Dolno Konysko est un village du sud-ouest de la République de Macédoine, situé dans la municipalité d'Ohrid. Le village comptait 551 habitants en 2002. [read more]
Bair är kullar i Makedonien. De ligger i kommunen Opsjtina Bitola, i den sydvästra delen av landet, kilometer söder om huvudstaden Skopje. Omgivningarna runt Bair är en mosaik av.. [read more]
Der Mavrovo-Nationalpark ist der größte der drei Nationalparks in Mazedonien. Er wurde 1949 gegründet und hat eine Fläche von 731 km². Er liegt im Nordwesten Mazedoniens, südwestlich der.. [read more]
Majstori za abrip laminat I moleri 075765163 NIKOLA. . [read more]
Biljanini Izvori är en källa i Makedonien. Den ligger i kommunen Opsjtina Ohrid, i den sydvästra delen av landet, kilometer sydväst om huvudstaden Skopje. [read more]
https://hotelskorpion. ga/. [read more]
La forteresse de Skopje, est une forteresse qui domine la vieille-ville de Skopje, capitale de la République de Macédoine. Elle est construite sur une colline et surplombe le Vardar. [read more]
Rusino är en kulle i Makedonien. Den ligger i kommunen Opsjtina Gostivar, i den västra delen av landet, kilometer sydväst om huvudstaden Skopje. Toppen på Rusino är meter över havet,.. [read more]
Mavrovo es una región en el noroeste de la República de Macedonia. Es el lugar donde se encuentra en Parque nacional Mavrovo y un centro de deportes de invierno. [read more]
La iglesia de San Pantaleón en Gorno Nerezi, República de Macedonia, es una pequeña iglesia bizantina del siglo XII ubicada en un monasterio. La iglesia y el monasterio están dedicados a.. [read more]
Pelister National Park is a national park in the Municipality of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. The park is located in the Baba Mountain massif and covers an area of. [read more]
Le parc national de Galitchitsa est situé à l'extrême sud-ouest de la République de Macédoine, près de la frontière albanaise. Il couvre une superficie de 227 kilomètres carrés, et se.. [read more]
skatehouse + concept shop + miniramp. [read more]
Nacionalen Park Galičica är en park i Makedonien. Den ligger i den sydvästra delen av landet, 120 kilometer söder om huvudstaden Skopje. Nacionalen Park Galičica ligger meter över havet. [read more]
This is the page for my villa Katerina-Irena, at one of the most picturesque mountain villages in Macedonia, Lazaropole. Now open for all nature lovers!. [read more]
El parque nacional Shebenik-Jabllanica es un parque nacional protegido que se encuentra en la parte nororiental del distrito de Librazhd, condado de Elbasan, Albania. [read more]
Искористете ги последните 2 дена за оваа картинг 2018 сезона. 29. 09. 2018 - сабота 30. 09. 2018 - недела Од 14ч. до 22ч. 4 + 1 гратис круг = 100 ден. [read more]
Ве покануваме сите дечиња да дојдете на ликовната академија и заедно со бои, креди и боици да цртаме. За најдобрите следат убави награди. . . Организацијата е на Тикурила Македонија и Централ Парк. [read more]
The Church of St. Panteleimon in Gorno Nerezi, Republic of Macedonia, is a small 12th-century Byzantine church located in a monastery complex. The church and monastery are dedicated to St. [read more]
Aqua Park Company- Tetove. [read more]
Dear members in this is page everyone can join in but with respect of the page. Everyone is welcome. . . Share, comment, posts are welcome too. [read more]
We offer a unique and exciting way to discover Ohrid and the National park Galicica! Travel through local villages, ON and OFF road. . . . [read more]
The Shebenik-Jabllanice National Park is a national park situated along the border between Albania and the Republic of Macedonia in the eastern corner of Albania. [read more]
Spacious and shaded site on the shore of spectacular Lake Ohrid Within easy reach by bike of the UNESCO city of Ohrid. [read more]
Аква Парк Пробиштип ✆+389 32 480 080✆ martin. stojanovski001@hotmail. com. [read more]
Добро место за лов риболов,пешачење возење точак недопрена природа. [read more]
Камповите насекаде и. . . некојпат , беа преполни од "патлиџан" туристи. Со евидентниот пораст на цената на храната дури и на патлиџанот. . . сега се се видоизмени(ло) изгледа?!. [read more]
I stayed overnight in this campsite. Simple, clean facilities, kitchen. The owner Aleks has loads of knowledge of rock climbing in the area, so definitely recommended of this is your thing!.. [read more]
Not like it used to be back in the day. For the sake of the name 😊. I don't know why still holds this name :(. [read more]
Lopusnik is a park, located at Magistralen pat 36, Kichevo, Kichevo (FYROM). They can be contacted via phone at +389 45 224 273 for more detailed information. [read more]
Прекрасен поглед на Кичево!. [read more]
I bought a fountain form Benito 9 months ago, and i would recommend it to anyone who wants a high quality pieces and of sturdy construction, plus the look!. [read more]
One of the three big-box home improvement stores in Skopje. Good selection of products. Prices tend to be a bit higher than the other two stores. There are often a lack of employees on the floor,.. [read more]
Drinking Water Fountain is a park, located at Marshal Tito, Kumanovo (FYROM). [read more]
This review applies only on the restaurant of this hotel as I have never stayed here. This is a great place to bring your kids on sundays or have a relaxing cup of coffee. [read more]
Incredible nature. One must visit Galichnik a village 17 km of Mavrovo. There you look for "Baba i Dede". Very decent place with clean rooms, wifi and delicious "out of this world" but yet home.. [read more]