
Teachers Union

Tags : #Education

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17 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    07 October 2015

    WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY CELEBRATIONS 2015 Monday the 5th of October was World Teachers’ Day, a day that is specially set aside globally to reflect on the valuable contributions made by the World’s revered Educationists. They must be saluted! In Zimbabwe, we applaud the Zimbabwean Government for the giant strides made in Education, with a substantial increase in the number of Primary and Secondary schools, tertiary institutions, universities; you name it. For this reason, Zimbabwe...

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  • Anynomous
    25 September 2015

    CABINET has approved the country’s new education curriculum and schools are expected to immediately start implementing it, Primary and Secondary Education Minister Lazarus Dokora has said. Speaking at the Matabeleland South provincial Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics exhibition held at Plumtree High School yesterday, Minister Dokora said starting in January next year only qualified teachers and those in training would be eligible to be in the classroom. He said ...the thrust of the new curriculum was to emphasise the teaching of Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Technology, Heritage studies and Local languages as well as sporting and practical subjects. “We expect the new curriculum to be implemented by qualified teachers and teachers-in-training. If you’re within the education system, and you’re neither of the two, then you should have made efforts to have undergone training by January next year,” said the Minister. “As a ministry there’s a certain level of competence and skilfulness that teachers should have which are in line with the new curriculum.” He said the ministry was working on ensuring that teachers acquire new skills required under the new curriculum, adding that strategies had been put in place to solve the shortage of Mathematics and Science teachers. “It’s true that we’ve a shortage of science teachers. This is why the Ministry launched the Teacher Capacity Development Programme in 2014 to upgrade teachers in various areas so that they acquire skills to cope with the demands of the new curriculum. “I’m confident that learners will benefit tremendously from this programme. We’ve 2500 teachers pursuing studies in Science, Technology, Mathematics, Heritage Studies, Languages, Art and Culture with various universities,” said Dokora. He said teachers were expected to be trained to ensure that they remained relevant to the education system. The Minister said an effective supervision programme would be effected to ensure that teaching personnel complied with the new requirements. “Supervision instrume

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  • Anynomous
    24 September 2015

    TUZ FEARED BY RIVAL UNIONS We have just received a letter addressed to the Secretary of Public Service written by the Zimta president, suggesting that a meeting was held that made appointments of Apex Council Technical Team to the Tripartite Negotiating Forum(TNF).The list submitted comprised the following the following:Siphiso Ndlovu from Zimta, Raymond Majongwe from ptuz and Jeremiah Bvirindi from Psa.We were excluded and to make matters worse the TUZ CEO is the legitimate ...Secretary to the Apex Council who should have been writing minutes of such a meeting.This mobid fear of TUZ is very worrisome. We have however written a letter of objection to such connivance to the Minister of Public Service, demanding the immediate inclusion of TUZ representative on the TNF.A constitutional democracy(Apex Council in its entirety) must hold on to the basic tenets of democracy, not the hide and seek game the three Unions are playing.VIVA TUZ VIVA!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    18 September 2015


    The education conference and Expo finally came to halt, with Vice President Mnangagwa being the guest of honour who closed the conference. It was heartening to note the concern by Botswana's Deputy Minister of Education, that Botswana was losing over a million dollars each year that is channelled towards marking of Cambridge examinations for the students of Botswana. He called upon SADC member states to come up with a regional... board that should mark all the examinations for SADC countries, rather than continue to enrich London at the expense of these SADC Countries. He called on member SADC States to wake up from sitting on their laurels. On top this, he said teachers must be adequately remunerated and that their general standards of living should be lifted as they play a very important role in any country. The conference also agreed on the need for SADC countries to benefit from the human resource element where there is need to professionalise labour export, drawing lessons from a representative of South Sudan who presented a request for teachers and other professionals, as the country is coming out of a long time civil war .Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and South Sudan, commented Zimbabwe for coming up with a very thorough and exhaustive draft curriculum which however still requires more panel beating, emphasising that teachers need more time to look and study it further as they are the implementers of the same curriculum. It needs not hurried. South Africa denounced the use of cell phones as learning gadgets in the classroom, citing practical examples.

