
Economics Scholars Association of Zimbabwe-ESAZ

167 Mount Pleasant Harare, Harare


A community of students, academics and business leaders with a passion for economic policy analysis and research

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #BusinessService, #CampusBuilding, #College&University

Location :
167 Mount Pleasant Harare, Harare
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A community of students, academics and business leaders with a passion and commitment towards Economics oriented initiatives, for the development of Zimbabwe Economy

15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    21 February 2017

    “Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.” ~ Unknown

    As you live your life there will come a time when you decide to stop wasting your life.

    When such a time comes you are to understand that, you are remembered and/ recognised based on the contribution you make to society. This brings to mind big questions like, what is it that l want to be known for? Or, what is it that l want to be remembered for?


    The answer to these questions has to be the same if you want your life to be LIFE.

    As an economist or aspiring economist, l would recommend that you take your time to think about what you seek to contribute to our society.

    Thank you!

    See More

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  • Anynomous
    08 June 2016

    There goes the founding president of Esaz Zimbabwe Gary Hoto

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  • Anynomous
    10 May 2016

    From a purely economic perspective, how do you interpret the impending introduction of bond notes in Zimbabwe by the government????

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  • Anynomous
    04 May 2016

    A question was once asked that: What is the role of an economists in the society? The best answer l came up with is that, the role of economists in the society is to be ignored, like you all just did to that post. l believe everyone here agrees with me that we have let politicians/politics control and belittle us and thus ignoring us for too long. So let us unite so that we may be heard by creating powerful solutions which we discuss on this platform. Let us speak with one voice. To hell with the "economist will never agree" crap, united we stand divided we fall, its that simple. We need to shut these politicians once and for all.If we believe we will accomplish it. Ndatenda hangu.

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  • Anynomous
    20 April 2016

    What is the role of an economist in the society?

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  • Anynomous
    18 April 2016

    A Happy Independence Day to the Republic of Zimbabwe. As we are celebrating 36 years of independence lets also brace ourselves to create more success stories to celebrate along with the day.

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  • Anynomous
    16 April 2016

    The Economics of the day transcends beyond the mere calculation of numbers but the engagement of key governmental roles and questioning to what extend the variable called governance can affect economic growth, either positive or negative.Africa as the case in point and Zimbabwe and South Africa as the key examples........How does the loss of 15 Billion by the Zimbabwean government affect its own in the next two decades??...also the anticipated two million rands lost by South Africans through the Nkandla scandal, How could it affect the Zambian economy in the next 5 years??

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  • Anynomous
    11 April 2016

    Fellow economist and economist in the making, greetings to you all. l have a question l need us to answer. The question is: what do you think can be done to improve or turn around the economy of Zimbabwe?

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  • Anynomous
    24 March 2016

    Greetings to you fellow Economists and all other Economic Agents from Across the World.I believe 2016 is a year of economic transformation at home and in all sects of the World.Im happy to announce my election as the ESAZ President with effect from 23 March 2016 up to the end of my term.Im more than prepared to make our organization the center of attraction through excellence and to take our organization up from the great stage from where it has been left at by our predecessors.Together we can make it happen.

    Aluta Continua

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  • Anynomous
    21 October 2015

    Good goings Economics Student Association - South Africa

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2015

    All the best to the Economics Students Association of Zimbabwe fellows in all the campus across Zimbabwe. #Great Zimbabwe University #Bindura University of Science Education, Midlands State University (MSU) University of Zimbabwe and our to be launched Africa University in your studies this Semester.

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  • Anynomous
    21 March 2015

    Demystifying the "More Is Better" principle

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  • Anynomous
    18 March 2015

    Highlights of 2014 ESAZ Midlands State University (MSU)

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  • Anynomous
    15 March 2015

    Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort -Paul J Meyer

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  • Anynomous
    22 February 2015

    Zim Economists here we go

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