Great place to shop. Many stores to shop at for clothes, shoes, and houseware items for the kitchen. They do have plus size stores for women and big and tall stores for men that have clothes that look sharp. There are other stores at well so you will need to go online on there directory to know what stores are there.
The myth about outlet malls is that the prices are a bit more competitive than at the same brand name stores at the average mall well think again they are pretty much the same with pretty much the same deals
Coach outlet has had 60 percent off. Bath and Body Works has new items. The Old Navy and Nike Store such great selection and buys. Sketcher Store is the best. Columbia and Gap have spring items and clearance sale items. Tommy Hilfiger was busy and such a huge store. Come by see all the stores. To many to hit in one shopping experience.
My daughter and I hit up Rue 21 and American Eagle. We found some great deals, the only negative is that it was Friday nite, and the stores closed at 8pm. That seems too early for a Friday, even if it was still winter hours.
This shopping area is very different than 5 years ago. The list of stores are not the same and are missing some of my favorites I guess I didn't go there enough. The outlet mall is located right off the freeway and you can see it and access it quite easily on and off. Bath & Body Works Outlet is still there along with Eddie Bauer, Harry & David, Clerks shoes, Children's Palace, Adidas, Casual Male, Under Armour, Oakley, Talbots, the gap. There's three sets of restroom areas but they're quite tight getting in and out. It is handicapped accessible.
A few pieces of trash on the ground. Good stores with lots of deals. Just took away one star because of all the smokers. I understand that the mall is outside but it wasn't even busy and the amount of cigartte smoke I walked through with my baby is ridiculous.
Can get crowded and everything is pretty spread out, but the buildings and stores are kept well maintained and has on site security too. There are also "Every Day" name brand stores like Nike that are clearance stores so they have lower cost than normal.
Very nice attentive waitress, older lady. Very mindful of her job, not like the younger waitress standing around texting. The portions are small, mediocre in taste. Plenty of parking. Shower is only big enough for 1 person at a time
Love going to the Nike Outlet Store. Always has a great selection of unique shoes and apparel. Usually have a sale on certain clothing and/or shoes.
Johnson creek, the body and bath shop was very cool. Very helpful staff, and was priced well. Seems to be a pretty cool place to shop. At least go there and check it out
So many quality shops! No food places on sight! Great parking!
Always a good place to shop for some nice, low prices. There are many places to park, lots of directories for directions, and many stores to choose from. I always find at least one great deal every time I visit. However there are not many bathrooms for a shopping complex the size of Johnson Creek.
A few pretty good stores and nice and empty if you go shopping after work during the week. Well maintained.
Great values. Many high end stores. Several fast food restaurants close by. One stop shopping. Highly recommended.
They had a big sale that weekend ! Got shoes and lots of outfits for a reasonable price most definitely gong back soon ! Just wish we knew before the when the big sales where going to be . We just happened to go that day for ONE pair of shoes :) left a Happy Shopper !