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SSCFUND is a company, located at 207 Đường Giải Phóng, Hanoi 11616, Vietnam. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

SSCFund was established on 7/8/2013, is a unit under SSC Student Securities Club, National Economics University.Operating under the model of a joint stock company, SSCFund is a place that provides training services, personal financial management skills, and practical skills on the stock market for its members. After more than 8 years of operation, with the companion of 128 shareholders and circulating more than 2,400 fund certificates, we are proud to be the pioneer investment fund in the securities investment curriculum and one of the most significant student investment funds at Hanoi.With the mission of improving in-depth knowledge and creating opportunities for students to experience the real market, SSCFund promises to be an ideal environment to connect young people with the same passion and interest in the field of securities finance.

Tags : #FinancialServices

Location :
207 Đường Giải Phóng, Hanoi 11616
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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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