From the Ashes we Rise
F-Spot was just the beginning, Join us this Saturday and find out what role you can play in continuing the development of Barbados Skateboarding.
Thanks for your support.
"Barbadian Skateboarders are putting the demolition of the island's only DIY skate facility behind them and focusing on moving forward with developing the sport on the island."
A short video showing Trevor & Mike's trip to Barbados
Tune into any Starcom Network radio station to hear an interview about the recent situation at the spot! It will be broadcast at 12:30PM in the afternoon today
We will overcome the unfortunate loss of our home. Remember the good times, the laughs and the tears. The F-Spot will rise again!
Over the last few weeks I have noticed an increase of garbage at the end of the beach close to Boardwalk. I think its high time we take the intiative and get it clean. It was done just a few weeks ago and its back to a horrid state. This Beach serve as a Picnic , surf and Liming spot for all types of beach goers and we cant just let it stay this way. If you're willing to make a stand, meet us at 9 am sharp at the end of the board walk and get it sorted. We will provide Gloves and garbage bags, if you want you can bring some also. Hope to see you all there.
So i was told yesterday that the bikers have been seen at the on Sundays , this has to stop, if you guys value the spot put a stop to it . Say something to them , if they want to ride go build a spot or you will loose your spot because of them .
Having some Pole Jammin fun with Chopper Dave , Lurker and Myself at the Fspot
who wants to hit town for a sesh ? just checking to see
Helipad Session is finally here with team IrieOne and homies
HeliPad edit coming real soon Irie One Skateboards and apparel to the world
OK Guys , yesterday i skated the Fspot Ledge and almost died . Please stop waxing the good dam ledge , its like ice and were on an Island . We had this discussing and it ended with people telling others off , lets make this spot good for all.
Hey got the man Chooper Dave here and we hitting the fspot , come through meet the Brother. Hey yah might get sain lol