
Youth Initiatives for Community Development-Mutoko



Youth Initiative is a youth-driven CBO based in Mutoko District, Zimbabwe.

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16 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    24 July 2018

    YICD in Macheke Community.

    On Friday 20 July, just 10 days before the harmonised election, YICD held a ward-level #Meet_Your_Candidates dialogue in Mucheke at Broadview College.

    The major aim of the dialogue was to expose the youth to their aspiring councillors, and through this issue-based debating and interaction, be able to vote from an informed position.


    What was commendable about the Macheke youth is their eagerness to listen to all candidates from all the political parties. This is a high level of political tolerance & shows great political maturity in the young generation.

    Issues raised by the youths included:

    1). The need for accountability from those elected into council & for the elected to shun corruption in all its forms!

    2). The youths demanded constant & consistent feedback from the elected councillors.

    3). They demanded each councillor to carry out a ward-based capacity building on participatory budgeting and budgeting process so as for the youths to meaningfully contribute to the council budget making process.

    4). More affordable & accessible housing schemes to be introduced, especially for young women & youths.

    5). The youths urged the aspiring councillors to do away with partisan politics once they are elected as they are the main drivers and ward development & the ward is not composed of people from one party!

    Though there were some elements of the community that wanted to disrupt the dialogue process, it was a success and the youth's attendance, especially young women was overwhelming!

    #I_Vote_In_Peace_2018 #My_Vote_My_Choice_Voice #30July_2018_Lets_Go_Out_and_Vote_In_numbers!

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  • Anynomous
    24 July 2018

    Does the Black Granite question matter in this year's elections?

    For over 50 years granite quarrying has been prevalent in the district of Mutoko but no tangible development or benefit from this economic activity has been witnessed by the local community.

    So this election year, YICD decided to host a pre-election dialogue last Tuesday on 17 July 2018. In conjunction with Shine Faith and CNRG, YICD invited all aspiring members of Parliament contesting in the 3 constituencies o...f Mutoko to debate on their policy positions regarding the black granite.

    The event was graced with traditional leaders (Chiefs, Headmen, Village heads), religious leaders, Chief Executive Officer - Mutoko Rural District council, the District Administrator, Ministry of Youth District Head, international election observers, youths, young women. These youth had an opportunity to engage, interrogate and dialogue with the aspiring candidates in an open space, sharing ideas, seeking clarity and giving recommendations.

    After the dialogue, there was a Peace pledge signing ceremony where traditional and religious leaders together with community youths and aspiring candidates pledged to uphold peace pre, during and after elections.

    This was the first of it's kind in the politically volatile district of Mutoko.

    #I_Vote_In_Peace_In_2018 #Go_out_and_Vote_30July_2018 #My_Vote_My_Voice_My_Choice

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  • Anynomous
    06 July 2018

    Today we will be at Kowo Community Hall, Mutoko for the Mutoko Budding Voices Debate & Dialogue from 12:00-15:30. Zimbabwe 2018 Elections: Does extractive sector governance (in our case black granite) issue matter in this election.

    2018 Elections #YouthGetOutandVote

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  • Anynomous
    05 July 2018

    YICD Budding Voices Dialogue & Debate Series.

    Zimbabwe 2018 Elections: What are the Key asks and youth and young women's expectations?

    #YICD in collaboration with #YETT and #Rural_Young_Women_Support_Network hosted the first Mutoko pre-election dialogue & the youths of Mutoko, Ward 20 had the following views...


    1). The Black granite issue should be considered a key issue in the aspiring candidates' plans and Manifestos. Aspiring candidates should have a clearly laid out feasible plan of addressing the Paradox of the plenty resource curse that is bedevilling the district!

    2). Youths should not be treated and viewed as mere objects only useful for perpetrating political violence but should be given a safe and peaceful environment to freely exercise their Democratic right!

    3). The youths demanded platforms where they can interface with all the aspiring candidates, critiquing their manifestos and forwarding their grievances and concerns.

