NIce hotel The rooms are big and clean Bathroom is big and clean but i had some problems with hot water Its fifteen minutes walk from touristic area or by cap you pay from 2000 to 3000 10.. [read more]
Раньше здесь был бошлик мой поччо!. [read more]
Xalq Banki. Payariq Filiali is a bank, located at Payaryk. [read more]
SoleVita is a company, located at Mirzo Ulugbek St, Samarkand, Samarkand Province. [read more]
Tourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. . [read more]
Amenity:CafeCuisine:TurkishName Ru:Отличный фаст-фуд. [read more]
Name:PayariqIs In:Uzbekistan, Samarqand, PayariqPlace:TownAn important urban centre, between a village and a city in size. Name Ru:ПайарыкPopulation:2000Addr Region:Samarqand.. [read more]
Name:KattaqorgonPlace:TownAn important urban centre, between a village and a city in size. Name En:Katta-KurganName Ja:カッタクルガンName Ru:КаттакурганName.. [read more]
Name:Qo‘shrabot TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:9126675Name.. [read more]
Name:Kattaqo‘rg‘on TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:9093865Name.. [read more]
Name:Toyloq TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:516420Name Ru:Тайлакский районWikipedia Ru:Тайлакский.. [read more]
Name:Nurobod TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:450283Name.. [read more]
Name:Pastdarg‘om TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:9126295Name.. [read more]
Name:Chelak TumaniFixme:Need To Check Looks This Place Has Been Merged With The Payariq DistrictPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. [read more]
Name:Jomboy TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:516372Name Ru:Джамбайский районWikipedia.. [read more]
Name:Bulung‘ur TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Ufi:-2575736Gns Uni:9094125Name En:Bulung`ur TumaniName.. [read more]
Name:Samarqand TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:516413Name Ru:Самаркандский районIs In Country:UzbekistanIs.. [read more]
Name:Go‘zalkent TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Ufi:410066Gns Uni:9126321Name En:Go`zalkent TumaniName.. [read more]
Name:Urgut TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:516428Name Ru:Ургутский районIs In Country:UzbekistanIs In.. [read more]
Name:Ishtixon TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:9093929Name.. [read more]
Name:LaishIs In:Uzbekistan, Samarqand, OqdaryoPlace:TownAn important urban centre, between a village and a city in size. Name Ru:ЛаишAddr Region:Samarqand ViloyatiAddr Country:UZAddr Postcode:141000. [read more]
Name:ToyloqIs In:Uzbekistan, Samarqand, ToyloqPlace:TownAn important urban centre, between a village and a city in size. Name Ru:ТайлакAddr Region:Samarqand ViloyatiAddr Country:UZ. [read more]
Amenity:KindergartenName En:Chico. [read more]
Building:Signal. [read more]
Name:ZapchastShop:Car Parts. [read more]
Name:Bahrillo Bobo OshxonaAmenity:RestaurantName En:Sharaf OshAddr Postcode:123098Opening Hours:Mo-Su 01:00-06:00Addr Housenumber:13. [read more]
Name:Сифат. узShop:ConvenienceAddr Street:Sadriddin Ayni Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:Urgut Viza MarkaziShop:TicketEmail:Urguttravel@gmail. comPhone:+998905031816Name En:Visa Center UrgutAddr Street:Alisher Navoiy Shoh Ko'chasiAddr Postcode:141600Opening.. [read more]
Name:Монэ (кофе и выпечка)Shop:ConfectioneryName En:Mone (coffee And Bakery). [read more]
Name:Таможенный пост 18005Phone:+998662337997Amenity:PoliceName En:Customs Control 18005Addr Street:Kurchatov Ko'chasiOpening Hours:24/7Addr Housenumber:9. [read more]
Name:ЭКО. МаркетShop:ConvenienceAddr Street:Sadriddin Ayni Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:Севгидин. ХалисаPhone:+998998076565Amenity:CafeAddr Street:Bukhara Ko'chasiOpening Hours:Mo-Su 09:00-21:00. [read more]
Name:Жасур. 31 МактабShop:ConvenienceAddr Street:Abdullo Qahor Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:АкмалShop:Convenience. [read more]
Name:Боғибаланд мотрид 3Shop:Convenience. [read more]
Name:Савлат. МаркетShop:ConvenienceAddr Street:Motrid Ko'chasi. [read more]