Я в ней учусь, просто супер а не школа. хорошая школа, репутация тоже ничего. [read more]
EVO Office is a shopping mall, located at Namangan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 69 227 21 24 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Областная больница is a hospital, located at Namangan. [read more]
Сифатли махсулот! Ишларингизга барака!. Дамбог реально обувь number one советую всем. Dambog' Poyabzali Kiymagan Qolmasin !!!. [read more]
Mms, located at Namangan. [read more]
Мечеть Мулла бозор Охунд is a mosque, located at Namangan. [read more]
Обстановка 3 балла, но вкусно готовят 5 баллов; поэтому 4ку дам. . . . [read more]
Я клиент этого банка. Нормально. [read more]
Mugunghwa O'quv Markazi, located at Namangan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 94 502 05 01 for more detailed information. . [read more]
37-Apteka Dori Darmon is a pharmacy, located at Namangan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 69 227 16 10 for more detailed information. . [read more]
OOO Nestle Agro, located at Namangan. [read more]
Very good lighting company in Central Asia. High tech solutions. . [read more]
ART SOFT TEX namangan momiq sochiqlari, located at Дом №24, Namangan. [read more]
Art Soft Tex, located at Namangan. [read more]
This place was the cradle of the regional wahabi movement in the early 1990s. Then it was closed and stayed untouched until 2017 -- the opening of the Art Gallery. [read more]
Sport majmuasi, located at Namangan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 91 361 00 91 for more detailed information. . [read more]
AliDent is a hospital, located at Namangan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 97 251 77 55 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Everest Study, located at Chartak. They can be contacted via phone at +998 94 441 90 80 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Очень круто. Разумные цены. Магазин Одежды "АРЗОН". [read more]
Становится лучше. очень хорошего. [read more]
EVO, located at Uzbekistan. They can be contacted via phone at +998 91 292 66 76 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Name:Семейная поликлиника 4Amenity:DoctorsName En:Family Clinic 4Name Ru:Семейная поликлиника 4Healthcare:DoctorAddr Street:улица Бабура. [read more]
Name:Студенческая общежитиеName En:Student's HostelName Ru:Студенческое общежитиеTourism:HostelCheap accommodation with shared bedrooms. Addr Street:улица Бабура. [read more]
Name:BotirxonAmenity:CafeName Ru:Ботирхон. [read more]
Name:Pastki ChoʻjaIs In:Uzbekistan, Namangan, НаманганскаяPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to.. [read more]
Bus:YesName:Поп, Чуст, Кукон питакAmenity:Bus StationName Ru:Поп питакPublic Transport:StationA station is an area designed to access public transport. [read more]
Foot:YesName:КПП БаястанBarrier:Border ControlA control point at an international border between two countries. Bicycle:Yes. [read more]
Name:Toʻraqoʻrgʻon TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517592Name Ru:Туракурганский.. [read more]
Name:Norin TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517620Name Ru:Нарынский.. [read more]
Name:Pop TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517469Name Ru:Папский районName Uz:Pop TumaniIs In Country:UzbekistanIs.. [read more]
Name:Kosonsoy TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517583Name En:Kosonsoy TumaniName.. [read more]
Name:Yangiqorghon TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517585Name En:Yangiqorghon TumaniName Ru:Янгикурганский районIs.. [read more]
Name:Chortoq TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517590Name En:Chortoq TumaniName Ru:Чартакский.. [read more]
Name:Наманганский РайонPlace:RegionUsed both as a broad tag for geographic or historical areas with no clear boundary and for distinct administration areas (with specific.. [read more]
Name:Uychi TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517600Name Ru:Уйчинский.. [read more]
Name:Uchqorghon TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:517608Name En:Uchqorghon TumaniName Ru:Учкурганский районIs.. [read more]