Suva Primary is for Monkeys Less Jungle More Monkeys
Builing is old need renovation
Hi, i am a resident at Howell Rd, Suva and i drive past Suva Primary School every morning, could someone please see to it that the Teacher or caretaker that stops vehicles so that the School children could cross-has a red flag or a large stop sign with him - this morning for example we could not see that his hands were pointed out indicating that all vehicles stop, i saw it at the last minute and managed to stop and dreaded what would have happened if i did not see both his hands pointed out- look at SDA primary school in Lami, that's what it should look like.
that school is more like a jungle children running everywhere.
My says its very good
Whats with the hate on a primary school. Probably lives around there and is disturbed by the noise everyday.
suva primary children are not jungle students..we follow school rulesteaches do something if something is wrong :p :p :p