VYMaps.com (View Your Maps) is a site that provide information about World Places Map Directory.
Starts from the idea that we want to have an online community to share their favorite places or promote their local business, then we create VYMaps as an online media platform to support this idea.
Our mission is to provide the places information all over the world.
Thank you to all of our contributors. Your contributions are really helpful for our community to grow.
Please use our Add Listing form to submit your business or event.
If you need any support for using this site, please email to vymaps@liputra.com
*If you have any problems with the specific listing, please provide the related page URL for faster response.*
You can promote your business or your event on this website, please send us a email, and we will provide you more details about the detailed requirements.
We place some ads in this platform to keep the services is free. Please review our privacy policy.
Hello, I am Jopie Liputra
I am a VYMaps website manager, focusing on manage all the daily operational thing.
Linkedin: jopiecliputra