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  • Anynomous
    18 September 2015

    NYAWO WINS A SMART PHONE!! The Chief Executive officer of Teachers Union of Zimbabwe(T.U.Z),went away smilling last night after winning a smart phone at the Gala Dinner that was specially organised by the Hon.Minister of primary and Secondary Education Dr Lazarus Dokora, for all the delegates to the education conference that is ending today at the Harare International Conference Centre.The C.E.O ably managed to correctly capture the theme to the conference.If God be on our side, who can be against us?

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  • Anynomous
    17 September 2015

    CONFUSION AT THE EDUCATION CONFERENCE There is total confusion at the education conference as most of the Heads could not be allowed into the auditorium owing to non payment of the conference fees that are pegged at the rate of US$ 85 per day. The reasons we are getting from most of these Heads is that the policy by the Ministry that does not allow children to be sent away for fees is the one that has worsened the situation in schools as parents are deliberately not paying th...ese fees. As a result, schools are running serious shortages of stationary, chalk, you name it, and the situation is pathetic. This is the reason why most of the SDCs have failed to support the welfare of these Heads who came for the conference, which ,in our view is very informative as it draws Education Ministers from as far as South Sudan. Naturally, it must have been a must attend by all heads of schools. We are quite sure it is the Ministry that has lost in the process as the reasons for inviting these heads were not achieved, save for attending the official launch of the conference by His Excellency, Cde R.G.Mugabe on the first day, only to be chased away a few minutes later. The Ministry should have organised the conference in such a manner that it would not affect the School Managers who got very frustrated as they could not be allowed to participate during the conference as they were locked out throughout.

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  • Anynomous
    16 September 2015

    Betera 1(one),Public Service Commision 0(zero)

    Our member,one Mr Betera,a teacher at Magunje high School in Mrewa, was erroneously charged for "failing to report improper association" between a colleague and a form four girl child at the same School.The Charges were preferred by an overzealous acting Head who chose to charge Betera, leaving the real culprit who had committed the offence, simply because he was related to the DEO as the two were Uncle and nephew. Tuz was repr...esented by their legal representative at the hearing, and the Acting Head was undressed infront of the hearing panel from Mash East Province.We are proud and happy to receive from Betera that he received the determination in his case indicating that he was aquitted as he was found"NOT GUILTY"!!What victory!

    We are currently handling another disciplinary matter where our member,one Mr Kazembe of Digglefold primary school, a very good teacher who produced excellent Grade Seven results last year,with a whooping 98% pass rate, was charged with "conducting extra lessons" during the holiday at a church in Marondera and a certain place in Harare.We have, through our legal representative, challenged the determination in which he was fined a total of US$200 plus transfer from Digglefold to Musau primary school in Mudzi.What cruelty!The irony in this saga that still boggles the mind is that the teacher who has since replaced our member came from Mudzi where our member was posted.What corrupt tendencies by education officials who are conniving with public service officials to breed corruption in the education sector.Honestly, Tuz wont rest until we win such cases as we have done in similar cases before. We are also handling another disciplinary matter with respect to our member, one Chitombo,a substantive Deputy at Mt Selinda High school in Chipinge, who was charged by his head, for not adequately giving students written work and for not evaluating his schemes.This was when the head was away, after the responsible authority at the school had chased him away and naturally the Deputy head had to take over full administration responsibilities, which made it impossible to teach in the class, and had to assign another teacher to take over from him.After all the Head was not his immediate superior to charge him .If anything, it is the DEO, NOT the Head, who should have charged him! Muzvikoro umu makaoma veduwe, motoshinga but please bring your issues to us,zvinoita chete!

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  • Anynomous
    16 September 2015

    THE EDUCATION CONFERENCE HAS FINALLY KICKED OFF. Pretty good news!TUZ has finally managed to convince the Hon. Minister on why the Ministry would invite Unions to attend such an important function at a cost.It would appear to us it was a way of deliberately leaving us out ahead of those who could afford those exorbitant amounts.We are happy TUZ continued to dialogue with the Minister through the Chief Executive Officer and the Minister finally consented and we have dispatched three of our officers who are attending the conference.We even rescued our colleagues from sister unions who had lost hope and we are sure they were surprised as to who finally came to their rescue.

