Very nice GA airport tucked away in the Hudson Valley. They have a cafe called the Tailwind Cafe, serving decent food. Everyone is friendly and willing to chat with you about anything aviation. Kim at the front desk is extremely friendly and more than happy to spend time telling you about the airport, cafe, or anything else you want to know about the area. Definitely a nice community feel with friendly people.
Great little fly in
Hudson valley views are amazing from the air or from the restaurant
Fun drive up great roads for motorcycles or cars to a wonderful breakfast
I love this GA airport! It's a beautiful setting, well maintained and a few minutes flight to the Hudson River.
Hope and the Tailwinds Cafe she runs are AMAZING. Steven Styles, and the FBO he runs, are absolutely terrible. He is definitely one of the rudest people I have ever met, and quite possibly is a risk to anyone flying into the airport. Recently flying in to visit, I was notified by the restaurant staff that they were being forced to move to KPOU this summer. I noticed Steve Styles outside and decide to approach him. I simple mentioned that from a customer point of view we loved Hope, her staff, Tailwinds, and I spoke for many pilots when I say that we hope you find a way to keep her and her restaurant on the field.
Steve immediately became irate, screaming, telling me I had no right to tell him how to run his business. I simply said, fine, that's ok, but I won't be coming back. I walked off with him screaming.
After preflighting my aircraft I began the startup sequence. When I went to clear the area Steven was approaching the prop of my plane with a shorter gentlemen. He completely endangered himself, had I not noticed him or accidentally turned the key before seeing him. His shorter friend walked around the aircraft and began to board the wing when I opened the door and kindly requested that they clear the area. I explained he was endangering himself, me, the aircraft, his employee, and others in the area. He refused to leave, at which point I threatened to phone local law enforcement.
He continued to lean on the wing with his hands and bumping up against the leading edge with his pants m. He clearly knows nothing about the damage this can cause on nearly any aircraft. All the while screaming at the top of his lungs. I thought he was going to cry.
He finally left the area, but not without more screaming and yelling.
I will visit tailwinds until they close but never purchase fuel from 44N again.