設備がやや古く狭いが良いサウナです. '很好。多美与好服務。. 接客は全体的にフレンドリーで安心出来ます。 ただ、泊まりとなるとだいぶ問題ありかなw 知らない人と雑魚寝が出来る強者は行って不満は無いと思うよ 提供される食事も美味しい. [read more]
The staff was very nice from the beggining till the end , very polite and helpfull , i felt very confi inside. The vietnamese masseur lady was very cute and friendly during the whole session had.. [read more]
Just have stayed here recently and I understand the well deserved Forbes recommendation. Everything from groundfloor lobby till front desk feels just so slick and warm. [read more]
Sets the bar for five star service! Every detail attended to - spent three nights and had a wonderful time. The restaurant was outstanding - thanks for the separate Vegetarian menu! I ended up.. [read more]
Mandarin Oriental, Macau is an elegant 5-star retreat. With fabulous restaurants and award winning Spa, we offer a sophisticated atmosphere, waterside setting and unbeatable luxury. [read more]
好水好生活,這是水生活 地址:澳門高士德大馬路明珠台1號地下B座(培正中學正門行車天橋對面)Wechat:kangen65571084. [read more]
Water Babies. Swim & Spa is a spa, located at 澳門噶地利亞街9號和豐大厦地下B座. They can be contacted via phone at 28313763 for more detailed information. . [read more]
✨Welcome to My Beauty 用心為各位靚靚世界各地最有效最好用嘅護膚品化妝品身體護理產品等等. . . . . . 歡迎購買\批發\代購\查詢 良心保證原裝正貨‼️❌絕不售假‼️ +853 63386180\+853 66381380. [read more]
掌握高難度歐美、日韓指甲彩繪; 專業睫毛嫁接; 用料為優質外國進口品牌; 頂尖美甲師以藝術觸覺出發,為妳加冕最切合妳的美. [read more]
胡桐美容院位於賈伯樂提督街90號(藥山對面),為客人提供高質素的身體、面部護理和藏蒸服務。. [read more]
針對女性孕育階段的備孕期、孕期、月子期、哺乳期、恢復期、保養期 六大時期。 由診療、理療技師通過專業的技術手法輔以儀器設備及相關產品為產後女性提供個性化定制服務. [read more]
Your Precious Care. [read more]
Elegance Beauty is an ideal place to relax for beauty treatment. . [read more]
專營法國直運AROME-ZONE天然護膚品 交收點:中星廣場(聚龍軒)或龍園 送貨需預約時間 查詢whatsapp/微信: 62971044 電話:66706662. [read more]
養髮·護髮·專業頭皮護理·防脫活髮 助您解決脫髮、頭痕、頭油、頭皮屑及髮絲健康問題 100%顧客見證改善效果 預約電話:塔石店:65708930 南灣VIP :62356482 氹仔店: 68293548 黑沙環店: 65643896. [read more]
簡介 Anran Beauty安然納米美容~致力提供最優質的服務,為你健康美麗做好每一天!! 服務項目:美容、SPA、按摩、纖體、養生!!(另設有男賓部) WeChat: Anranbeauty701. [read more]
讓每一位顧客在此放下生活重擔,洗滌身心靈,進入忘憂世界!. service time 12:00PM-3:00AM Tel : 28831288. 62822018. [read more]
快剪 男女老少 一律$50 營業時間:11:00a. m. -21:00p. m. Wechat:SSS_Salon. [read more]
魔髮屋除了有美髮沙龍以外,宜家仲延伸美甲,美妝,承接謝師宴set頭化妝服務,新娘整體造型設計,日式美睫。 Wechat: Miracle_beauty2014 Tel: 63952211/ 62223766/ 65208012. [read more]
本店提供專業美甲及身體舒緩護理服務! 所有美甲色Gel產品採用日本、台灣及美國等牌子! 身體䕶理項目都是採用泰國及台灣資名等天然牌子的上等精油! 絕對给客人享受優質的服務!. [read more]
本中心自2006年開業 ,至今已有 10年,信譽保証。開設人在美容界已累積十多年的專業美容經驗,為每位顧客提供專業皮膚分折及多元化的美容及纖體療程。 我們的專業美容師為每位客�. [read more]
Shine Spa for Sheraton 喜來登炫逸水療中心 is a spa, located at Level 3, Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, Sands Cotai Central. [read more]
集結嶄新科研機器及國際品牌產品,真美科研美容館為座落於澳門皇朝商圈之一站式美容旗艦店。提供美容、養生纖體、美甲美睫、半永久紋鏽服務。. [read more]
I have decided to patronize Boss Sauna after checking out a few in the area. I feel very comfortable with its vibe and Lisa (manager on duty) is very patient with me asking a lot of questions. [read more]