been here for idul adha long weekend, good program for cgildren education and recreation. Got lots of fruits from the program and got low prices for several fruits! food and beverage inside.. [read more]
Laut dan pantainya bersih,ombaknya tinggi sangat bagus untuk olahraga surfing dan ada pengelola kima sekaligus taman kima. Pantai nan indah dan menawan. [read more]
Belum tertata dengan baik. Semoga bisa di perindah. [read more]
Alun-alun Ciawi is recommended for you to come to this place, also you can get more closer with other people you loved. Its good for picnic with the family and also there is mosque there so you.. [read more]
The grade is Class III-IV. I'm completely satisfied. - Satisfied with the briefing before rafting. - satisfied with themeals and Mushola at the gathering point. [read more]
Very easy access to the main attraction, the Bantimurung waterfall. The place is nicely managed, clean and friendly. The hotel is well maintained but still ok for staying overnight. [read more]
Lokasi air terjun yang lumayan dekat untuk dikunjungi. Lubuk tempat jatuh air terjun berbatu dan dangkal. Tidak leluasa untuk berenang apalagi untuk loncat. [read more]
Sudah cukup bagus untuk ukuran wisata lokal. View nya indah, dan kita bisa rehat sejenak sembari menghirup udara segar di sini. Namun masih perlu banyak peningkatan untuk manajeman dan.. [read more]
hidangan seafood khas pariaman yg mantap banget. gulai kapalo ikan yg hmmm dan sambalado hijau yg menggugah selera. . [read more]
Meulum Jya is a park, located at Unnamed Road, 24264, Adan, Bandar Dua, Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Aceh 24264. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-1527-3215 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sarimanggis is a campground, located at Jalan Lintas Sumatera Km. 18, Koto Gadang Guguak, Gn. Talang, Solok, Sumatera Barat 27365. They can be contacted via phone at +62 755 31212 for more.. [read more]
PLTM Niagara is a park, located at Rantau Nipis, Banding Agung, South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra 32274. [read more]
Uuuuu beautiful and amazing. Salah satu kawasan public space di Kepulauan Selayar yang sangat menarik. . Tempat untuk bersantai, olah raga, bermain anak. [read more]
Lpg PELITA is a park, located at Desa Pelita, Galela Utara, Pelita, Galela Utara, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara. They can be contacted via phone at +62 823-4712-4269 for more.. [read more]
Vacation Indonesia Tours is a travel agency, located at Perumahan Bumi Kelapa Blok B1/4 RT. 001 RW. 006, Kalukubula, Biromaru, Kapiroe, Palolo, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi 94364. [read more]
Biak Trannssulawesia Base Camp Luwuk Sulawesi Tengah is a park, located at Unnamed Rd,, Luwuk Utara, Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah 94716. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-4165-8344.. [read more]
Wakatobi National Park truly is a paradise of islands, the amazing views above and below its clear waters are unequalled. Wakatobi derives its name from the first two letter of its four main.. [read more]
Penanggung jawab koleksi n registtasi. [read more]
Home of sumatran orang-utans and the last sumatran tigers and rhinoceroses. Sadly quite endangered by omnipresent palm oil plantations. orangoutan in Sumatra Island!. [read more]
Bagus, orangnya ramah. . Komplek tempat tinggalku 💝🐆🌇. [read more]
What a great experience to see this mountain. I stayed pretty close to the mountain so we could walk on foot from our guesthouse. On the way back, there are many motortaxi that you can order to.. [read more]
Lapangannya berhadapan dgn polsek gantarang dan berada di poros jalan propinsi. O2SN Kec. Gantarang di lap. H. A. Sultan Dg Raja (Ponre). kampung ayahku, dan tempat bermain sewaktu kecil,.. [read more]
Tempatnya bagus dan sangat indah, hampir setiap hari orang berdatangan menikmati suasana dan pemandanganya. Di sini pula tersedia berbagai macam kebun. [read more]
Warung Batawana Santiong City is a park, located at Santiong, Central Ternate, Ternate City, North Maluku. They can be contacted via phone at +62 821-8871-6643 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nice place for drink coffee. Excodus puja sera tj. Selor. The best park in town. . . . [read more]
Salah satu pelabuhan yg digunakan masyarakat peso dan tanjung Selor dari dan menuju peso- tanjung Selor. Mudah di jangkau di pusat kota. Menjadi akses penyeberangan. [read more]
The room is so big for the room we ordered, all big windows on one wall facing the rice terrace, what a view and they provide private Rinjani tour at 200USD/person. [read more]
Refreshing sini mantab. Salah satu asset negara yg sangat menunjang aktivitas pertanian utamanya di Kabupaten Sidrap. . . . [read more]
Perumahan yg berlokasi di baning kota sintang. Suasananya yang membuat rileks. Perumahan di daerah baning. [read more]
Sp1 Desa Sungai Sena Kec. Silat Hilir is a park, located at Sp1, Sungai Sena, Silat Hilir, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat 78773. [read more]
Amazing national park, the rain forest has incredibly panorama, it's great to take touring that given incredibly memories. Often found collections of wild The animals, Monkeys, Snakes, wild.. [read more]
Good place to relax, beautiful view , but I think not allowed for fishing here, when Im with local traditional fisherman who was work for his family to catch some fish, the forest police with.. [read more]
Lapangan serbaguna dengan dua tempat bermain bola Volly dan satu buah panggung permanen. Biasa digunakan untuk pertandingan Volly maupun acara pernikahan. [read more]
Perlu dijaga & dilestarikan, karena merupakan paru-paru dunia sekaligus tempat habitat flora & fauna yang hampir punah. Sya orang asli pangean keterunan Raja. [read more]
Tempat ini khusus tempat perkemahan. Jadi bisa untuk umum atau anak sekolah. Tempat ini bisa dipakai harus sesuai prosedur, harus izin dulu. Tempat ini sangat luas untuk perkemahan, jadi.. [read more]
Tanah PLN Sei TAMBANG is a park, located at Muaro Takung, Kamang Baru, Muaro Takung, Sijunjung, Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat 27572. [read more]