Name:БПИ Бюро принудительного исполненияOffice:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName En:MIBName Ru:(МИБ) БПИ Бюро принудительного исполнения. [read more]
Name:Classic Dental Lux ShoxstomEmail:Humoyun. turdiev@mail. ruPhone:+998934448555Amenity:DentistAddr Street:Bobur Shoh Ko'chasiOpening Hours:Mo-Sa 00:00-24:00Internet Access:Wlan. [read more]
Name:Лаззат пархез таомлар кафесиAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Табассум ЧайханаAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Областной суд-мед экспертизаAmenity:Doctors. [read more]
Name:Ал-Мансур мойка ковровShop:LaundryPhone:998952000099Addr Street:Cho'lpon Shoh Ko'chasiAddr Housenumber:26. [read more]
Name:Andijon Tumani Elektr TarmoqlariOffice:CompanyAn office of a private companyName Ru:Энергосбыт Андижанского района. [read more]
Name:BoboxurosonIs In:Uzbekistan, AndijonPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:DardokIs In:UzbekistanPlace:VillageA smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. [read more]
Name:Ucell гл. офисOffice:TelecommunicationAn office for a telecommunication companySource:DuMont Reise-Handbuch UsbekistanName De:Ucell-BüroName Ru:Ucell гл. [read more]
Name:Гор. Электросеть (эски шахар)Office:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentName Ru:Гор... [read more]
Name:Шаршара ЧойхонасиPhone:+998905283000Amenity:RestaurantCuisine:RegionalName En:Sharshara ChoyhonasiName Ru:Шаршара ЧойхонасиAddr Street:O'zbekiston Ko'chasiOpening Hours:Mo-Su 09:00-23:00. [read more]
Name:Куйганёр электр таъминоти корхонасиPower:GeneratorA device which converts one form of energy to another, for example, an electrical generator. Generator Output Electricity:Yes. [read more]
Name:Стоматология "ХУРШИД"Amenity:DentistAddr Street:Далварзин. [read more]
Name:Хазрати УмарAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:MuslimAddr Street:Оқ дарё кўчаси. [read more]
Name:КўтармачекAmenity:Place Of WorshipReligion:MuslimAddr Street:Ўзбекистон кўчасиAddr Housenumber:21. [read more]
Hello from Canada. I'm glad to be here. My first name is Robbin. I live in a small town called Kirkton in south Canada. I was also born in Kirkton 38 years ago. [read more]
Name:Akfa эшик-ромлар устахонасиCraft:Window ConstructionA workplace of someone constructing windows. [read more]
Name:Радиатор тузатиш устахонасиShop:Car Repair. [read more]
Andijon Viloyati, located at Andijon Viloyati, Andijan Region. [read more]
Областная стоматологическая поликлиника is a dentist, located at Областная стоматологическая поликлиника, Bobur shoh ko'chasi 87, Andijan, Andijan Region, 170100. [read more]
Имрон бытовая техника, located at Имрон бытовая техника, Abdurauf Fitrat ko'chasi, Andijan, Andijan Region, 170100. [read more]
Уголок кафешка, located at Уголок кафешка, Atabekov ko'chasi, Andijan, Andijan Region, 170100. [read more]
Andijon aeroporti is an airport, located at Andizhan Airport, A. Yo'ldoshev ko'chasi, Andijan, Andijan Region, 170100. [read more]
Otdeleniye Nomer Odin Sovkhoza Imeni Oktyabrya Pyatidesyatiletiya, located at Andijon, Andijon. [read more]
Otdeleniye Nomer Tri Sovkhoza Imeni Pyatidesyatiletiya Oktyabrya, located at Andijon, Andijon. [read more]
Kolkhoz Imeni Dvadtsatyy Part”syezda, located at Fergana, Andijon. [read more]
Адресное бюро, located at Адресное бюро, Yuksalish ko'chasi, Andijan, Andijan Region, 170100. [read more]
Andijon olimpiya zahiralari kolleji, located at Andijon olimpiya zahiralari kolleji, Mustaqillik ko'chasi 1, Andijan, Andijan Region, 170100. [read more]
Stantsiya Andizhan Severnyy, located at Andijon, Andijon. [read more]
Otdeleniye Nomer Tri Sovkhoz Madaniyat, located at Andijon, Andijon. [read more]
Otdeleniye Nomer Dva Sovkhoz Madaniyat, located at Andijon, Andijon. [read more]
Stantsiya Grunch-Mazar, located at Andijon Sufikishlak, Andijon. [read more]
Главными лечебными факторами санатория являются термальные источники (с выходящей на поверхность температурой от I 18°С до + 44°С). . [read more]
Россия Федерациясига киришга қўйилган запрет сабаби ва муддатини аниқлаб бериш хизмати. . [read more]
Дори воситалари бўйича барча маълумот бизда. Оилангиз ва саломатлигингиз учун фойдали маълумотларга эга бўлинг. . [read more]