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  • Anynomous
    14 September 2015

    TUZ has officially been invited to attend an education conference that runs from the 16th to the 18th of September 2015 at the HICC.What boggles us is that we are having to pay for it, suggesting that the Ministry probably does not care if Unions attend or not, yet the truth remains that unions are an integral component in the advancement of education, not only in Zimbabwe but in the entire globe.We therefore don't see the rationale for forcing Unions to pay for information that is relevant for their cause in the education sector. We are still engaging the Hon.Minister, Dr L. Dokora so he waive the financial requirements and allow unions to participate and maximise their potential.

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  • Anynomous
    05 August 2015

    Dear Colleagues Hope we find u well. It is regrettable that we have learnt of late that a number of us have had our salaries withdrawn by the employer owing to stupid reasons in an effort to justify the head count of teachers by government machinery. It remains worrisome why teachers who were officially on study leave, maternity leave, sick leave, vacation and those who were absent after liaising with their Heads of stations were caught up in the cross fire and were mistaken ...for ghost employees in the education sector.

    It is our well considered view that the head count was done by people who had a straightforward agenda that was meant to reduce the wage bill for the month of July by a margin that would allow government to pay what it had for that particular month and this is very much disturbing as it is least expected of the government.

    The TUZ CEO was on Ztv on this Morning programme yesterday the 4th of August 2015 lambasting this move.We have a number of us who are travelling for holiday after schools close between today and tomorrow, and doing that in the absence of a salary is next to impossible. Some of us have had to borrow for food and transport and this is not healthy considering that some of us would require constant medical attention. It is also a fact that some of us survive on ARVs, some are BP and Diabetic patients and going two days after pay day without a salary is synonymous with cruelty of the highest order.

    We request Government to act swiftly to redress this sad state of affairs in the education Sector. The salaries have appeared on our payslips, meaning the money was already budgeted for and is there in the treasury. We request the Hon. Finance Minister to act swiftly in order to bring the situation to normalcy.

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  • Anynomous
    23 June 2015

    VICTIMISATION OF TEACHERS ON THE RISE TUZ denounces the wanton and unwarranted victimisation of teachers around the country.What we noted is that the victimisation is dominated by unsubstantive Heads and Deputy Heads who seem obsessed by the propensity and zeal to charge teachers as if that would reflect on their efficiency and add value to their professionalism. The cancer is particularly dominant in Mash East Province where we urge Ministry Officials to educate their Heads ...and Deputy Heads on how to maintain peaceful environments at their Schools. We had a case of an overzealous Head at Magunje High School in Murewa where our member was charged with failure to report improper association between a certain form 4 girl child and a known teacher who was never charged.It was only after we had querried why the teacher in question was not charged that the Head, in connivance with certain officials at District and provincial level then charged thye culprit and immediately transferred him to Chivhu before his case could be heard.Is this not broad day corruption by known Ministry officials who are probably immune to prosecution?We wait to see what action the Ministry officials will take on the Head who facilitated the transfer of the teacher in connivance with other known Ministry officials. Another worrisome case happened at Diggleford Primary School (Marondera),where one of our members was charged with conducting extra lessons during the school holiday at a church in Marondera town and at some place in Harare.He was called for a hearing and determination then came, ruling that he be fined US$200 plus his immediate transfer from Diggleford primary School to Muasu primary School in Mudzi.It is ironically in Mudzi District where the replacement of the same teacher came from. What corruption!!!!We feel the Minister of primary and Secondary Education should have access to the files concerning the charges being levelled against teachers and see it for himself. Its a waste of stationary ,time and value for education. How can the Ministry watch while teachers are being charged so that effectively they can not be promoted or transferred to schools of their choice? This is cruelty that continues unabated.This madness MUST stop!

