
Tatweer Teqani Technology (TTT), provide IT professional services (Computers & Mobiles troubleshooting, Installing & Maintaining CCTV systems, web design).


  • Computer Repair Service
  • Web Designer


Tatweer Teqani Technology (TTT), provide IT professional services which can help you extend your reach and expertise. We provide the following services, computer hardware and software troubleshooting, Installing and maintaining CCTV systems and security controls like door access, attendance management system, Smart Phones and Tablets troubleshooting, web and mobile applications design & development

نوفر خدمات صيانة الحاسب الالي , تركيب الكاميرات واجهزة المراقبة , صيانة الهواتف المتحركة , تصميم وتطوير المواقع الالتكرونية وتطبيقات الهواتف الذكيه

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