Name:ChegarachiIs In:Uzbekistan, SurxondaryoPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:OmonxonaAmenity:Drinking WaterName Ru:Омонхона, минеральный источникTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:XayrabotPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ПахтаабадName Ru:ПахтаабадRailway:Station. [read more]
Name:Термиз Жаркургон такси стоянкахPublic Transport:Stop PositionThe position on the street or rails where a public transport vehicle stops. . [read more]
Foot:YesName:Sariosiyo O'zbekiston - Tojikiston O'tkazish PunktiHorse:YesSource:GPSBarrier:Border ControlA control point at an international border between two countries. [read more]
Name:ДубалPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Source:NGA GNSGns Ufi:-2576134Name En:DubalName Ru:Дубал. [read more]
Name:Zurmala TepaligiName Ru:Ступа ЗурмалаHistoric:MonumentA memorial object, which is especially large, built to remember, show respect to a person or group of people or to commemorate an event. [read more]
Name:Jarqo'rg'on MinorasiName De:Jarkurgan MinarettName Ru:Джаркурганский минаретTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built.. [read more]
Name:GUVDAmenity:PoliceName Ru:УВД Сурхандарьинской областиAddr Street:Fayzullo Xo’jayev Ko’chasiAddr Housenumber:46. [read more]
Esr:736117Name:4609Railway:Halt. [read more]
Esr:734836Name:No 163Railway:Station. [read more]
Name:ShurobRailway:Station. [read more]
Name:КурходжаPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Source:NGA GNSGns Ufi:9045515Name En:KurkhodzhaName Ru:Курходжа. [read more]
Name:DarbandPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Esr:735109Name:ТермезName Ru:ТермезRailway:StationUic Ref:2900255Alt Name:ТермизAlt Name:ТермезEsr User:735109Alt Name En:TermizAlt Name En:TermezAlt Name.. [read more]
Name:Moddiy Texnika Ta'minotiBuilding:Yes. [read more]
Name:Урочище УлаккырылдыPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:NGA GNSGns Dsg:AREA: AreaGns Ufi:9110447Name En:Urochishche UlakkyryldyName Ru:Урочище Улаккырылды. [read more]
Name:Участок Имени КуйбышеваPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:NGA GNSGns Ufi:11295118Name Ru:Участок Имени КуйбышеваOld Name:Участок Имени Куйбышева. [read more]
Name:Урочище АлатакырPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:NGA GNSGns Dsg:AREA: AreaGns Ufi:9110588Name En:Urochishche AlatakyrName Ru:Урочище Алатакыр. [read more]
Name:VaxshuvorName En:VakhshuarName Ru:Вахшуар. [read more]
Name:Перевал АктауSource:NGA GNSGns Dsg:PASS: PassGns Ufi:9110481Name En:Pereval AktauName Ru:Перевал АктауNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. [read more]
Name:Oyko'lPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:NGA GNSGns Dsg:AREA: AreaGns Ufi:9110586Name En:Urochishche Oykul'Name Ru:Урочище Оыкуль. [read more]
Name:BoldirIs In:Uzbekistan, Surxondaryo, MuzrabotPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:4447 кмRailway:Halt. [read more]
Ele:425. 1Name:Gоrа DzhеуrаnкhаnаSource:NGA GNSGns Dsg:MT: MountainGns Ufi:-2576268Name Ru:гора ДжейранханаNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. [read more]
Name:4415 кмRailway:Halt. [read more]
Name:SalovotPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Source:NGA GNSGns Ufi:9110566Name En:SаlаvаtName Ru:Салават. [read more]
Name:BahoristonPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Source:NGA GNSGns Ufi:9110570Name En:ВакhоristаnName Ru:Бахористан. [read more]
Name:Otboshi To'g Cho'qqisiSource:NGA GNSGns Dsg:MT: MountainGns Ufi:9114353Name En:Gora AtbashiName Ru:Гора АтбашиNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. [read more]
Name:ЛупакPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name En:LupakName Ru:Лупак. [read more]
Name:Урочище УчексайPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:NGA GNSGns Dsg:AREA: AreaGns Ufi:9110480Name En:Urochishche UcheksayName Ru:Урочище Учексай. [read more]
Name:JayronxonaPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:O'rtaariqPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:QoraxonPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Ele:128. 4Name:Soyat Qo'rg'oniSource:NGA GNSGns Dsg:MND: Mound(s)Gns Ufi:11295133Name Ru:Курган СоятNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. [read more]