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Alliance Française de Bridgetown is a school, located at Alliance française de Bridgetown, Alister McIntyre Building, Cave Hill Campus, UWI Cave Hill, Bridgetown, Barbados Barbados. They can be contacted via phone at +1(246) 233-3234, visit their website afbridgetown.org for more detailed information.

The Alliance Française de Bridgetown is a local association that aims at promoting the French culture through cultural activities and French classes in Barbados.

Tags : #NonGovernmentalOrganizationNgo, #NonGovernmentalOrganization(ngo)

Location :
Alliance française de Bridgetown, Alister McIntyre Building, Cave Hill Campus, UWI Cave Hill, Bridgetown Barbados
Added by Jopie, at 21 May 2018


L’Alliance française de Bridgetown propose différents services et organise des événements culturels. Par exemple :

• Des cours de langue à différents niveaux et pour tous les âges,
• Le Club de conversation,
• La projection mensuelle de films francophones (sous-titres en anglais),
• La bibliothèque air climatisée de livres, revues et DVDs,
• Chaine « TV5 » en continu ,
• Les évènements à thème (14 juillet, Beaujolais nouveau, Fête de la Francophonie, Fête de la musique ...)

Nous faisons aussi des traductions.


The Alliance Française de Bridgetown offers different kind of services and cultural events :

• Different levels of French courses, tailored for various ages;
• A French Conversation Club. • Monthly movie projections every last Thursday of the moth (English subtitles);
• An air-conditioned library with French books, magazines and DVDs;
• French TV station “TV5” online;
• Special events, such as Bastille Day, Beaujolais Nouveau wine tasting, Music Festival, Francophone Countries Celebration.

We also do translation services!

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9 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    07 July 2018

    Conversation Club Lundi 9 juillet Au West Bar (Limegrove Lifestyle Complex, Holetown) A partir de 18h

    Parler français vous manque? Venez nous rejoindre le lundi 9 juillet au West Bar, Limegrove Lifestyle Complex à Holetown, pour parler français. -- Not practicing enough French? Come and join us on Monday, July 9th at the West Bar, Limegrove Lifestyle Complex in Holetown, to talk in French.


    ** Please remember that the conversation club is ONLY open to members of AFB. To become a member, please bring along a payment of $50.00 for a 12 months membership. **

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  • Anynomous
    30 June 2018

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: our office will be closed until Wednesday July 4th included.

    Bon weekend !

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  • Anynomous
    22 June 2018

    Yesterday, as the academic year is soon reaching its end, we celebrated Language Day at Providence Secondary School ! The students made a beautiful show around the languages of French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. The Form 1 students studying French did a presentation on France in front of the whole school and a performed one of the most famous poem of Jean De La Fontaine ("Le corbeau et Le renard") <3 Congratulations to them !

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  • Anynomous
    22 June 2018

    Conversation Club Lundi 25 juin Au Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Hastings, Christ Church A partir de 18h

    Parler français vous manque? Venez nous rejoindre le lundi 25 juin au Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Hastings, Christ Church, pour discuter ensemble en français. --- Not practicing enough French? Come and join us on Monday, June 25th at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Hastings, Christ Church to talk in French.

    ** Please remember that the conversation club is only open to members of AFB. To become a member, please bring along a payment of $50.00 for a 12 months membership. **

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  • Anynomous
    15 June 2018

    Photo credits to Rudy HOGAN

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  • Anynomous
    11 June 2018

    TONIGHT !! We have a few spots left for our very special conversation club, don't hesitate to sign up :-)

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  • Anynomous
    08 June 2018

    TICKETS for our Crêpes and Wine Afterwork Lime will be available for purchase @ Monday's special conversation club !!

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  • Anynomous
    06 June 2018

    Join us next week Monday for a special conversation club !

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  • Anynomous
    28 May 2018

    Conversation Club - TONIGHT ! Lundi 28 mai Au West Bar (Limegrove Lifestyle Complex, Holetown) A partir de 18h

    Parler français vous manque? Venez nous rejoindre le lundi 28 mai au West Bar, Limegrove Lifestyle Complex à Holetown, pour parler français. -- Not practicing enough French? Come and join us on Monday, May 28th at the West Bar, Limegrove Lifestyle Complex in Holetown, to talk in French.


    ** Please remember that the conversation club is ONLY open to members of AFB. To become a member, please bring along a payment of $50.00 for a 12 months membership. **

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