Name:Elektroset'Office:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName Ru:Электросеть. [read more]
Amenity:Fire StationName Ru:Пожарная депо. [read more]
Name:Nawbahar Med KlinikasiAmenity:ClinicName Ru:Клиника Nawbahar MedHealthcare:Clinic. [read more]
Name:Kegeyli Rayoni ProkuraturasiAmenity:PoliceName En:Prosecutor's Office Of The Kegeili DistrictName Ru:Прокуратура Кегейлийского района. [read more]
Name:Ремонт автокондиционеровShop:Car Parts. [read more]
Ele:175Name:Qaritaw RawiName Ru:г. КаритауNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:AqquduqPump:NoName Ru:колодец АккудыкMan Made:Water WellA structural facility to access ground water, created by digging or drilling. . [read more]
Name Ru:Автоматическая зенитная пушка (МТ-12)Tourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name Ru:Противотанковое орудие (МТ-12)Tourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name Ru:Танк Т-64Tourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name Ru:Боевая машина десантная (БМД)Tourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name Ru:Бронетранспортёр (БТР-60)Tourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikasi Qorg'aw Isleri BasqarmasiLanduse:MilitaryName En:Department Of Defense Of The Republic Of KarakalpakstanName Ru:Управление по делам обороны Республики Каракалпакстан. [read more]
Name:Jaslar OrayiOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:Yorth CentrName Ru:Союз молодёжAddr.. [read more]
Name:Сан эпид станцияOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:Sanitary And Epidemiological.. [read more]
Name:Taxtako'pir Rayoni Yusticiya Bo'limiAmenity:TownhallName En:Tracing Of Justice Of Takhtakupir RegionName Ru:Отледение Юстиций Тахтакупирского района. [read more]
Amenity:CafeName Ru:Алёнушка (Кукси). [read more]
Name:AyzadaAmenity:RestaurantName En:AyzadaName Ru:АйзадаAddr Street:Dosliq Guzari. [read more]
Name:Usi Jerde A. Dosnazarovtin' 100-jillig'i Mu'nasebeti Menen Estelik QoyiladiName Ru:Здесь установят памятник в честь 100-летия.. [read more]
Name:Qaraqalpaqstan Aspazlar BirlespesiOffice:NgoAn office for a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO). Name En:Association Of Chefs Of KarakalpakstanName.. [read more]
Name:Qaraqalpaq Mu'lik MerkeziPhone:+99(861) 222-84-44Office:Estate AgentA place where you can rent or buy a house. Name En:Karakalpak Real Estate CenterName.. [read more]
Name:ViscontiPhone:+99 891 385-77-87Amenity:RestaurantCuisine:ItalianName En:Visconti Italian RestaurantAddr City:NoʻkisAddr Street:G'aresizlik Ko'shesiAddr Postcode:230100Addr.. [read more]
Name:Jeke Menshik Sherikshilik UyimiOffice:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. Name En:Association Of Homeowners PartnershipsName Ru:Объединение товариществ собственников жилья (ТСЖ). [read more]
Name:AllanazarPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Алланазар. [read more]
Name:XojankeldiPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Хожанкельди. [read more]
Name:Aq BugitPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Ак Бугит. [read more]
Name:Qipshaq AwilPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Кипчак ауыл. [read more]
Name:AtdarbekshiPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Айдарбекши. [read more]
Name:DawletyarPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Даулетяр. [read more]
Name:BugitPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Бугит. [read more]
Name:Мебельный цех NBrandShop:FurnitureBrand:NBrand NukusPhone:+99 891 301-08-09Name En:Furniture Workshop N-BRAND NUKUSName Ru:Мебельный цех N-BRAND NUKUSPhone 1:+99.. [read more]
Name:No'kis (Besto'be)Amenity:Post OfficeName En:Nukus (Bestobe)Name Nl:Nukus PostkantoorName Ru:Нукус (Бестобе)Name Tr:Nukus PostaneOperator:“O’zbеkiston Pochtasi”.. [read more]
Name:Служебный дом участкового милиции "Бестобе МПЖ"Amenity:PoliceName Ru:Служебный дом участкового милиции "Бестобе МПЖ"Addr City:NoʻkisAddr Postcode:230119. [read more]
Name:Ургенч гиламлариShop:GiftName En:Urganch Gilamlari. [read more]
Name:Мустафа фармAmenity:PharmacyName En:Mustafa Farm. [read more]
Name:Озода нурAmenity:PharmacyName En:Ozoda Nur. [read more]