I’ve been shopping at this Frys for almost 6 years now . I used to Love it, but is starting to go down hill. It is always so busy anymore and they are always out of stock of so many items. Every time I go shopping they are out of at least four to five items that I need. They never have enough baggers anymore and I end up bagging my own groceries most of the time. The cashiers need work on customer service. I’m starting to do more shopping at Target now because they can’t seem to keep things stocked up. I don’t understand what is going on with this store.
This store is so busy, I understand with such volume it's hard to keep things in stock. But this last Sunday literally the entire cheese section was out of stock, the water and soda section looked like it got ransacked. But its constantly like this. Also the cashiers and baggers don't know the words "you're welcome" or "thank you". One time I started to bag my own groceries and the bagger next to us was finished and just stared at me while I did all of mine. Never seen a signal person stocking, just employees talking in the front of the store. It's to bad because I love Kroger.
Right by my house. Love this place. All the employees have been friendly and helpful.
Nice store, but they end up chasing me away to shop at Target, because they simply don't carry what I need, and can't stay stocked on staples like cheese. Really?!?!? Cheese?? How difficult is it to stock enough sliced cheese for the Canyon Trails neighborhood to consume? Safeway seems to have no problem with it, yet EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I shop at this Fry's there is absolutely NO sliced cheese. What gives?
Also, they don't carry plastic gallons of Almond milk like Target and WalMart (which I will avoid til the day I die but if Target didn't carry it I would be at their mercy)
They lose another start for their pricing games. I HATE HATE HATE having to purchase X number of "qualifying items" to get the decent price. It takes twice as long to shop this way, when you have to add up which items in your cart go with which other items to make "5" or "6" or whatever the magic number is. Additionally, I already have to use a "loyalty card" but now they also force you to use the APP to save an extra $.20 or $.30, what is the point of that? Especially with the horrible reception inside the store! Its just plain frustrating, and makes me end up avoiding shopping here.
SuperTarget, here I come!
Good store just so busy
Also needs to have baggers available.
We spend 300$ and have to bag it also..
I know it's not a big deal but for older people it makes a difference..
Employees are nice and helpful.
Good store. Good deals sometimes. Other times prices are too high.
I love this Fry's! The only complaint I have is when you go on Sunday or Monday and they have ran out of drumsticks or bread or even the Fairlife milk I really enjoy.
Please add the "Natural Food/Vegan" option to your automated phone system. Please take care to keep vegan options stocked. Many times I've come in and more than one item is out of stock for more than 2 weeks. With veganism on the rise it's best to stock up. Thank you for providing a clean store and friendly staff!
I believe his name is Kyle (a friendly employee) saw that I had purchased an unusual fruit and went out of his way to give me tips on how to prepare and eat it correctly, as it was completely foreign to me. He also provided a crucial detail on what part I should avoid eating to prevent me from falling ill, which makes me glad to know that Fry's employees care about the safety and well being of their customers. I appreciate the advice he selflessly gave me and he went above and beyond what was expected of him and hope to meet more employees with the same attitude. I also forward to meeting him again in my future visits.
I come here to pick up my clicklist very often. The associates are always friendly and usually hand out cold water as well as candy bars. They usually have it stocked well and if they don't they offer substitutions for the same price. Definitely recommend!
Covered parking Speedy checkout. Could use some new power carts batteries are always dead! And they run very slow!
This store provides Click List service which is really great. Like every Frys I've ever shopped, the employees are friendly and helpful, the variety of products is great, the produce is always fresh and the prices are good
Great location. Covered solar parking is awesome. Produce and meats always fresh, and their deli has very friendly staff.
Always clean. Their vegetables are higher priced than Wal-Mart but the convenience is worth it. Love how they added solar parking.
It was Big, Beautiful and Clean. And they had a Solar panel parking lot. Shock Keep a your car Kool while you shop. Never have I ever saw that before! Seriously, great Store.
Doesn't matter how busy it gets, a cashier will always be available so the lines go quick. The longest I've waited during crowds is approx 3 mins. I love that!
Large, spacious facility that even includes a clothing section. The variety of foods and brand options are significantly more than other Fry's in the valley. Cleanliness is also a big factor in choosing to shop here.
Love the store nice clean there always. Will yo help you find what your looking for. Only problem I have is getting inside I need a electric cart but there always inside be nice if you could put a canapy with the electric chargers. by the handicap parking. So the way I wouldn't have to walk to a crawl to go inside but I still love going into the store. There is the bring to your car thing I still to try that
Let me start with that i love this store. It is so clean and modern and rarely do you not find what you are looking for. Customer service is very good and quality of produce is high. My only gripe here is the Starbucks within the store. They are a cheap and dishonest company. When I last ordered my wife's Latte i specified NO FOAM. I do this because they use the foam to avoid providing you a full drink. This last time we discovered after we left that her drink was only 50% full! Cheats. I could have poured her Venti (large) into a Tall. I am not exaggerating. When possible we prefer to go to the Dutch Bros on Litchfield but it is 10 miles away from us. I do not plan to get coffee here again but if I do I will specify, I WANT A FULL CUP AND IF YOU ARE GOING TO SHORT ME PUT IN A TALL AND ONLY CHARGE ME FOR THAT.
As a former Store Director for a major grocery chain, I can honestly give a rate of 5 Stars.
I have shopped this Fry"s (Kroger) location since its grand opening. The time to check out is always fast and friendly no matter what day of the week or time of day. The store is always clean and presents a good variety of products in stock. The staff is friendly and always willing to help you.
The Store Managers name is Penny and she does a Great Job running the Fry's in Goodyear, Arizona.