Xazorasp tumani, located at Xazorasp tumani, Xorazm Region, 220700. [read more]
Name:Yangiariq TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:515681Name Ru:Янгиарыкский районIs In Country:UzbekistanIs.. [read more]
Name:Khonqa TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:515687Name Ru:Ханкинский районIs In Country:UzbekistanIs In.. [read more]
Yangibozor Tumani, located at Yangibozor Tumani, Yangibazar district. [read more]
Showot Tumani, located at Showot Tumani, Xorazm Region, 221000. [read more]
Qoshkopir Tumani, located at Qoshkopir Tumani, Xorazm Region, 220600. [read more]
ДОССАФ is a school, located at ДОССАФ, улица Гурленская, Urgench, Xorazm Region, 220100. [read more]
пристань Чалыш, located at пристань Чалыш, A-380, Beruniy, Republic of Karakalpakstan, 230200. [read more]
Шарлаук, located at Шарлаук, Muqumiy ko'chasi, Xorazm Region, 22400. [read more]
Namangan aeroporti is an airport, located at Namangan Airport, Islom Karimov shox kochasi, Namangan, Namangan Region, 160100. [read more]
Гостиница ЭЛЬШОД is a lodging, located at Hotel Elshd, O’zbekiston ko‘chasi, Urgench, Xorazm Region, 220100. [read more]
Otel nomer 1 is a lodging, located at Otel, Al Zamahshariy ko‘chasi, Shovot, Xorazm Region, 221000. [read more]
Hotel Kheivak is a lodging, located at Hotel Kheivak, Sapo Muganni Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Hotel Khiva Otabek (B&B) is a lodging, located at Hotel Khiva Otabek (B&B), Sapo Muganni Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Farrukh Tschaichana is a lodging, located at Farrukh Tschaichana, Sapo Muganni Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Хива лидеп, located at Xiva lidep, P158, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Fifty home, located at Fifty home, Hokim Obidov ko'chasi, Urgench, Xorazm Region, 220100. [read more]
Xiva 1, located at Xiva 1, Amir Temur Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Oy opa qarindosh, located at Oy opa qarindosh, Халк сўзи улица, Urgench, Xorazm Region, 220100. [read more]
Мечеть Яр Мухамад Девон (Саид Ота) is a church, located at Мечеть Яр Мухамад Девон (Саид Ота), Tinchlik street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Ак мечеть is a mosque, located at Ak mosque, Sapo Muganni Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Sunset observation deck ($1 extra), located at Sunset observation deck ($1 extra), Abdullah Rakhmonov street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Pitnak, located at Mustaqillik ko'chasi, Pitnak, Xorazm Region, 220400. [read more]
Картинная галерея is an art gallery, located at Картинная галерея, O’zbekiston ko‘chasi, Urgench, Xorazm Region, 220100. [read more]
Динамо, located at Dinamo, Галаба, Namangan, Namangan Region, 160100. [read more]
Сувениры 5в, located at Сувениры 5в, Галаба 5, Namangan, Namangan Region, 160100. [read more]
Музей связи is a museum, located at Музей связи, Amir Temur Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Спортивный колледж, located at Спортивный колледж, Islom Karimov shox kochasi, Namangan, Namangan Region, 160100. [read more]
Ali Bek is a lodging, located at Ali Bek, Abdullah Rakhmonov street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Qosha Darvoza Hotel is a lodging, located at Qosha Darvoza Hotel, Amir Temur Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Бакаджан Бика медресе is a lodging, located at Бакаджан Бика медресе, Abdullah Rakhmonov street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Исламбек is a lodging, located at Исламбек, Sapo Muganni Street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Xorazm Viloyati, located at Xorazm Viloyati, Xorazm Region. [read more]
Медресе Мухамеда Амин Хана is a lodging, located at Медресе Мухамеда Амин Хана, Abdullah Rakhmonov street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Малика Хива is a lodging, located at Malika Khiva, Abdullah Rakhmonov street 19A, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]
Asia Xiva is a lodging, located at Asia Xiva, Tinchlik street, Khiva, Xorazm Region, 220900. [read more]