more]
Name:Ulli Watandarliq Uris Qurbanlari EsteligiName En:Monument To The Victims Of The Great Patriotic WarName Ru:Памятник жертвам Великой.. [read more]
Name:Офис №2 BTS EXPRESS CARGO SERVISPhone:+99861 770-62-83Amenity:Post OfficePhone 1:+998 93 505 25 81Website:Http://bts. uzAddr Street:Sabir Kamalov Ko'shesi. [read more]
Name:Berdaq Atindag'i QMU O'zbek Filologiyasi FakultetiAmenity:UniversityName En:Faculty Of Uzbek PhilologyName Ru:Факультет узбекской филологииWebsite:Http://uzphil. [read more]