Детсад №362, located at Детсад №362, Abdulla Kahhar 9-o'tish ko'chasi, 1001000. [read more]
Детсад №92 Незабудка, located at Детсад №92 Незабудка, Birlashgan 6-o'tish ko'chasi, 100204. [read more]
Колледж Культуры, located at Колледж Культуры, Ziyo Street 4, 100174. [read more]
гимназия при ТГЭУ, located at гимназия при ТГЭУ, Арпапая улица, 100066. [read more]
Строительно-Коммунальный Профессиональный Колледж, located at Строительно-Коммунальный Профессиональный Колледж, Kukcha Darvoza ko'chasi 485, 100132. [read more]
Медицинский Лицей при ТАШМИ, located at Медицинский Лицей при ТАШМИ, Movarounnahr ko'chasi, 100047. [read more]
Медицинское училище имени Боровского, located at Медицинское училище имени Боровского, Shahrisabz passage, 100060. [read more]
Академический лицей при ТГТУ is a school, located at Академический лицей при ТГТУ, 21а. [read more]
Navruz Tashkent Hotel is a lodging, located at Navruz Tashkent Hotel, Shivli 2-berk ko'chasi 1-1A, 100084. [read more]
Гранд Атлас is a lodging, located at Grand Atlas Hotel, Chilonzor Street 182, 100081. [read more]
Ramada Hotel Tashkent **** is a lodging, located at Ramada Hotel Tashkent, Abdulla Qodiriy Street 1, 100128. [read more]
Hotel Le Grand Plaza (TATA) is a lodging, located at Hotel Le Grand Plaza (TATA), Uzbekiston Ovozi Street, 1000. [read more]
GELIKON is a lodging, located at GELIKON, Djarkurgan Street 79, 100040. [read more]
Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent is a lodging, located at Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent, Kichik Beshagach Street 128, 10004. [read more]
Ark Billur is a lodging, located at Ark Billur, м-Куйлюк 3, 100080. [read more]
Tashkent Palace Hotel Lotte is a lodging, located at Tashkent Palace Hotel Lotte, Sharof Rashidov Street 56, 100029. [read more]
Euro Lux is a lodging, located at Euro Lux, Mavlono Riyoziy 1-ko'chasi, 100014. [read more]
Гостиница ECO ART is a lodging, located at ECO ART HOTEL, Olmachi 1-o'tish ko'chasi 39, 100060. [read more]
Жамиятимиздаги булайотган узгаришлар. [read more]
Ғиждувон туман ҳокимлиги матбуот хизмати. [read more]
Лазерная резка по дереву. Гравировка любых поверхностей. Доставка по всему Узбекистану. [read more]
ガズリ はウズベキスタン・ブハラ州の都市である。州都のブハラからは西北西に約100kmの位置にある。2012年の人口は12,681人となっている。概要1958年に都市として設立された。街の付近には天然ガスのガス田がありこの採掘が主な産業となっているが、近年資源の枯渇が進んでいる。また、地震の多い街でもあり、1976年から1984年にかけてマグニチュード7以上の地震が3回起きている。交通アジアハイウェイのA380が街を通過している。. [read more]
BS Global xususiy Bandlik Agentligi занимается официальным трудоустройством наших граждан за границей на основаание рабочий визы. . [read more]
Газли́ — город в Ромитанском районе Бухарской области Узбекистана с населением 12 268 человек. Расположен в южной части пустыни Кызылкум в 85 км северо-западнее Бухары. [read more]
Uzparavtotrans AJ ist ein Transportunternehmen in Usbekistan, Bukhara, dient zum Bereich Erdgas und Erdoel, gehoert zur Gruppe Uzbekneftegaz. . [read more]
Afghan Karakul/UZ, located at Oposite of Bukhara Medical college, Buxoro, Bukhoro. They can be contacted via phone at +93789520000 for more detailed information. [read more]
Welcome to Hovli Poyon 19 th century residence large courtyard spectacular aywan spacious doubles & cozy twin rooms ideal for families. [read more]
Denov tuman Ma'naviyat va ma'rifat bo'linmasi. [read more]
Ресторан кафе. [read more]
Kurmanbek is a stadium, located at Jalal-Abad. [read more]
Attor Madrassah is a school, located at Bakhowuddin Nakshbandi Str. , Buxoro. [read more]
Small but impressive. Unique structure considering all the other architecture in town. There is acre taker shop downstairs keeping with the trend in the country and old madrassas. [read more]
Bikeland. UZ is a shopping mall, located at ул. М. Авлие, дом 4, Buxoro. They can be contacted via phone at +998 93 621 60 01 for more detailed information. [read more]
Amubukhorokalkurilish Ao, located at 39°46'12. 1"N 64°27'06. , Niyozov 2, 2 Kichik Xalqa Yo'li, Тошкент. [read more]
Очень хорошо ,я рад увидев этот музей. [read more]
Divan-Beghi Khanaka is a mosque, located at Bakhowuddin Nakshbandi Str. , Buxoro. [read more]