Prestigious Events is an event planning, event consultation and event production company based in Lower Mainland. . [read more]
Babette's Barber is a dog grooming shop operated by Melissa Prystupa located in Gibsons, BC. Melissa has 20 years of experience grooming dogs and is the previous owner of Rover's Return Dog.. [read more]
Vacation rentals in Osoyoos. We have a 3BR townhouse that sleeps a max of 9 guests, a 2 BR condo for maximum 5 guests at Casa del Mila Oro Resort. And a detached house that can accommodate a.. [read more]
Buying and Selling homes in Surrey, White Rock, Delta and surrounding areas in British Columbia. . [read more]
Welcome to the UK Email List of Solicitors - Your Information Gateway To Over ?? Online Contacts in the Legal Profession. [read more]
A calming, encouraging and organized instructor with the right amount of toughness. Let's establish your goals, make a plan and celebrate each step forward. [read more]
Our Doctors are experts in their fields, getting results you need at prices that fit today's personal injury climate. Call or email today to see how we can help you. [read more]
BC Spot Prawns for sale. [read more]
#Sushi Restaurant #casual #korean food #Ramen #combo menu #student menu#friedchicken. [read more]
We specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease and oral inflammation. We also treat gum recession, gummy smiles, and give options for broken and missing.. [read more]
Do friendly! Do professionally! Do easily!. [read more]
Done Right Demo is an excellent company to do business with. Imran is professional and sincerely wants to make sure his client's have a positive experience. [read more]
Integrity Group Education is a lawyer, located at 666 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6C 3P6. They can be contacted via phone at +1 604-689-4244 for more detailed information. [read more]
These people are superb. I dealt mostly with the owner Dave, and the workers Ariane and Jacob. Dave spent hours of his own time on weekends and evenings consulting with me over some vermiculite.. [read more]
Ultra Enviro Asbestos Removal/Abatement, located at 71 W 2nd Ave #327, Vancouver, BC V5Y 0J7. They can be contacted via phone at +1 604-375-3366 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sar provides the best service and is very friendly. He is knowledgeable in his field and provides a detailed explanation to handle the issues effectively. [read more]
We are a rescue group for Cats. We take in abused,neglected & stray cats & place them in foster homes. We then rehabilitate them and help them to find there perfect forever homes. [read more]
West Coast Demolition, located at 1320 Riverside Dr, North Vancouver, BC V7H 1V5. They can be contacted via phone at +1 604-924-1842 for more detailed information. [read more]
Coastal Demolition - Asbestos Removal & Demolition Contractor Vancouver, located at 2818 Main St #410, Vancouver, BC V5T 0C1. They can be contacted via phone at +1 604-364-6420 for more.. [read more]
Amazing company & amazing people. Top Producer has been the leader in CRM system for real estate for years. If you are looking for a system to help you manage your business, Top Producer is the.. [read more]
The U-Hill Healthy Beach Club is affiliated with the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup as well as the City of Vancouver Neighbourhood Cleanup Party. We are a welcoming community working to help.. [read more]
Custom made resin creations Click on "SHOP" to check out the available products, shipping is calculated in the Cart. Pick up option available - Burnaby/New west border - PM for address.. [read more]
The Nature Boyz bowling team is based out of Merritt BC Canada. 5 pin bowling team. Lots of laughs and lots of Woooing. [read more]
https://www. fanheadlines. com/ Our perspective on the world of sports, bringing you content driven by analytics and opinions for the true fan headlines. [read more]
Seologizt is a leading SEO/SEM Modernization & Inbound marketing agency, specializes in the strategic campaign, content marketing & digital strategy. #Let's Modernization Your Next. [read more]
My brand is all about empowerment and inspiration. Its made locally and we always try to promote positive healthy messages. . [read more]
We are open this difficult time to help businesses products be safe. 24/7 emergency service for coolers. [read more]
I offer yoga classes and personal yoga instruction for adults of all abilities. . . . . specializing in Chair Yoga. . [read more]
If you can customize it, I can do it! I can make clothing, cups, mugs, glasses, decals, dishware, makeup cases, bags. . . . well you get the idea. If there is something you want or you like what.. [read more]
Spa2u delivers on-site and luxury mobile spa services. Designed to ensure you receive professional individualized attention and care. On site and 2U. [read more]
Rum coffee creamers in three delicious flavours. Chai, Irish Cream, and Salted Caramel. No refrigeration required. Kick up your coffee today!. [read more]
Get the FREE report at RealAssetsCoach. com Learn how to prosper in ANY economy. What popular asset classes to avoid starting 2017. Find out 3 simple investments rich use to stay rich. [read more]
Walk-In Medical Clinic All Patients are welcome !. [read more]
時代坊(Aberdeen Centre)是加拿大卑詩省列治文市的一個商場,坐落於列治文市黃金村地段。商場的主要客源是大溫哥華地區内的亞裔社區,但近年亦積極拓展主流社區客源。商場的東主是新時代集團。大溫哥華的公共交通機構運輸聯線旗下有數條巴士綫途經時代坊,而溫哥華架空列車旗下的加拿大線亦於商場附近設有時代坊站。歷史時代坊的前身是香港仔中心,為加拿大最早開業的亞裔商場之一。華裔移民馮永發(即香港商人馮景禧之子)於1980年代中期與友人合作,斥資2000萬加元於列治文籌建港式商場。商場樓分兩層,於1990年3月開幕,以香港的香港仔區命名為香港仔中心,英文名亦相應定為「Aberdeen Centre」。商場於1988年進行預租時反應冷淡,開幕後頭六個月也沒有租戶。馮氏於是在商場内自行開設各樣店鋪,當中包括一間保齡球場,和一間主要播放華語電影的影院。商場生意漸見起色後,馮氏陸續將零售生意售予抵溫的商業移民。其他亞裔商場(如八佰伴中心和統一廣場)在往後數年相繼於列治文開業後,對香港仔中心日漸構成競爭,而新時代集團於2001年亦決定將商場拆卸重建。工程耗資一億三千萬加元,由溫哥華譚秉榮建築事務所設計。新商場於2003年落成,取名「時代坊」,英文名則沿用「Aberdeen Centre」。新商場比舊商場大三倍,有大概100家店舖,成爲列治文其中一家最大的商場。商場内亦設有一個音樂噴泉,造價400萬加元。鎮場商戶大創百貨於同年12月12日率先開業,而商場則於2004年7月25日正式開幕。新時代傳媒集團旗下的電視台和電台於2006年遷入時代坊:加拿大中文電台溫哥華分台(AM1470及FM96. [read more]
我們是一個位於加拿大溫哥華的教育機構。我們提供升學與學業補助。. [read more]