    4). Aspiring candidates to meet young rural smallholder horticulture farmers and lay out a plan of how they will create and link them with profitable markets (especially for the popular #mapuno/tomatoes)

    5). Young women as a marginalized demographic demanded to access aspiring candidates during this pre-election period since its known that after elections "they will be to busy to be accessed"

    6). Candidates (be it aspiring or elected) to support local talent e.g sports, music

    7). Elected councillors to make it possible for (more) youths and young women to occupy WADCO, VIDCO & School Development Committee positions in their respective wards.

    8). Youths expressed their interest to participate in the participatory budget process but said they lack capacity to engage in these platforms and thus would appreciate it if the aspiring candidates chip in.

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  • Anynomous
    03 July 2018

    Join us for the Mutoko Budding Voices Debate & Dialogue Series happening tomorrow in Mutoko from 12:00-15:30. Zimbabwe 2018 Elections: What are the key youth & young women expectations? Will be the topic for discussion

    2018 Elections #YouthGetOutandVote

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  • Anynomous
    22 June 2018

    #Elections2018 Role of the youth in nation building—Don't allow yourself to be used in an abusive way. Mobilise the communities for a future you wish for & elect a leader to walk you to the future you want.

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  • Anynomous
    31 May 2018

    Voter registration officially closes this Friday 1 June for purposes of the #ZimElections2018. It’s time for you to show up. Visit any @ZECzim district and provincial registration centers today.


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  • Anynomous
    05 April 2018

    Citizen Journalism in Mash-East

    On Tuesday #YICD partnered with #Media_Center & #CCDZ to carry out a Citizen Journalism Training in Mash-East province @ Chitekwe Youth Friendly Centre in Mawanga ward in Mutoko where community members from Mudzi, Murehwa, Mutoko and UMP were trained on how to become effective and authentic #CitizenJournalists.

    This was a move necessitated by the need to involve the citizens in spearheading the advocacy for pro-development initiatives within t...heir communities and also as way to demand accountability & transparency from their local & national leaders.

    We also incorporated #BVR_Education, emphasising the need for those not registered to visit their nearest #ZEC_District offices since the registration process is still ongoing. We also emphasized the need for the participants to be peaceful during the election & after the polls & for them to report an form of violence or human rights abuses that occur in their communities.

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  • Anynomous
    20 March 2018

    Penetrating the most marginalized remote areas - #Register_To_Vote_Campaign

    This Saturday we were in Chidye Village, 65km from Mtoko's CBD, close to the Mozambican border. The area is characterized with a dilapidated road network & an equally, if not worse, telecommunications connectivity!

    It is a politically sensitive community, with a loud history of political violence which was spearheaded by youths in the previous election periods! This is where, as #YICD, we took our #Re...gister_To_Vote_Campaign!

    The challenge we faced was that the #Electoral process & BVR education is still being viewed as a political process & not a constitutional provision. Youths, because of #Information_Poverty, were sceptical of the event but as #YICD we did our level best to address that misconception!

    Patriarchy is still predominant in this community & this resulted in less young women attending the event, as they were preoccupied with domestic chores and thus not allowed to be present in such gatherings.

    The Campaign went well & we will continue, as is our core thrust and aim, to constantly & consistently engage such remote communities in our programmes so as to advance socioeconomic and political development at micro/nano grassroot level!

    #I_Vote_2018 #My_Vote_My_Voice_My_Choice #Register_To_Vote_Today

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  • Anynomous
    12 March 2018


    This weekend we were in Nyamakope Village carrying out the #Register_To_Vote_Sports_Tournament. We demystified the "Serial Number" challenge that most youth are facing and had Focus Group Discussions on the sidelines of the football and netball matches, discussing more comprehensively and profoundly the BVR process, the challenges youth are facing and the need to be peaceful during the elections.

    The #Registration process is still ongoing until the ...Nomination Court sits, so as YICD we are still spreading the message, encouraging young people to #Be_Registered & to #Vote in the forthcoming general elections.

