Name:Qizuchgan QoyaTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:ТераклиPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Name Ru:Теракли. [read more]
Name:КачикбулакName Ru:КачикбулакNatural:SpringA place where ground water flows naturally from the ground. [read more]
Ele:1441Name:БарасName Ru:БарасNatural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. Man Made:Survey PointA triangulation pillar, geodetic vertex, or other piece of fixed equipment used by topographers. [read more]
Name:Energy OromgohiTourism:Camp SiteAn area where people can camp overnight using tents, camper vans or caravans. . [read more]
Name:YemakxonaAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Ele:425Name:Yetimtog'Natural:PeakThe top (summit) of a hill or mountain. . [read more]
Name:Salqin IchimliklarShop:Beverages. [read more]
Name:Sayyod MFYAmenity:Community Centre. [read more]
Fee:YesName:H. Olimjon Va Zulfiya MuzeyiTourism:MuseumA museum: an institution with exhibitions on scientific, historical, cultural topicsInternet Access:WlanInternet Access Fee:No. [read more]
Name:SomsaxonaAmenity:Cafe. [read more]
Name:Karomat Oyi Do’koniShop:Convenience. [read more]
Name:поворот к КостеAmenity:Hunting Stand. [read more]
Name:Костя вышкаAmenity:Hunting Stand. [read more]
Name:Костя базаAmenity:Hunting Stand. [read more]
Name:Peashag'or G'oriTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:РАЗЪЕЗД N 19Fixme:неуверен за Esr:userRailway:StationEsr User:731823. [read more]
Name:ДустликName En:DustlikName Ja:ドゥストリクName Ru:ДустликName Tr:DostlukName Ur:دوستلیکRailway:StationUic Ref:2900763Esr User:725606. [read more]
Name:No 12Name Ru:No 12Railway:StationEsr User:727230. [read more]
Name:Метан без очердAmenity:Car Wash. [read more]
Name:Тулов марказиEmail:Ok-club@mail. ruPhone:+998982610301Office:TelecommunicationAn office for a telecommunication companyName En:To'lov MarkaziAddr Street:To'qimachilar Ko'chasiOpening Hours:24/7. [read more]
Name:Navro'z BuloqNatural:SpringA place where ground water flows naturally from the ground. [read more]
Craft:ConfectioneryA place where the set of food items that are rich in sugar, any one or type of which is called a confection is produced. . [read more]
Name:Motamsora Ona HaykaliHistoric:MemorialSmall memorials, usually remembering special persons, people who lost their lives in the wars, past events or missing places. [read more]
Name:CharxpalakAttraction:Big Wheel. [read more]
Name:Abdullaxon BandiWidth:50Height:15Waterway:WaterfallA place where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of drops in the course of a stream or river. [read more]
Name:G’orNatural:Cave EntranceAn entrance to a cave: a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. [read more]
Name:Xo’jabog’bon Ota QabriHistoric:TombA structure where somebody has been buried. Religion:Muslim. [read more]
Name:BuloqNatural:SpringA place where ground water flows naturally from the ground. [read more]
Name:Silliq ToshAccess:YesHistoric:Archaeological SiteA place in which evidence of past activity is preserved. . [read more]
Name:Qo’ytosh Televizion MinorasiHeight:50Man Made:MastA mast is a vertical structure built to hold, for example, antennas. Tower Type:CommunicationCommunication Radio:YesCommunication Television:Yes. [read more]
Leisure:FishingA public or private place for fishing. [read more]
Name:KaruselAttraction:Big Wheel. [read more]
Name:Sharof Rashidov HaykaliTourism:ArtworkA public piece of art. Artwork Type:Statue. [read more]
Content:WaterMan Made:Storage TankA container that holds liquids or compressed gases. [read more]
Name:TegirmonMan Made:WindmillA traditional windmill, historically used to mill grain with wind power. . [read more]