OOO Agrotexkomplekt, located at 286, Спитамен-авеню, Samarqand. They can be contacted via phone at +998 66 221 70 06 for more detailed information. . [read more]
It is good that now we are on the google maps! Thank you GOOGLE!!!. [read more]
Stadion is a stadium, located at Samarkand. [read more]
Detskiy Sad "Zolotaya Rybka" is a school, located at Samarkand. [read more]
Ха 54dagailar qalesila. [read more]
Bog'ishamol Sanoat Kasb Hunar Kolleji, located at Samarkand. [read more]
Shkola Nomer 16 is a school, located at Samarkand. [read more]
Наргиза Парранда ООО Nargiza Parranda LTD, located at Samarkand. They can be contacted via phone at +998 97 923 26 26 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Arsel Product'un komşusu olur. Karton üretimi yapmaktadır. bu alanda 3 adet fabrika var ve hepside dev Semerkand Süper Fosfat fabrikasının bölgesindedir. [read more]
Dorixona, Pharmacy, Аптека is a pharmacy, located at A. Temur 58, M-37, Дaҳбeд. They can be contacted via phone at +998 90 213 01 01 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dorixona, Аптека is a pharmacy, located at M-37, Dahbed. They can be contacted via phone at +998 90 213 01 01 for more detailed information. . [read more]
"Yoqut Market" is a store, located at O'zbekiston, Qo'shrabot tumanidagi "Yoqut" marketi, Koshrabad. They can be contacted via phone at +998 66 646 16 26 for more detailed information. [read more]
5-sonli Respublika musiqa maktabi is a school, located at Mustaqillik ko'chasi, Qo'shrabot tumani, O'zbekiston, Koshrabad. [read more]
Buyuk muhaddis Imom al-Buxoriy majmuasi bu Samarqandning koʻrki va ilm maskani hisoblanadi. Barcha turistlarga ziyorat qilishni tafsiya qilaman. Beautiful place to visit. [read more]
O Allah, forgive [Muhammad ibn Ismā'īl Al-Bukhāri (محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري)] & elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came.. [read more]
سبحان الله ماشاءاللہ الله أكبر. Masha'Allah Very Beautiful place of Imam Bukhari (R. A). [read more]
Do'koncha is a store, located at Uzbekistan. [read more]
Chelak Dekhkon Bozori is a store, located at Челак. [read more]
Хизматлари зур. [read more]
Payariq tuman kasb hunar kolleji. [read more]
Узгаришлар Катта Яхши👍👍. [read more]
6-maktab eng zo'rlaridan. [read more]
1-Umum Ta'lim Maktabi is a school, located at Payaryk. [read more]
17 сонли мусика мактаби. [read more]
. Школа класс. . [read more]
Maroqand apple GoLD, located at Uzbekistan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 93 333 18 08 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Здесь по легенде бывал царь Давид. По арабской легенде, пророк Дауд был отправлен Аллахом на.. [read more]
Это моя школа. [read more]
Хороший супер маркет. Классный Супер Маркет. [read more]
Лучшая в городе. Отличная школа:). Хорошая школа. И учителя и ученики молодцы. . [read more]
Очень вкусные тандыр. Nice place, sweet food I like kokan somsa. [read more]
Всеми любимая школа. [read more]
Очень много лет тут проработал. [read more]
stayankani qarvularmi bular. [read more]
Yngiqo'rg'on PTZ, located at Yangiqo'rg'on, Yngi Hayot mahallasi, Yangiqo'rg'on. They can be contacted via phone at +998 91 777 06 66 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ресторан Шукрона. Такой роскошный, но мал для больших свадьб. This is nice places for party l recommend for every people. [read more]