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  • Anynomous
    11 June 2015

    Hie Cdes.Hope we find u well.We are currently battling with a few problematic issues; 1-The possibility of any salary increment by government ;2- Whether we still stand to benefit from the much publicised non- monetary benefits.Considering we are already halfway through the year and Government has not yet made any indication as to whether it is going to review our salaries,this puts us in a very difficult situation.The meetings we have had with Government of late do not gi...ve us any hope as the response is that cashflow is very low due to economic challenges facing the nation.This is despite that we have approached Government to consider giving us non monetary benefits inorder to brigde this gap, but we don't see anything positive yet.Well, things are difficult as you may all be aware but Government should try to source for a smaller amount part of which should be used to address issues of compressed salaries.There is need to recognise seniority at the workplace and professional advancement .Such money should be availed by the employer for purposes of encouraging and motivating those of us who have improved ourselves and the difference must be attractive and motivating.

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2015


    We are worried as Teachers Union of Zimbabwe on the continued and relentless attack of foreigners by South Africans at the instigation of the overzealous Zulu King ,Goodwill Zwelithini, who instigated the attacks when he chanted that foreigners must pack their bags and go home. What makes us more worried is that thousands of our teacher counterparts in that country have benefitted ...South Africans than Zimbabwe has benefitted .On top of that , a lot more of our Zimbabwean graduates have excelled in their various job placements thereby contributing immensely to South Africa's Gross domestic product. And these are the same professionals who are being butchered like dogs! The African Union must stand up and be counted, SADC must equally stand up and be counted. We can not allow, let alone watch an African ill-treating another African in this horrific manner .Julias Malema's voice is both too young and too small to be heard by Jacob Zuma,hence the need for African strong voice in solidarity with the suffering black migrants in South Africa. Instead of taking pride in the privilege of a skilled workforce South Africa has benefitted over the years from Zimbabwe, it is a shame that there is lack of appreciation and acknowledgement, making a mockery to the voluminous contribution made by the Children of Zimbabwe. The xenophobic and Afrophobic attacks on innocent black African Migrants is satanic and uncalled for.

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  • Anynomous
    22 April 2015

    WITHDRAWAL OF BONUSES BY GOVERNMENT Well colleagues, there we are! There is confusion regarding the above.The Minister of Finance Cde Patrick Chinamasa, announced on behalf of government that there is no bonus for Civil Servants this year until 2017 when a review is going to be made. When the statement was made, our view was that it was an official statement in the form of Cabinet position and resolution as Cde Chinamasa would not make such a statement projecting his personal... view as he was flanked by his counterpart, professor Jonathan Moyo.The same statement was reversed by the Head of State, Cde R.G.Mugabe on the occasion of the independence day celebrations on 18 April 2015. The reversal to us would indicate that the Minister of finance lied to the nation as the Statement by the Head of State carries the day. We don't doubt the expression of deep concern by our Head of State and hope things will just be as normal come November and December when we expect payment of the bonuses. But lets learn to save a little on a monthly basis in case anything happens, such as delay in payment of these bonuses. There is going to be a meeting between Apex Council team of negotiators and government this Friday and you will be updated on the outcome of the deliberations. Enjoy your holiday with your children who are on holiday, and may the good Lord bless you.

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  • Anynomous
    25 February 2015

    MINISTER DOKORA 'S POSITION ON USE OF CELL PHONES IN SCHOOLS. We wish to categorically express our concern on the unfortunate developments currently taking shape in the education Sector, this being spearheaded by the Hon. Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Dr Lazarus Dokora. The Union has come out clear at "This Morning" Program today on national television, through the Union's Chief Executive Officer, where the following observations were made: a) that the Hon. Min...

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  • Anynomous
    17 February 2015

    GLOBAL ACTION DAY ON THE RIGHT TO STRIKE We learnt with disappointment that colleagues from the progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ptuz), have called on other Unions to join them in the demonstration on the above scheduled tomorrow, the 18th of February 2015. What boggles the mind is it appears to us the government of the Republic of Zimbabwe has effectively denied workers in the country this nobel and legitimate right to strike, yet it never did. Why would we demonstrat...

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  • Anynomous
    09 February 2015

    MEETING WITH THE HON. MINISTER OVER INCENTIVES We had a meeting with the Minister of primary and Secondary Education, Hon. L.D.K Dokora,where we highlighted to him on the rationale behind bringing back the traditional incentives. It is notable and beyond anyone's doubt that our chances of getting a substantial salary increment this year are next to zero and yet the cost of living remains very high.It is against this background that we petitioned the Minister to seriously cons...

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