Name:ГамбургерAmenity:CafeName En:Gamburger. [read more]
Name:МастерShop:HardwareName En:Master. [read more]
Name:Здравствуйте ЮлдузShop:BeautyName En:Zuhra YulduzName Ru:Зухра Юлдуз. [read more]
Name:Вахоб мисгарShop:Car PartsPhone:+998999520677Name Ru:КимсанOperator:Вахоб. [read more]
Name:Дуст ободAmenity:CafeName En:Do'st Obod. [read more]
Name:ЛайлоShop:BeautyName En:Laylo. [read more]
Name:Marg'abatPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:ShadliAmenity:CafeName Ru:кафе Шадлы. [read more]
Name:Beruniy Rayoni Arxitektura Bo'limiOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:District Department Of.. [read more]
Name:Abu Rayhan BeruniName En:Abu Rayhan BeruniName Ru:Абу Райхан БеруниHistoric:MemorialSmall memorials, usually remembering special persons, people who lost their lives in the.. [read more]
Name:"Baxtibay Nukus" Joybarlaw InstitutiOffice:ArchitectAn office for an architect or group of architects. Name Ru:Проектный институт "Бахтыбай Нукус". [read more]
Name:EdisonPhone:+99891267-90-09Amenity:RestaurantOpening Hours:Mo-Su 10:00-23:30Contact Instagram:Https://instagram. com/edison Restaurant. [read more]
Name:5,83 км. [read more]
Name:4,13 км. [read more]
Name:2,5 км. [read more]
Name:5,7 км. [read more]
Name:1 км. [read more]
Name:2 км. [read more]
Name:Возможен брод. [read more]
Office:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. Name En:Regional Center For Retraining And Advanced Training Of Teachers Of Karakalpak State University Named After.. [read more]
Name:I LOVE BERUNIYTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:"Zamanlas Da'wir" Joybarlaw InstitutiOffice:ArchitectAn office for an architect or group of architects. Name En:Zamanlas DauirName Ru:Проектный институт ПТМ "Заманлас дауир". [read more]
Name:"Nukusgorlandshaftproekt" Joybarlaw InstitutiOffice:ArchitectAn office for an architect or group of architects. Name En:LLC "Nukusgorlandshaftproekt"Name.. [read more]
Name:Тарих-География факультетиAmenity:UniversityName En:Faculty Of History And Geography Of The Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named After AginhiyazaName Ru:Факультет Истории и географии НГПИ им. [read more]
Name:Ta'biy Pa'nler FakultetiAmenity:UniversityName En:Faculty Of Natural Sciences Of The Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Named After AginhiyazaName Ru:Факультет естественных наук НГПИ им. [read more]
Name:Китаплар естелигиName En:Monument To The BookName Ru:Памятник книгеHistoric:MonumentA memorial object, which is especially large, built to remember, show respect.. [read more]
Name:Taqiyatas Kishi Sanaat ZonasiLanduse:IndustrialName Ru:Тахиаташский МЭЗ. [read more]
Name:Chayxana NukusAmenity:CafeName Ru:Чайхана НУКУС. [read more]
Fax:(+998 61) 224-24-31Name:Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Turaq Jay – Kommunallıq Xızmet Kórsetiw MinistrligiEmail:Qqr@imjko. uzPhone:(+99861) 223-24-22Office:GovernmentAn office of.. [read more]
Name:RAYANShop:FurniturePhone:+998977873234Addr Street:Beruniy Ko'shesi. [read more]
Name:Кунградский филиал НБ ВЭД РУзAmenity:BankName Ru:Кунградский филиал НБ ВЭД РУзAddr Street:G'aresizlik Ko'shesiAddr Postcode:230600Addr Housenumber:31. [read more]
Name:АКБ "УЗПРОМСТРОЙБАНК"Amenity:BankName Ru:АКБ "УЗПРОМСТРОЙБАНК"Addr Street:Amir Temur Ko'shesiAddr Housenumber:25. [read more]
Name:УДП УСТЮРТГАЗOffice:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. Addr Street:G'aresizlik Ko'shesiAddr Housenumber:110. [read more]
Name:Кунградский филиал АКБ "QISHLOQ QURILISH BANK"Phone:+99861 7706188Amenity:BankName En:Kungrad Branch Of JSCB "QISHLOQ QURILISH BANK"Name.. [read more]
Name:Fin Amou DariaTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:Почта "Назархан"Amenity:Post OfficeAddr Postcode:230713. [read more]