As the travel company from Uzbekistan, we are happy to provide tour services around the country. . [read more]
Компания "Premium Education", является молодой, динамично-развивающейся Компанией на рынке Узбекистана в сфере консалтинговых услуг по обучению за рубежом. [read more]
We're a UK registered consultancy with distributed remote teams specialised in digital marketing and e-business performance measurement. We aim to be internationally recognised data-driven.. [read more]
The company imports from abroad industrial machinery and equipment mainly for food processing sector and supplies them in the local market. Apart from it the company conducts marketing.. [read more]
OOO «PIXEL CRAFT» официально зарегистрировано в 2012 году, однако предпосылки процесса формирования и сплочённости команды намеченного бренда Pixelcraft ведут начало с 2008 года. [read more]
Predator Publications Limited is a company, located at Khiva, Khorezm Province. [read more]
History: Established in 1997, operates under General License #57 issued by Central Bank of Uzbekistan. Owners: over 50% are individuals and remainings - companies. [read more]
Основной деятельностью OOO «PAKNAR BREAD IMPROVER» является производство сухих смесей, полуфабрикатов.. [read more]
Hello! We are Paradigma Studio. We create graphics and identity, products and packaging, develop strategies and communications. Paradigma is a branding agency that builds products and services.. [read more]
Prom. uz - is the largest B2B marketplace in Uzbekistan. We help Uzbek and foreign companies to sell and buy wholesale, industrial and business products as well as services online. [read more]
Portfolio Investments is a leading investment company in Uzbekistan providing a wide range of services in the capital market, investment banking and asset management. [read more]
Предлагаем услуги в области вэб-программирования, нестандартных дизайнерских решений. Мы воплотим.. [read more]
The joint venture "Uz-DongZhu Paint Company" was created with the aim of providing automobile paints and varnishes and surface preparation means for the automobile industry of Uzbekistan. [read more]
Welcome to the official page of the German-Uzbek joint venture TEXTILE MILL TASHKENT. The company is a leading manufacturer of hosiery in Uzbekistan. Located in the Tashkent region, in the city.. [read more]
We want to help every Uzbek child to get educated with the relevant knowledge by providing top-quality content and experience in the Uzbek language. . [read more]
Jobster. hr - это онлайн решение для автоматизации рекрутинга. Мы ускоряем процесс подбора.. [read more]
Orient Pearl Voyage LLC is a company, located at Tashkent. [read more]
JV UzAuto-INZI LLC was established as joint state and foreign enterprise in 2015. The main activity of company is the manufacturing of aluminum components by high pressure die casting, providing.. [read more]
Консалтинговая Компания в сфере Бухгалтерского учета, Кадрового администрирования, Налогового консультирования. [read more]
«Jupiter Service Group» from its humble beginnings, the first company in Uzbekistan to provide qualified services to the followings:— complete Analyzer/CEMS solutions;— Installation.. [read more]
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 30, 2009, PP-1083 on the establishment of JSCB "Qishloq Qurilish Bank" , the following tasks of the bank.. [read more]
One of the largest and modern industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan. In April 2017, JV LLC "Toshkent Metallurgiya Zavodi" was initiated with the participation of the Reconstruction and.. [read more]
Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Universal Bank" was founded in 2001 and today is an actively developing, universal bank with a wide range of services and a special attitude to each client. [read more]
Kokand Superphosphate Plant is a company, located at Kokand, Fergana Region. [read more]
Since 2008, Kitchen Systems has been a leading supplier of furniture fittings and kitchen equipment from Europe. Direct deliveries from producing countries provide our customers with.. [read more]
The company Kantar Research LLC (part of the international holding company Kantar and WPP) was given the right to measure the television audience of Uzbekistan on the basis of the tender conducted.. [read more]
Kabel Tech specializes on manufacturing of cable and wire products. Production capacity of the plant is up to 6000 tons of cable per year. The main goal of the company is to ensure that.. [read more]
KK is a company, located at 12 Shahrisabz ko'chasi, Тошкент. [read more]
As a full service, our primary purpose is to create ideas that affect how people feel. Creative branding, emotional marketing, and technology are used to better understand human motivation.. [read more]
Khorezm Shakar is a company, located at Yangibazar, Xorazm Region. [read more]
Разработка CRM системы, разработка сайтов. CRM и ERP системы на движке Sencha (ExtJS). Сайты, порталы,.. [read more]
Kosta Legal is a result-oriented law firm offering a wide range of legal services to foreign investors, both new-comers and well-established businesses in the Uzbek market. [read more]
Kapitalist bu Markaziy Osiyo davlatlarining iqtisodiy o'zgarishlarini tekshirish va tahlil qilishga yo'naltirilgan ilmiy markazdir. [read more]
Orient Voyages is a Samarkand-based travel company operating group and individual tours in Uzbekistan and all over Central Asia for more than 20 years. [read more]
UNITED DISTRIBUTION – компания-дистрибьютор товаров народного потребления, эксклюзивный дистрибьютор брендов Bella, Senni,Symphony, Прелесть Professional, Ушастый нянь, Sendo. [read more]
Компания занимается разработкой интернет-магазинов, веб-приложений для бизнеса, крупных проектов,.. [read more]