
Prophet Malcolm is an end time Prophet called of God to share the message of salvation. Mightily used in the Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance.

Tags : #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
David Livingstone Primary School Harare, Harare

16 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    05 October 2018

    The bible is replete with accounts of man and women who achieved so much by adding patience to their faith as did Abraham and Sarah.Some have erred terribly in this regard people like Saul whose only instruction was to simply wait for Samuel to offer the sacrifice but because of lack of patience he messed up the plan of God for his life.Learn to wait.Not all speed is Godly he that believeth shall not make haste.

    Whatever God has told you my brother/sister wait and follow his ...lead.He is the one who is more eager for you to fulfill his plan than you are.

    #Radah #Lifethings #Unquestionabledominion. #VanavamudharaBranson.

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  • Anynomous
    05 October 2018

    Colossians 4:17 And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.

    Once you discover your purpose the next wisest thing to do is to discover how you can fulfill it.All that matters to God is what you did with the souls you were supposed to minister to during your days.No matter how small you may start,just start.Everything big starts small.The ways in which man are called by God are not as important as the calling itself....Get a mentor,a father someone who can seat you down and nurture you on your new journey of faith.Be humble ,learn from the mistakes of others ,always have a teachable spirit God will elevate you.

    Like Archippus it is your responsibility to fulfill your mandate on earth.May God help you discover your purpose and grant you the grace to walk in it. #Propheticlife #Preachtheword #Jesusiscomingsoon

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  • Anynomous
    04 October 2018

    Prophecy and confirmation

    Young man how are you? Can I talk to you?yes prophet talk to me shouted the young man . I saw you in my visions on top of the mountain holding a big bible and immediately I was made to understand that this is a calling of God upon your life....Yes that’s true prophesy Prophet.


    I see you have a burning desire for God to use you but when you were coming you were saying I need I mentor...That is true he responded in shock, help me prophet. The gentleman who had invited the young man to church goes on to confirm .Prophet it’s true,this young man of all his family members he suddenly changed and said I want to follow Jesus and he has been telling me of his experiences with God ever since he started saving God.

    Come ,I want God to use you said the Man of God as he layed hands on the young man . The young man was prayed for and ushered into his divine destiny.A prophecy for one is a prophecy for all.... #Propheticlife #Unquestionabledominion.

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  • Anynomous
    04 October 2018

    Instant Healing Testimony

    I want to thank God for what he has done for me. I came to visit my daughter here in Harare. When it was time for me to go back to the village I had a change of heart. I felt I should spend more time in Harare. And today they invited me to church. I have always had difficulty in walking for a while now even when we were being anointed I had to be assisted in kneeling down. But after the Man of God prayed for me. I can not stop dancing with joy. I wa...lk , i can run. Im even dancing. Surely they is God in this place, Just open your heart. #Jesusthehealer #Graceisbetter #Unquestionabledominion

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  • Anynomous
    03 October 2018

    If the difference between you and your destiny is a document,I decree and declare that within the next 24hrs your story shall change.I dispatch the angel of Goodnews to locate anyone who has been praying for their papers to be processed speedily.As God answer this prayer may he embarrass those who seek your demise in Jesus mighty name ..... #Propheticlife #SonsofTheSpecialist #Unquestionabledominion.

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  • Anynomous
    02 October 2018

    Anyone who is relevant for your next level,by the grace upon my life I cause your paths to meet in Jesus mighty name. #Propheticlife #SonoftheSpecialist #Unquestionabledominion.

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  • Anynomous
    02 October 2018

    Did you know that you can also follow the Prophet on Twitter for an uplifting word and upcoming events???Join the wagon,don’t be left out!!

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  • Anynomous
    01 October 2018

    Sunday Live Update!!

    Theme:Financial Dominion Scriptures :Mark 6:2,Psalms23,Haggai2:6-8. Word:Apostle Erek Branson


    Mark 6:2. There is wisdom that we need to tap into in order to get acces in unfathomable wealth. When we locate God's word on prosperity and apply it we stand to benefit from the wisdom of God. It's the word that you apply that will work for you.The status of a financial commander just does not come. You might be working under someone now. But it is the training ground that You have and you will need to apply this in your own company. The first thing one need is light ( Isaiah 60 vs1)were they is no light there is no arising. You need to know we're you are going. That is why we have Prophets in our life's . To show us directions. Know who you are . They are secrets to the Kingdom of God, we need them to shine. Remember the earth is the Lord's in it's fullness that they dwell in it. Psalms 23 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. When we talk about want this is beyond needs. When you allow the Lord to guide your life he takes care of everything He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. Green pastures represent wealth. When you are a sheep you only drink water when it's peaceful. Be a sheep and not a goat . You still need a few enemies that will testify on your behalf. That will blow the horn for you. It does not matter where you come from.

    The Spirit of God instructed me to raise Financial Commanders in this place. When my Father, The Specialist visited this ministry he gave a word that in six months there shall be serious prosperity upon this ministry. Guess what? We are only a day into the sixth month that means God is always on time.

    I brought anointing oil with me and the Lord has instructed me to anoint everyone attending this conference.

    God delights in the prosperity of his servants and he does not want his children to be poor. Today you’re walking out of this place a changed person!

    For the full message visit our YouTube Channel @ProphetMalcolmKaitano #ApostleErekBranson #FinancialDominionConference #SonsoftheSpecialist #Zvakabhadhara.

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  • Anynomous
    01 October 2018

    God has called us to walk in Unquestionable Dominion ,May this month of October be your month of experiencing constant heaven supply in Jesus mighty name. #Billionairegoals #Prosperitymyportion #Propheticlife.

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  • Anynomous
    29 September 2018

    Are you ready for tomorrow

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  • Anynomous
    29 September 2018

    Are you ready for tomorrow? We will be Live on Facebook and Periscope at 10:30am CAT. The Prosperity anointing will be released. Come and receive the anointing that will change your finances forever. Connect and receive, partake and don’t miss out! #ApostleErekBranson #0007SpiritualJamesBond #ProphetMalcolmkaitano #SonsoftheSpecialist.

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  • Anynomous
    27 September 2018

    Poverty is not the absence of required necessities. It is the state of a mans spirit. It is dangerous to the extent that if it dominates an individual it will be seen in every aspect of their life.

    Are you tired of starting a project and you don’t finish due to lack of finances? Have you been praying for a financial breakthrough but nothing seems to be working well for you? Did they promise you a promotion but you have been waiting and nothing has happened? ... Are you in serious debt? Do you desire to walk in absolute prosperity? Then be my guest this Sunday as Apostle Erek Branson unleashes a new wave of THE PROSPERITY ANOINTING. #SpiritualJamesBond #ApostleErekBranson #ProphetMalcolmKaitano #SonsOfProphetEddBranson

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  • Anynomous
    26 September 2018

    You cannot climb up to find out who you are,but you must know who you are to climb up. #Iknowwhoiam #Propheticlife #Bransonismydad #Unquestionabledominion.

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  • Anynomous
    24 September 2018

    Stay true to yourself,keep the focus.You are who God says you are. #Zvakabhadhara #Propheticlife #Unquestionabledominion.

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  • Anynomous
    21 September 2018

    The hidden mystery of prayer with Apostle Erek Branson.

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  • Anynomous
    20 September 2018

    “The Mystery Behind Prayer” Catch me live tomorrow with Apostle Erek Branson at 18:00 CAT #0007 #ApostleErekBranson #ProphetMalcolmKaitano #SonsOfTheSpecialist #ProphetEddBranson #Prayer

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