
The Gender, Health and Justice Research Unit - GHJRU


The Gender Health and Justice Research Unit conducts progressive research on the intersections of gender, health and the law.

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The GHJRU is an interdisciplinary research unit that unites scholars, NGOs and practitioners to develop and implement innovative, interdisciplinary research and social interventions on social exclusion and violence in a range of social, political and institutional settings. We have a proven history of empirical, evaluation and monitoring projects, many of which are well cited in the literature and are foundational studies in the areas of gender-based violence, sexual and gender minority rights, and reproductive rights. We use our empirical research to develop well-informed, evidence-based advocacy positions to support legal and policy reform in South Africa and similarly situated countries. Our research is almost exclusively conducted in interdisciplinary teams, frequently including NGOs and government departments. The Unit also has a well-established history of providing technical assistance to a wide range of implementing partners including government and NGOs.