Name:KanctovarlarShop:StationeryName Ru:Канцтовары. [read more]
Name:Mang'it Pochta Bo'limiAmenity:Post OfficeName En:Mangit Office Of The Postal ServiceName Ru:Мангит УПСOperator:“O’zbеkiston Pochtasi” AJAddr City:Mang'itAddr Postcode:230700. [read more]
Name:Ba'ntlikke Ko'meklesiw OrayiOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:Employment Department Of Chimbay.. [read more]
Name:NUKUS AVTO TUNINGShop:Car Parts. [read more]
Name:Aqimbet BaqsiTomb:MausoleumName En:Mausoleum Akymbet BaksyName Ru:Акымбет баксыHistoric:TombA structure where somebody has been buried. Memorial:Yes. [read more]
Name:Гостиница Устюртская УРБАName Ru:Гостиница Устюртская УРБАTourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodging. [read more]
Name:No'kis Qalasi Ba'ntlikke Ko'meklesiw OrayiOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:The Center Of Employment Of The Population.. [read more]
Name:Баскетбольная секцияSport:BasketballA sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. Leisure:Sports CentreA sports centre is a distinct facility.. [read more]
Name:Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan (Еркин Қарақалпақстан)Email:Erkinkk@exat. uzOffice:NewspaperAn office of a newspaperName En:The Editorial Office Of The Newspapers Yerkin.. [read more]
Name:Паспортный стол & ОВИРOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:Passport Office & Visa And.. [read more]
Name:Аптека #9Amenity:Pharmacy. [read more]
Name:Автоцентр - ГазShop:CarName Ru:Автоцентр - Газ. [read more]
Name:АЖИНИЯЗ КАРАКАЛПАКPhone:+998612260529Amenity:PharmacyName En:AZHINIYAZ KARAKALPAKName Ru:Сеть аптек АЖИНИЯЗ КАРАКАЛПАКOperator:Сеть аптек AJINIYAZ QARAQALPAQ. [read more]
Name:Metan Zaoravka Taza BazarAmenity:FuelName En:Metan Gas Station Taza BazarName Ru:Метановая заправка Таза базарFuel Cng:NoFuel Lpg:YesAddr Street:Магистраль Нукус-ТурткульOpening Hours:24/7. [read more]
Name:РоболовShop:HardwarePhone:+998913753013Name En:Ribolov (Fisherman)Name Ru:Рыбалов. [read more]
Name:МархамаулPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Мархамаул. [read more]
Name:Shuxrat YulduziAmenity:CafeName Ru:Шухрат Юлдизи. [read more]
Name:1053 Taksi Kompaniyasi OfisiOffice:YesGeneric tag for unspecified office type. Name En:Taxi Company Office 1053Name Ru:Офис такси компании 1053Addr Street:Ken'es Ko'shesi. [read more]
Name:No'kis Sociyal Ekonomika KolledjiAmenity:CollegeName En:Nukus Social And Economic CollegeName Ru:Нукусский социально-экономический колледж. [read more]
Name:Qaraqalpaq Ma'mleketlik Quwirshaq TeatriAmenity:TheatreName En:Karakalpak State Puppet TheaterName Ru:Каракалпакский государственный театр куколWebsite:Kukla-teatr. [read more]
Name:Гидрогеологической мелиоративной экспедиции Республики КаракалпакстанOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional.. [read more]
Name:Xalq Bank Qaraqalpaqstan Bo'limiPhone:+998 (61) 224-04-17Phone:+998 (78) 770-62-63Amenity:BankName En:Karakalpak Branch Of The People's Bank (Khalk Bank)Name Ru:Филиал.. [read more]
Name:Ipoteka Bank Qaraqalpaqstan Bo'limiEmail:Info00621@ipotekabank. uzPhone:+998 (78) 770-70-77Amenity:BankName En:The Karakalpak Branch Of The Bank.. [read more]
Ajiniyoz Raz’ezd, located at Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan. [read more]
Borsakelmas Raz’ezd, located at Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan. [read more]
Berdax Raz’ezd, located at Karakalpakstan, Karakalpakstan. [read more]
Name:YUKES NUKUS JSHJLanduse:IndustrialName En:YUKES NUKUS LLCName Ru:ООО YUKES NUKUSOld Name:"No'kis Mirab" JSHJOld Name Ru:Нукусский пиволимонадный завод.. [read more]
Name:Шах-сарайAmenity:CafeName En:Shax-saray. [read more]
Name:Нукусский городской отдел внебюджетного Пенсионного фондаPhone:+99 (861) 222-65-11Office:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional.. [read more]
Name:Amet ShamuratovName Ru:Амет ШамуратовHistoric:MemorialSmall memorials, usually remembering special persons, people who lost their lives in the wars, past events or missing places. [read more]
Name:Tortkol TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:515178Name Ru:Турткульский районIs In Country:UzbekistanIs.. [read more]
Name:Ellikqala TumaniPlace:CountyA county - a geographical region of a country. Source:GNSGns Dsg:ADM2Gns Uni:515172Name Ru:Элликкалинский районIs In Country:UzbekistanIs.. [read more]
Taxtako‘pir tumani, located at Taxtako‘pir tumani, Taxtakopir District. [read more]
Beruniy Tumani, located at Beruniy Tumani, Republic of Karakalpakstan, 230200. [read more]
Arzimbetqum APJ, located at Arzimbetqum APJ, Republic of Karakalpakstan, 230300. [read more]
Qanliko'l APJ, located at Qanliko'l APJ, Republic of Karakalpakstan, 230300. [read more]