Name:Государственное предприятие «Каракалпакская геолого-съемочная поисковая экспедиция»Email:Kk.. [read more]
Name:ВасилёкAmenity:CafeName En:VasilyokOperator:УлугбекOpening Hours:Mo-Su 09:00-23:00. [read more]
Name:G'aresizlik MPJOffice:AdministrativeName Ru:Совет жильцов №51 "Гаресизлик МПЖ". [read more]
Name:Вулканизация, СТО, ремонт радиатораShop:Car RepairService Vehicle Radiators:YesService Vehicle Vulcanizer:Yes. [read more]
Name:Ремонт радиатораShop:Car Repair. [read more]
Name:Jizzax SomsaAmenity:CafeName Ru:Жиззах сомса. [read more]
Name:Ак тасHighway:Bus StopName En:Ak TasName Ru:Ак тас. [read more]
Name:Грильбар. (пиво и мороженное)Amenity:PubName En:Grilbar-drink And Ice CreamName Ru:Грильбар. (пиво и мороженное). [read more]
Name:Пиво нефильтрованноеAmenity:PubName En:Unfiltered BeerName Ru:Пиво нефильтрованное. [read more]
Name:Qutli Makan MPJOffice:AdministrativeName En:Makan Puharalar JiyniName Ru:Совет жильцов №54 "Кутлы макан МПЖ". [read more]
Name:КуйынAmenity:CafeName En:QueenName Ru:Куйын. [read more]
Name:НаурызAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:TourbazaName De:JurtencampDescription:Sometimes There Are People! It´s The Base From An Tour-operator From Nukus!. [read more]
Name:Qusqana TawName Ru:Кусхана тауNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:I LOVE SHIMBAYTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name En:Riverside CampingTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. . [read more]
Name En:Hut CampingTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. . [read more]
Name:Television StationMan Made:TowerA tower is a free-standing structure which is higher than it is wide. . [read more]
Name En:Monument To Participants Of The Second World WarName Ru:Памятник участникам Второй мировой войныHistoric:MemorialSmall memorials, usually.. [read more]
Name:Hostel "Muynak"Phone:+998613221554Rooms:3Source:I Was ThereName En:Hostel "Muynak"Name Ru:Hostel "Muynak"Phone 1:+998932065929Tourism:HostelCheap accommodation with shared bedrooms. [read more]
Name:Magazin Of EriellShop:Convenience. [read more]
Name:Сеть аптек RASHIDA FARM. Аптека #1Phone:+998612248855Amenity:PharmacyName En:Аптека #1Operator:Сеть аптек RASHIDA FARMDispensing:YesHealthcare:PharmacyOpening Hours:09:00-20:00. [read more]
Name:БестобеAmenity:CafeName En:BestobeName Ru:Бестобе. [read more]
Name:"Poytaxt Mega Proekt" Joybaraw InstitutiOffice:ArchitectAn office for an architect or group of architects. Name En:LLC "Poytakhtmegaproekt"Name Ru:Проектный.. [read more]
Name:"Adilbek Nukus" Joybarlaw InstitutiOffice:ArchitectAn office for an architect or group of architects. Name En:LLC "Adilbek Nukus"Name Ru:Проектный институт "Адилбек Нукус". [read more]
Name:СарварShop:Car PartsName En:Sarvar. [read more]
Name:Эльмурод КапалакShop:ClothesName En:Elmurod Kapalak. [read more]
Name:Жонибек совукShop:Car PartsName En:Jonibek Sovuk. [read more]
Name:Вулканизация Жанибек агаShop:Car RepairName Ru:Вулканизация Жанибек ага. [read more]
Name:Наркологический ЦентрHighway:Bus StopName En:Narcology CentreName Ru:Наркологический Центр. [read more]
Name:Музей 90хPhone:+998613321755Name En:Museum 90Name Ru:Музей 90-хTourism:MuseumA museum: an institution with exhibitions on scientific, historical,.. [read more]
Name:ЭлдиёрAmenity:CafeName En:EldiyorName Ru:Элдиёр. [read more]
Name:Бустан лидерAmenity:RestaurantName En:Bustan Lider. [read more]
Name:МияассарAmenity:Cafe. [read more]
Name:Сквер ВлюбленныхLeisure:ParkA park, usually urban (municipal). . [read more]
Name:Строймаркет ТахиаташShop:HardwareName Ru:Строймаркет Тахиаташ. [read more]