G‘uzor also spelled as Guzar is a town in Qashqadaryo Region of Uzbekistan. It serves as the administrative center of Guzar District. The town population in 1989 year was 17,253 people. [read more]
Наш Дилерский центр является авторизованной компанией по реализации и сервисным обслуживанием автомобилей производства АО «GM Uzbekistan». [read more]
Arirang is a Korean restaurant where you can taste almost all the most popular dishes of the Land of Morning Calm. We prepare our dishes exclusively from the finest and freshest products, some.. [read more]
Respublika aholisini axborot-kutubxona bilan ta’minlanish uchun faoliyat yuritamiz Қарши муҳандислик иқтисодиёт институти Ахборот ресурс маркази КУТУБХОНА. [read more]
Global Education in Karshi NTM - Qarshi shahridagi chet tillarini va boshqa qiziqarli fanlarni o'rgatishga asoslangan innovatsion ta'lim markazidir. . [read more]
Karshi Engineering – Economics Institute was founded in 1995 as a result of the association of Karshi agrarian-economics institute and Karshi branch of Tashkent polytechnical institute. [read more]
Дармон шарбати -100% консервантларсиз -табиий маҳсулот. Natural Juice "Darmon sharbati" Соки прямого отжима. [read more]
" Sultan" - ресторанно-гостиничный комплекс города Карши , отвечающий требованиям наиболее взыскательных гостей. В 34 номерах четырехзвездочно. [read more]
Международная школа правильного бега в Ташкенте. I love Running – меняет жизнь людей к лучшему через спорт!. [read more]
В нашей махалле. Ресторан супер. . bo'rilar, gushtxo'rlar uchun! vegetarianlar uchunmas. [read more]
Kasan, located at Kasan. [read more]
Главное всё есть и дешево. [read more]
"Neft va gaz quduqlarini sinash" AJ is a gas station, located at Kasan. [read more]
Dunyo-M OAJ is a shopping mall, located at Uzbekistan. [read more]
Қўшни ойна цех. [read more]
Siz ham Universitetimiz talabasi bõlsangiz ushbu albomga suratlaringizni qõshishingiz yoki mening elektron pochtamga yuborishingiz mumkin. [read more]
Siz ham Universitetimiz talabasi bõlsangiz ushbu albomga suratlaringizni qõshishingiz yoki mening elektron pochtamga yuborishingiz mumkin. Qarshidagi eng zo‘r universitet!. [read more]
"AZBANO" avtoservis, located at Узбекистан Кашкадарьинская об. г. Касан, Kasan 700100. They can be contacted via phone at +998 91 210 90 09 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rustam Bar is a bar, located at Unnamed Road, Qarshi, Qarshi. They can be contacted via phone at +998 97 310 00 91 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Skazka juda ham yoqadi ovqatlari ajoyib ayniqsa mastavasiga gap yuq. . . . . . . ishonmasangiz ichib kureng. . . . . . . oilaviy dam oladegan restaurant desam ham buladi dustlar sevishganlar.. [read more]
Qashqadaryoavtotexxizmat is a car dealer, located at Qarshi. They can be contacted via phone at +998 75 228 09 90 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Karakum, located at Karakum. [read more]
Mubarek, located at Mubarek. [read more]
Pamuk, located at Pamuk. [read more]
Chandyr, located at Chandyr. [read more]
Dzheynau, located at Dzheynau. [read more]
Beshkent, located at Beshkent. [read more]
Kasbi, located at Kasbi. [read more]
Sakhovat is a supermarket, located at 7 Khamza Street, Бешкент 180200. [read more]
Qarshi tuman Hokimiyati is a local government office, located at Beshkent. They can be contacted via phone at +998 75 572 16 24 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tasviriy Oyina ijodiy uyushmasi, located at 21 Amir Temur shoh ko‘chasi, Бешкент 180200. They can be contacted via phone at +98 87 5572 1212 for more detailed information. [read more]
YaTT Ochilov Shuhrat (Permanently Closed) is a store, located at Mustaqillik ko'chasi, Бешкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 90 721 36 75 for more detailed information. [read more]
Xushshi akani aptekasi. [read more]
Xo‘jalik mollari do‘koni is a home goods store, located at Mustaqillik ko'chasi, Бешкент. [read more]
Beshkent Pochtasi is a post office, located at Beshkent. [read more]
Qarshi tuman soliq boshqarmasi is an accounting, located at Khamza Street, Бешкент. [read more]