Your average Christian church; stingy with the collection baskets on Sunday, worse with the parking every other day.
Had multiple people come out and yell at me to move my car after I parked to shop in the plaza next door. When I questioned if it was a public church or not, they were very rude.
The plus size woman with brown bob haircut and the potty mouth is not very holy, she screams at everyone and anyone that walks or drives through the lot and I even saw her screaming obscenities at a man and his Dalmation that were just just playing fetch in the lot after church hours. Stay of the church premises or be prepared to get verbally assaulted!!!!!!!!!!
Gave me a parking ticket on a Friday morning :/. Not very holy of you # WHAT WOULD JESUS DO!
yelled at me to move my car because I was parked there for 20 minutes yet they park in the business parking lot right next door when ever they want mmmhhh