    The turn out was impressive as more young women were present and actively engaging and participating in the discussions! We had youth from churches, youth peasant farmers, those that are unemployed, school-going first time voters, young mothers and the robust discussion around the BVR process enlightened not only the 327 youth that were present but also the local traditional leaders.

    #I_Pray_I_Vote_2018 #Register_Elect_Engage #I_Vote_2018 #My_Vote_My_Choice

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  • Anynomous
    06 February 2018

    YICD-Mutoko launches a Civic and Voter Education Campaign

    YICD-Mutoko last week launched a Civic and Voter Education Project with some of the project activities to be implemented in Mutoko, Murewa and Mudzi Districts in Mashonaland East Province. So far YICD conducted a Register to Vote Sports Tournament and Roadshow Campaign in Mutoko District at Chinzanga Township and Chikondoma Stadium in Mutoko District on 3 February 2018. This sustained voter registration drive seeks to... address the low participation of youth and young women in electoral processes by mobilizing and encouraging the youth and young women aged 18-35 to register to vote and to enhance the civic competency of the young people ahead of the general elections. On the side-lines of the road show and sports tournament YICD-Mutoko Voter Mobilizers educated the youth and young women on the BVR process and the importance of young people’s participation in the electoral processes. Ahead of the 2018 general elections the youth and young women were also sensitized on their civic rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe. 4 netball and 4 soccer local teams participated in the tournament and the teams were sensitized to reach out to their peers and motivate them to register to vote. The participants were addressed by YICD-Mutoko staff and ZEC officials from District who emphasized the importance of youth and young women’s participation in the electoral discourse. YICD-Mutoko however noted that female participation in civil society initiatives is still very low and at our previous activity we rank female participation at 37% against the 63% male participation.

    The youth were united and community social cohesion was enhanced through sports and music. The project activities and strategy will contribute to organizing and building coherent networks among the youth as well as strengthening active civic engagements of young people as a basis for genuine political transformation and democratic change in Mutoko and Zimbabwe at large.

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  • Anynomous
    13 January 2018

    Are you 18 years and above and Have you registered to vote? If not, why worry? The BVR exercise has been extended to the 10th of February 2018. Take ADVANTAGE!!!

    REGISTER TO VOTE Your Vote, Your Voice, Your Victory!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    12 January 2018

    As a #Youth the onus is on you!

    The #GenerationalConsensus seems to be gaining momentum at a time it is needed the most!

    Young people have been systematically, deliberately and structurally marginalized from the corridors of power for too long a time.


    Now the national discussion is gravitating around the role of youths in the upcoming elections. It should be made undoubtedly clear that #Youthies are not only useful #Voters but are also useful #Candidates who have the capacity and ability to efficiently run affairs of the state be it at ward, constituency or national level!

    This #GenerationalConsensus is not only confined to the political landscape but it also include the #Youthies occupation of #Leadership & #Strategic space in Business, Religion, Art etc! The time for the youthies to be #FullCitizens is now and it is our right and mandate to occupy all these above mentioned strategic positions & Move this country forward! #Youthies_Can #GenerationalConsensus #TakingZimbabweForward!

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  • Anynomous
    16 June 2016

    DAY OF THE AFRICAN CHILD 2016 The Day of the African Child (DAC) 2016 will be observed Under the theme “ Conflict and Crisis in Africa: Protecting all Children’s Rights”

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  • Anynomous
    29 October 2015

    Hon Minister Saviour Kasukuwere: Council minutes and decisions must be available online.Matters of service delivery can't be shrouded in secrecy..TC's transparency.

    In line with the Minister's statement as YICD-Mutoko we strongly urge and encourage the youth to actively participate in council activities so as to demand accountability from our councillors and council employees.

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  • Anynomous
    31 August 2015

    In this world, the youth are very much eager to learn whilst the learned find themselves heavily equipped with beautiful solutions to problems of the world that no longer exist. We gonna die trying guys...xoxo

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