Name:Дилшод Fish TravelEmail:Uzmakom@gmail. comName En:Eco TravelTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. [read more]
Name:2 ПоликлиникаAmenity:Clinic. [read more]
Name:Дилшод краска КаролShop:Car RepairAddr Street:Yugay Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:Давлат хизматлари марказиOffice:Estate AgentA place where you can rent or buy a house. Name En:Davlat Xizmatlari Markazi. [read more]
Name:Кинг БургерAmenity:Fast FoodName En:King Burger. [read more]
Name:Ўратепалик мангалAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Медиа ПаркShop:SupermarketName En:Media Park. [read more]
Name:СалонShop:BeautyName En:Salon. [read more]
Name:ЛазизShop:Car PartsPhone:+998902652155Name En:LazizAddr Street:To'qimachilar Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:БахтиёрShop:Car PartsPhone:+998915994949Addr Street:To'qimachilar Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:ТандирShop:Butcher. [read more]
Name:Жахонгир устаShop:Car RepairPhone:+998938297711Addr Street:To'qimachilar Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:Сайилжойи академик лицейAmenity:CollegeName En:Sayiljoyi Akademik Lisey. [read more]
Name:ZIYO NUR MED SHIFOAmenity:Doctors. [read more]
Name:Grant MarketShop:Supermarket. [read more]
Name:МаркетShop:SupermarketName En:Market. [read more]
Name:Одмазор маркетShop:SupermarketName En:Olmazor MarketName Ru:Олмазор маркетAddr Street:Rohat Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:Шухрат газShop:Car RepairName En:Shuhrat GazAddr Street:Rasul Isayev Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:ҚалқонAmenity:CafeName En:Qalqon. [read more]
Name:АГҚШAmenity:FuelAddr Street:Rasul Isayev Ko'chasi. [read more]
Name:КурикгульдараутPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Курикгульдараут. [read more]
Name:ЗрыбулакPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Name Ru:Зрыбулак. [read more]
Ele:2439Name:ДевсанName Ru:ДевсанNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:PaxtaobodPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Пахтаабад. [read more]
Name:IshmantolPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:ИшмантопAddr District:Bulung'ur Tumani. [read more]
Name:MirzabuloqPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:МирзабулакAddr District:Bulung'ur Tumani. [read more]
Name:12 Son Qishloq Oilaviy PoliklinikasiAmenity:ClinicName Ru:Поликлиника №12Name Uz-Cyrl:12 Сон Қишлоқ Оилавий Поликлиникаси. [read more]
Name:БалыклыPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Name Ru:Балыклы. [read more]
Phone:+998998715685Name En:FalconTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. Operator:Nuriddin OdilovAddr Street:Aydar.. [read more]
Shop:ToysEmail:PinokioZ@mail. ruPhone:+998977702850Name En:P I N O K I OAddr Street:Zomin RoadAddr Postcode:130800Opening Hours:Mo-Su 09:00-20:00Internet Access:WlanAddr Housenumber:17. [read more]
Name:РыбалкаShop:Seafood. [read more]
Email:Uy@gmail. comPhone:+998995632356Office:CompanyAn office of a private companyName En:UyAddr Street:Mustaqillik StreetOpening Hours:Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00Addr Housenumber:14. [read more]
Name:БАЗАЛЬТ Мега Инвест ИндустриалName En:Mega Invest Industrial BASALTTourism:ArtworkA public piece of art. . [read more]
Ele:2164Name:КарамазарName Ru:КарамазарNatural:SaddleThe lowest point along a ridge or between two mountain topsMountain Pass:Yes. [read more]
Name:Osmonsoy Jom'e MasjidNote:ОсмонсойFixme:Фориш тумани Осмонсой қишлоғиAmenity:Place Of WorshipName Ru:соборная.. [read more]
Name:Katta Bog'don Jom'e MasjidiNote:КаттабоғдонFixme:Фориш тумани Каттабоғдон қишлоғиAmenity:Place Of WorshipName.. [read more]