Отличная мебель. [read more]
Мебельный салон KENG MAKON is a furniture store, located at 4-, 6 Nukus Street, Tashkent. They can be contacted via phone at +998 98 300 36 76 for more detailed information. [read more]
Мебель в Ташкенте от Keng Makon is a furniture store, located at 3 Buyuk Ipak Yo'li, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 98 300 36 76 for more detailed information. [read more]
В нашем городе купить достойный светильник или стильную люстру практически нереально. Посмотрел.. [read more]
EUROPOL - Паркет, Ламинат, Линолеум, Полы в Ташкенте is a hardware store, located at 7 Parkent ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 71 267 23 66 for more detailed information. [read more]
SAG - мир ковров is a home goods store, located at Tashkent 100173. [read more]
STORE. SWITCHTECH. UZ is a home goods store, located at Уста Ширин кўчаси, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 90 322 18 79 for more detailed information. [read more]
Magazin Kalde is a home goods store, located at Tashkent. They can be contacted via phone at +998 98 301 82 22 for more detailed information. . [read more]
DA VINCI MEBEL (FURNITURE) is a home goods store, located at V, 10 Abdulla Qodiriy ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +95 1 444 984 for more detailed information. [read more]
Khozmag is a home goods store, located at 100084,, 106 Боғишамол кўчаси, Тошкент 100084. [read more]
OIKOS на Ц5 (Permanently Closed) is a home goods store, located at 82 Abdulla Qodiriy ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 95 145 44 22 for more detailed information. [read more]
Oikos Uzbekistan (официальный магазин) is a home goods store, located at Shota Rustaveli ko'chasi, 57. They can be contacted via phone at +998 93 520 90 99 for more detailed information. [read more]
Здравствуйте! Хочу оставить свой отзыв о работе ребят-монтажников из Мирпотолков. Заказывал потолок в спальню, установщики приехали строго по времени, сразу взялись за работу. [read more]
Здесь можно найти абсолютно все детскую одежду, сумки, ремни,различные сувениры,подарки,цветы,косметику и еще много чего. . кстати недавно там сделали ремонт. [read more]
Отличный выбор товаров для дома, высокие цены, но качество отменное! Приветливый персонал, всегда подсказывают что лучше выбрать. . Отличный ассортимент товаров, просто рай для женской половины. [read more]
Chinabad Mebel' is a home goods store, located at Chinobod ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 71 150 19 65 for more detailed information. [read more]
YAMAHA Asia is a home goods store, located at 169 Furqat ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 71 245 48 31 for more detailed information. [read more]
Настоящее кофе. Лучшее в ташкенте. [read more]
ООО "MIR SVETA" is a home goods store, located at 11 Bobur ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 71 255 74 44 for more detailed information. [read more]
The store is not bad, the overpayment is certainly substantial, I took the refrigerator no complaints! The sales managers are very polite, but the queue during the quarantine period was just huge.. [read more]
Oziq ovqat is a home goods store, located at 41 Sayram ko'chasi, Тошкент. [read more]
Vso Dlya Doma is a home goods store, located at 41, 35 Sayram ko'chasi, Тошкент. [read more]
Milan Interior is a home goods store, located at Glinka ko'chasi, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 97 735 64 64 for more detailed information. [read more]
SAG magazin is a home goods store, located at Kichik Xalqa Yo'li, Тошкент. They can be contacted via phone at +998 98 312 92 92 for more detailed information. [read more]
Низкие цены. Хороший выбор. Есть оплата по пластиковой карточке. [read more]
Salon Oboyev Lyuks is a home goods store, located at улица нукусская, 89 ташкент, Тошкент 100015. They can be contacted via phone at +998 71 200 59 59 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nukus 27a is a home goods store, located at 48 Nukus ko'chasi, Тошкент. [read more]
Отлично! Заказали дезинфекцию, приехал работник, работал он часа четыре, очень долго, но как мы были с.. [read more]
Ali Usmon is a home goods store, located at 23 Foziltepa ko'chasi, Тошкент 100138. They can be contacted via phone at +998 90 924 22 22 for more detailed information. [read more]
Йук нарсани узи йук ассортимент. [read more]
Man,3 yillik mijoz sifatida kovrochist xaqida faqat iliq fikirlar bildira olaman. Kovrochist doimo o'z ishini tez,sifatli,arzon va vijdon bilan qiladi. [read more]
Любимое занятие и бизнес совмещены. По моему это здорово. [read more]
Хороший магазин. Большой ассортимент кафельной плитки. . [read more]
Дом фарфора Status is a home goods store, located at 46 Mirobod ko'chasi, Тошкент 100015. They can be contacted via phone at +998 71 281 55 33 for more detailed information. [read more]
Narxlari juda arzon va sifatli kafolatlanadi. [read more]
Ddddd Apr is a home goods store, located at 40 Katartal 1-tor ko'chasi, Тошкент 100096. [read more]