
Quit Smoking with up to 90% success. IQS is a fast,natural and safe and guaranteed method to quit smoking.

Tags : #PhysicalTherapist

Location :
71 Glenara Avenue, Highlands, Harare

Opening Hours

  • Monday 11:30 - 19:00
  • Tuesday -
  • Wednesday 11:30 - 19:00
  • Thursday 11:30 - 19:00
  • Friday 11:30 - 19:00
  • Saturday 11:30 - 19:00
  • Sunday 11:30 - 19:00


The I Quit smoking method is the result of years of scientific and medical research in the field of auricular therapy, which resulted in a system featuring the R.I.S.E technology. Approved by the CE and UL, R.I.S.E is customized to suit each individual smoker using a pain free electrical stimulation in the auricles or ears. By stimulating these points in the ear the smoker loses the desire to smoke.

7 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    12 December 2017

    Its easier than you think and with our help and TLC you will be a NON-SMOKER in no time. Call or email us for further details

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  • Anynomous
    18 October 2016

    It's so easy taking care of yourself. IQS is a simple, natural, safe and guaranteed treatment to quite smoking in 1 hour with up to 90% success rate. With 1-2 sessions.



    www.iqsintl.com ZIMBABWE

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  • Anynomous
    30 May 2016

    The I Quit Smoking method is the result of years of scientific and medical research in the field of auricular therapy which resulted in a patented system featuring the R.I.S.E. technology. Approved by the CE and UL, R.I.S.E. is customized to suit each individual smoker using a pain-free electrical stimulation in the auricles or ear. By stimulating these reflex points in the ear, the smoker loses their desire to smoke. IQS launches the Easy Slim (ES) Technology which blocks cravings for food. By having diminished cravings it is much easier to stick to a healthy diet and maintain a well shaped body.

    Nothing beats feeling thin! I Quite Smoking Zimbabwe. Set yourself free TODAY!!!

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  • Anynomous
    04 May 2016

    Why people continue smoking

    People who continue smoking give different reasons for smoking.

    "It keeps me alert when I have a lot of work to do."... "It helps me to concentrate." "It keeps me calm when I am under pressure." "It makes me feel relaxed." As soon as people become regular smokers they become addicted to the nicotine in the cigarettes which makes them want to continue smoking. There are many different chemicals in cigarette smoke some of which are poisonous and some can cause cancer. Some of these chemicals affect the brain making the person feel alert or calm - in other words changing the person's mood. The more people smoke, the more they feel the need to smoke.

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2016

    Good afternoon everyone. Have a great day. Remember if you want to quit smoking, IQS is the way to go.

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  • Anynomous
    21 January 2016


    Only recently was nicotine declared a drug officially in all respects. Researchers from the tobacco industry had data for decades pertaining to its highly addictive nature. In a recent comparison between the properties of several major drugs such as; heroin, cocaine and alcohol, it has been found that nicotine has the highest addictive power. Substance induced addiction is determined by; the difficulty a person encounters when trying to cease, the frequency of relap...ses, the percentage of dependent people and the “value” it has among the users, evidence of health damage notwithstanding.

    Next to pharmacological dependence the psychological dependence on nicotine plays a decisive role in the establishment of a tie between smoker and cigarette. The triggers are mostly connected with; social and cultural factors, gestures associated with the action of smoking and to the amphetamine-like related effects. These effects induce expectations of better performances when facing social or work related pressure.

    Pharmacological and psychological dependence coexist within the same person and in a variety of people in different proportions. Therefore smoking causes dependence and induces smokers to become slaves to the habit both on a physical and psychological level.

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  • Anynomous
    21 January 2016

    Most people are aware of the health hazards inherent in the habit of smoking and that tobacco smoke is a source of lung cancer as well as many other serious illnesses.

    Furthermore every smoker knows how addictive tobacco can be as a drug and how difficult it is to part with this life long companion being solely reliant on one’s own will power. This is why smokers need help to quit.

    Smoking affects all social classes and age groups, most alarmingly our youth.


    Because of health damage and the consequent hospital care, cigarette smoking results in huge medical expenditure around the globe. Statistics confirm that smoking and its related illnesses constitutes the primary cause of death in industrialized countries.

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