Hov is a village located on Suduroy's east coast, in the Faroe Islands; it is frequently mentioned in the country's history. Salmon sea farming has been practiced in Hov since the 1980s. [read more]
Porkeri is a village in the Faroe Islands, situated northeast of Vágur on Suðuroy's east coast. As of 2008 it had a population of 362, and it has been inhabited at least as early as the 14th century. [read more]
Sunnbøur is the southernmost village of the Faroe Islands on the island of Suðuroy. It is located in Sumba Municipality. MunicipalityThe municipality has 353 inhabitants. [read more]
Vágur meaning Bay is a town on the island of Suðuroy, part of the Faroe IslandsIt is situated on the east coast of the island on the Vágsfjørður fjord, and was founded in the fourteenth century. [read more]
Fámjin is a village, located in the middle of the coastline on the western side of Suðuroy, the southernmost island in Faroe Islands. It has a population of around 100. [read more]
Trongisvágur is a village on the island of Suduroy in the Faroe Islands. Trongisvágur is the village in the bottom of Trongisvágsfjørður on the east coast of Suduroy. [read more]
Tvøroyri lies on the north side of the Trongisvágsfjørður on the east coast of Suðuroy, Faroe Islands. Tvøroyri is a village, and together with Froðba, Trongisvágur, Líðin and Øravík.. [read more]
Hvalba is a village and a municipality in the Faroe Islands, which consists of Hvalba, Nes-Hvalba and Sandvík. The village spreads around the bottom of a deep inlet, Hvalbiarfjørður, in.. [read more]
Framleiðslan av føroyska flagginum, Merkið kemur heim til upprunan í Fámjin at verða framleitt. . [read more]
Vágsbygd, mín heimbygd, located at Vágsbygd, 900 Vágur. [read more]
Frítíðarhúsið liggur í sera vøkrum umstøðum, tætt við 'Lopranseiðið' og 'Beinisvørð'. Frítíðarhúsið hevur 4 sjálvstøðugar íbúðir. . [read more]
Sandvík is the northernmost village of the island of Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands. It is situated on the northern side of a shallow fjord. The village was previously known as Hvalvík (Bay of Whales). [read more]
Pakkhús 4 ungdómshúsið á Tvøroyri Ung frá 3. flokki Til 7. flokk møtast kl 14. 00 til 18. 00 Ung frá 7. flokki til 18 ár møtast kl 19. 00 til 23. 00. [read more]
Smátturnar við Laksá í Vági eru 10 smáttur í barnavinarligum umhvørvi. Beint uttanfyri smáttuna kunnu tit njóta hitapottin og sauna. . [read more]
Krambatangi is the ferry port of Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands. The ferry Smyril M/F disembarks 2-3 times daily from Krambatangi to Tórshavn. Krambatangi is located on the southern side.. [read more]
Vit fyriskipað starvsfólkadagar- og útferðir, skeið í sølu og persónligari menning. Vit selja eisini arbeiðs-, frítíðar og profilklæðir umframt spælipláss. [read more]
Actionboat ger túrar har tú ynskir. Highspeed, polterabend, útferðir við fyritøkum. Tlf +298 213359. Email sigurd@actionboat. fo. [read more]
JÙMA er eitt byggivirkið úr Suðuroy sum við nógvum royndum bæði heima og uttanlanda. Vit eru førur fyri ein og hvørja uppgávu og vilja vísa dygd í uppgávuni :) Húsabygging.. [read more]
Endamálið við hesum serliga Føroyakortinum er at hjálpa tær at staðfesta, hvørjar oyggjar og bygdir í landinum, tú hevur vitjað. . [read more]
Matvøruhandil, Museum, Savn, Fysioterapeut, Kontór og Café. Søguligt øki og søguligir bygningar. . [read more]
Nú er møguleikin fyri at leiga seg inn i Billiardhusið. Talan kann verða um tvey leigumál. Ovara lonin Garðslon hevur pláss fyri gott 40 fólkum, við atgong. [read more]
MS Thorshavn. [read more]
Tvær bygdir eri nevndar í Føroya søgu,Hov er tann fyrsta,har búði Hovgrímur sum var mikil blótmaður, sonurin Øssur Hovgrímssonur og sonur Øssur, Leivur Øssurssonur. [read more]
Dansibandsfestivalur á Jóansøku 2013. 28. og 29. juni verður stórur festivalur á Sevmýris Leikvølli!. [read more]
Skorin, located at Suðuroy. [read more]
Víkarbyrgi, located at Víkarbyrgi, 928 Víkarbyrgi. [read more]
Hov, located at Hov, 960 Hov. [read more]
Lopra, located at Lopra, 926 Lopra. [read more]
Suðuroyar sýsla, located at Suðuroy region. [read more]
Svimjihøllin á Tvøroyri, located at Kongabrekkan 18 Tvøroyri, 800. [read more]
Vágs Svimjihøll, located at Vágsvegur 32 Vágur, 900. [read more]
B&b Suduroy, located at Ovari Vegur Tvøroyri, 800. [read more]