We help students get better grades through personalized online/in-person tutoring programs, cognitive development, academic coaching and parent support/training.
Are you disappointed with your child’s performance at school?
Here are some tips on how to deal with disappointing grades:
1. Don’t panic – be calm and remain in control of your emotions so you can make key decisions to help turn the situation around. 2. Find out what went wrong – only after you have determined the underlying reason why your child is getting poor grades can you take corrective steps. Children usually get poor grades because they don’t understand the context or don’t have the necessary soft/executive functioning skills (organisation, time management, study skills, etc.). 3. Implement a schedule – establish a routine with your child that allows for set times for completing homework, school projects, studying, extra-curricular activities, adequate rest, etc. 4. Get Involved – research shows that children whose parents are highly involved in their school life outperform their peers. This means regular communication with teachers, attending year level & PTA meetings, helping plan school events/attending various school events as well as reinforcing concepts at home and assisting with homework. 5. Maximise the summer holiday – make the most of the next 2 months, summer is the perfect opportunity to close learning gaps, equip your child with soft/executive skills, establish routines and press ahead.
We also want what’s best for your child. Let’s help you get them the help they deserve this summer and beyond. WhatsApp us at 243-7553. Your child’s success is our 1st priority.
Saanma summer camp 2018 11+ programmes are at the core of your child attending the secondary school of their choice.
Register now for one of the limited spaces available, call or message us at 243.7553.
Better Grades Start Here!
Everything about our children is unique and beautiful!
Saanma Summer Camp 2018 - The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!
Programme: Academics, Sports, Art & Craft, Tours, Culinary Arts, Foreign Languages, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology, Life Skills and more! Ages: 3 - 16 years Dates: Jul 09th - Sept 07th, 2018 Place: Saanma Learning Centre, Belleville, St. Michael Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Earliest Drop Off 7:30 a.m. / Latest Pick-Up 5:30 p.m.)
Limited spaces available, call or message at 243.7553 to register today.
The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!
Children live up to what you believe of them!
🚍 Come tour with Saanma Summer Camp 2018 🚍
The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!
Saanma Summer Camp Ages: 3 - 16 years Jul 09th - Sept 07th, 2018 Belleville, St. Michael 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Earliest Drop Off 7:30 a.m. / Latest Pick-Up 5:30 p.m.)
Contact us at 243.7553 to register today!
The mind functions best with positive memories!
Saanma Summer Camp 2018 - More Choices! Better Grades! The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!
We are proud of your accomplishments!
Saanma Summer Camp Programme Preview
What path is your 14 - 16 year old taking after secondary school? Whatever they decide on Saanma's summer camp Get Ahead programme will help with the transistion. The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!
Lead by example!
Saanma Summer Camp Programmes Preview
Your 12 - 14 year old can launch into the new school year with tips on time management, effective study habits, SBA preparation and culinary arts from Saanma's summer camp Tweens & Teens programme. The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One.
Saanma Summer Camp Programmes Preview
11+ Exam Tip #1Be prepared!
Call or message us at 243.7553 to register for one of our 11+ Exam Prep summer camp programmes. The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!
Inactivity and understimulation during the summer vacation can cause students to lose months of learning, math and reading skills.
Prevent the summer slide with one of Saanma's twelve summer camp programmesMore Choices! Better Grades! The Perfect Blend Of Learning & Fun All In One!
Call or message us at 243.7553 to register today.
Saanma Summer Camp Programmes Preview
Great achievements are possible with Saanma's Future Achievers summer camp programme.
Register your 7 - 8 year old today for the perfect fit of learning and fun all in one!
Saanma Summer Camp Programmes Preview
Infants A already? Help your 5 - 6 year old develop a love for learning with our Big Kids summer camp programme. The Perfect FitLearning & Fun All In One!